It is not easy to break through in battle.

As a protected auxiliary, Arthur seldom fights enemies head-on, and has not experienced a really dangerous battle.

In this battle, even if he was far away from the battlefield of Night's Watch and used the Holy Shield on the guard tower to save people, Arthur's actions were still discovered by Wildling who had smashed into Castle Black.

Yegrit shot undead people several times in a row, all of which was blocked by the pale golden holy light shield.

I scanned the battlefield all around and found no abnormalities.

However, when Arthur used the Holy Shield on people again, the golden rays of light exposed his position in the dark night.

"On the tower, the wizard with the shining hood is on the tower!"

Hearing Ygritte's yelling, all the Wildlings who were caught in a hard fight suddenly saw Arthur.

"Rush up and kill him!" Tormund took the lead bravely, with a fierce Wildling warrior, breakthrough tried to surround their Night's Watch.

Arthur used the Holy Shield to protect it.

Night's Watch on the drill ground suffered few casualties.

But facing the Wildling warrior of these killing people like scything flax, they are not elite rangers, and ordinary Night's Watch is not enough to see them at all.

"Protect Your Highness!"

Knowing that it was Arthur who released the Holy Shield technique several times and saved the soldiers, Alisha Thorne, who was blessed by the blessing of power, hurriedly shouted and rushed away stop.

On the guard tower, Arthur escaped Ygrit and shot a sharp arrow.

I immediately found that someone came down from the Wall.

Jenos Slint’s trash died long ago in the King’s Landing coup, and he didn’t come to Wall as a shame. These six people were led by Glenn and ordered by Jon to guard Wall’s Access door!

With the blessing of power, Alisha Thorne can't beat Tormund, who is known as the nemesis of giants.

When the effect of the Holy Shield on him has passed.

Arthur just ran down from the guard tower without paying attention.

Tormond immediately grabbed the opportunity and slashed the Night's Watch Instructor!

When the soldiers saw this, they quickly dragged away Sir Alisa.

Run down from the guard tower.

Arthur condenses the holy light and maintains it like an arrow. He looks at the Night's Watch, who is still fighting with the enemy, and finds the location of Ygritte, who is pulling the bow and shooting arrows, and immediately raises his hand to fight!

Seeing the holy light arrow flying, Ygritte immediately squatted down*| to avoid.

The arrow condensed by the energy of holy light has no weight. It is not propelled to launch, but is shot out by an explosion of energy. There is no flying inertia of a physical sharp arrow, and the speed is a little lower than that of an ordinary sharp arrow.

She can dodge even real sharp arrows, she can easily dodge holy light arrows.

Arthur felt a little depressed when he saw this.

But he also understands that the self-developed holy light skill is not enough for practice, and must be tested in battle.

Thinking about increasing the speed of the holy light arrow in the future, I immediately opened the bow and shot the arrow at the rising female Wildling.

Selena cut down two Wildlings and walked quickly over, and said to the prince who was not very accurate, "Your Majesty, you should draw your sword!"

Indeed, Arthur said Hein Likai hadn't learned the archery skills at home, so he aimed slowly, and it was difficult to shoot people if he wanted to be faster.

The arrow shot at Ygritte just now, but it fell two steps away from her.

There is no safe environment, and the slow standard is courting death.

Arthur did not draw his sword, nor did he fight the Wildling warrior with the female mercenaries, and said: "Selena, everyone here has the strength and blessings. I am going to support the passage door."


I put a shield on Selena, and immediately ran to the door of Despair Wall.

For this prince running around on the battlefield, Selena is very depressed to protect him. It is obvious that his assistance is needed here. How can trifling Wildling break through the passage door guarded by someone on the Wall?

"Glen, right, I'll help you."

The six of Glenn entered the passage, blessed Arthur, who was blessed quickly on their back feet, and went to the blacksmith to find a big hammer , Appeared behind them immediately.

"His Royal Highness!"

There is a prince to help.

Looking at the tall giant who raised the outer sect and came in, even though most of the six Gulen were full of fear, they could still force themselves to calm down.

"Don't be afraid, I'm sure to deal with him."

As Arthur said, he released the heroic blessings of the new development to the six.

In my heart, the courage I had done before came up. Facing the approaching giant, Glenn fearless chanted the oath of Night's Watch.

"Long night is coming, I will watch from now on..."

Listen to this familiar oath.

Arthur shook the head with a sword in one hand and a hammer in the other. He didn’t want the opponent to rush straight forward, condense the holy light arrow on the tip of the sword, and hit it out, trying to increase the flying speed while fighting. .

The tall giant is completely a target.

The holy light arrow hit his chest without hindrance.

But skin is rough, flesh is thick, and a holy light arrow can’t cause much damage.

Listen to the heavy footsteps.

The iron fence in front of everyone was slammed by the giant, and then the iron fence was broken directly by the big hand!

Everyone was protected by Divine Shield, and Arthur immediately took the lead in the attack.

The iron fence is destroyed!

The giant does not dodge or dodge, with a strong body against the longsword, swipe with big hands!

With holy light covering the whole body for protection and blessing of strength, the six of Gülen are still not enough for the giant to be beaten four or five steps in an instant.

"Fall me down!"

Avoiding the swing, Arthur jumped directly onto the giant's arm, making three moves in two, condensing the Holy Light Power into the big hammerhead. The hammer fiercely waved at his head!

The head was hit hard, and the giant's footsteps were a little unstable, but it waved his arm and Arthur immediately fell back to the ground. If he didn't move quickly to roll, it would definitely be uncomfortable to be slapped in the palm of his hand!

"Let's get on now!" Glenn yelled.

Avoiding the big slap, Arthur got up and pierced the giant's leg with a sword.

Then swung a sledge hammer and hit it, knocking it down immediately.

The six of Glenn attacked aggressively with their swords. The fallen giant had no time to take care of the young man behind him who stabbed him with a sword, and hurriedly waved his big hand to counterattack.

Seeing that the Gulens were beaten up again, and the divine shield that protected them became dimmed, Arthur unceremoniously smashed the hammer into the giant's head again!

Just listen to a muffled*|hum.

The blood-stained giant completely aroused fierceness and stood up abruptly despite the leg injury that was stabbed by the longsword to the hilt.

It's a bit difficult to start.

Arthur simply attacked the joints instead.

Jump up and hit him on the knee!


With a cry, the knee of the giant's left leg was smashed to pieces by Arthur with all his strength!

He fell down again after having injured his leg.

Taking this opportunity, Gülen and the others immediately rushed to kill the giant’s life, but they were still beaten off by the two, their arms blocked three swords, and only Gülen pierced his longsword into him. Back!

"Be careful, he will leave it to me to deal with it."

When Arthur saw this, he slammed another hammer on the giant's left shoulder, breaking his bones, taking advantage of He counterattacked with his right arm, and repeated the same trick, avoiding first and fiercely breaking his left elbow.

Only one injured leg and right arm are left, and the danger of the giant is greatly reduced.

"Help me catch him alive, you go find a few chains."

The young man holding the sledgehammer did not relax.

Because he thought of the death of the red poisonous snake, he remained cautious.

Looking for the weak spot, quickly walked around behind the giant, knocked off the leg bones of his two legs, then blessed himself with the Holy Shield technique and faced his last right arm.

Listen to the loud roar of the giant.

Fearing that the big palm would choke a person to death, interrupting the remaining right arm, Arthur cautiously knocked off his thumb and metacarpal bone before putting down the iron sledgehammer.

"Okay, there should be no danger in this way. Let's tie him up and go back to support outside."

The prince who defeated the giant took the lead and found the chain and rope. The six of Glenn quickly tied him into a big dumpling. be continued...

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