The snow in front of the ice wall is full of burnt corpses.

In the Haunted Forest, you can vaguely see the Wildling silhouette activities stationed there.

Following Arthur's gaze, looking to the right, the few chances that the smoke and dust can't explain much.

"They? Are the reinforcements coming?" Sam Will fatty looked up, but still didn't find the person who the prince said beside him.

At this time, Jon met Mans Reid.

Sit down and have a few drinks, and began to test. Some Wildling kings who wanted to talk about conditions realized that Jon wanted to kill himself.

The tent was filled with people loyal to Mans Reid. He revealed his intention to assassinate, and the vigilant guard immediately drew his sword.


Suddenly there was a horn from the Haunted Forest.

Stand in the outer sect of the Wall channel.

Samwell and Selena still didn't see where the reinforcements Arthur said were, but the enemy blew the horn to show that he was not wrong.

"Hurry up and lead the horse!"

Listening to Arthur's urging, Selena smiled bitterly, turned around and ran to lead the horse with the rapid increase in blessings.

Samwell has seen the flag flying, but he is still cautious: "His Royal Highness, don't be impulsive, now the situation is not clear, let's wait and see for a while before taking action."

Listen With the rush of horseshoes coming from the passage behind him, Arthur shook his head and said: "No, I must fight for myself a chance to speak."

North of Wall is World of Ice and Snow.

The cavalry is running, unlike the Dothraki Sea, south of Westeros, it will create billowing smoke and dust among the horseshoes.

The huge movement of the horse charge made the ground rumbling!

Selena hurriedly led the horse, and now Arthur, who is improving in riding skills, didn't need her to stop. She turned over and jumped onto the horse's back.

"Let's rush!"

Thousands of cavalry rushed into the Wildling camp in Haunted Forest. Arthur and Selena followed in, even a little splash Duo.

But he rushed in just to show and gain the right to speak, not to kill many people.

The longsword in his hand burns flames.

With the blessing, Arthur is unstoppable in the gloomy forest.

Looking for the cavalry banner that charged and killed the enemy.

The soldiers are in chaos, but it is not easy to find someone. Arthur quickly said to Selena who was next to him: "These are the Cavalry of Dragonstone, find where their leader Stannis is."

"Stannis?" Selena frowned. No wonder these cavalrymen were holding the fiery red griffon flag, and then asked in confusion: "Is this Prince Dragonstone proclaiming himself a rebellion?"

Arthur: "Uh...yes."

Selena was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood: "Aren't you afraid of being caught by Stannis?"

He Understand the stubborn character of this prince, once he finds something, he will not change easily, and also know that the Melisandre next to him will not do anything to the Son of Light of the Lakhlo Church.

In that case, what else is Arthur afraid of?

Riding out of Wall to join the offense is actually a performance he wants to get Stannis' approval.

"Wait, I seem to see the banner of Your Majesty!"

While dealing with the Wildling who tried to hurt them, while looking around all around, Selena saw that there was no burning heart. Flag of the Griffin Flag.

"It's not like, our reinforcements are indeed here!"

Following her sight, Arthur directly found the fatty who was waving Warhammer, and he immediately hit the horse. A blessing even*|issued.

Feel the increase in strength.

Robert wielding Warhammer, longsword like Barristan and the others, immediately found Arthur like a light bulb.

To the younger brother who came here, Varian smiled and shook his head: "You should go to the side. You are basically a sledgehammer for this kind of battle."

The fatty King hearing this laughed heartily in front.

Wildling's equipment is very poor. Iron tools are considered good, and most of them use copper weapons or even stone tools.

The cavalry rides a horse galloping past, brandishing a longsword to kill people like cutting grass.

After a while.

Mans Reid was found by Stannis, who commanded the cavalry to attack.

Then he reluctantly put down his weapons and surrendered.

It's not enough to kill, but fatty Robert is very happy to gain the feat of defeating Wildling's 100,000 army.

Back to Castle Black of Night's Watch, King didn’t take off his armor, so he had someone bring King Wildling to the drill ground: "You are the king outside the Great Wall?"

"See King why not kneel?"

The surrender did not appear to surrender, and everyone was very dissatisfied with Mans Reid's attitude.

Looking around the King Jinchen, The North aristocrat and Dragonstone knight who appeared on the drill ground, Mans Reid said hardly: "Free people never kneel."

Listen When he lost the war and chose to surrender, he dared to say this to King of Westeros. Fatty suddenly solemnly asked, "Are you provoking King's majesty?"

Kneeling represents Real surrender, refusing to kneel, means still resisting!

Robert has already given birth to the idea of ​​executing Mans Reid.

Learn what the fatty King around you and most Westeros nobles think.

It’s okay to want military force to conquer Wildling, but Wildling is also a human, and the Others army is approaching Wall. Arthur doesn’t want to continue internal friction, so he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, I have something to tell you."


The unhappy Robert glanced at him, and said impatiently: "If you have something to say."

Arthur looked at the Castle Black drill ground that was full of people, and hesitated: "We You should close Mans Reid first, and wait until you have discussed how to deal with those Wildlings before dealing with his problems."

"Your Majesty, Arthur is right."

The army outside the Great Wall is easy to solve, but if the scattered Wildling crosses the Wall, it will definitely affect the Fiefdom of The North.

"Well then, let's talk in the lobby of Night's Watch."

Return to the castle room and enjoy the warm fire.

"Your Majesty, we only have food for two weeks now, and we simply cannot afford so many Wildling captives." Barristan said solemnly.

Big Jon Amber: "Then kill them all!"

Stannis frowned: "They surrendered. We can't kill the captives."


"They are just a bunch of Wildlings!" Clay Saiwen Road of The North Saiwen family.

Arthur has organized his words at this time, lightly coughed, and said: "Everyone, what benefits can we get by killing all Wildlings?"

"Prevent them from crossing the Wall and causing trouble The North ? But apart from this, what else can we get?"

Here are all the nobles in charge of Fiefdom, who have power. They talk about benefits and are the easiest to be accepted. Even the big Jon · Amber hearing this is also resistant to hearing this. I asked with my heart: "What does your highness mean?"

"As everyone knows, The North is so vast and sparsely populated. If there is a way to digest these Wildlings, would it be better than killing them all?" Arthur looked at Everyone.

Robert coldly snorted shook his head: "Mans Reid did not kneel, which means that Wildling is not willing to surrender, and may resist at any time. What can you do to make those damn Wildling obedient?"

"Why do we have to kneel down?" Arthur said, "It's actually very simple to want them to acknowledge allegiance."

Robert: "What method?"

Arthur said with a smile: "The way to boil frogs in warm water."

"Which warm water to boil frogs?" Robert hated his deliberately mystifying selling.

They are all Westerosi, how could they have heard this fable.

Arthur quickly explained: "Put the frog in a pot of boiling water and it will run away immediately, but if it is slowly heated in a pot of warm water, it will remain indifferent and will not realize that it is being slowly boiled. Familiar."

"This method is good!"

As the acting commander of Night's Watch, Sir Alisa who has left the hall is also eligible to come in. Hearing what the prince said, he raised his hands Agree.

However, the acting commander clearly understood the error.

Arthur, who hopes to join Wildling to deal with Others, quickly explained: "Don’t get me wrong, Sir, I don’t mean to kill those Wildlings."

"Everyone knows the sea. The opposite Essos..."

Dare to leave Wall and negotiate with Mans Reid alone. With the identity of the son of Eddard Stark and the experience of the undercover Wildling army, Jon is also qualified to enter the hall.

Hearing what Arthur said, and most of the noble thoughts, he didn't want to see those innocent Wildlings suffer, he could no longer remain silent.

So he interrupted Arthur's preparations to be inviting, said solemnly: "Your Majesty, Others are coming, we should unite all our forces to deal with Others!"

Arthur: ".... .." be continued......

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