This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 100 Peeves takes the blame

"Expand the library..."

Andrew sighed, looking at the demand in front of him, he just felt a headache.

This matter can actually hit him in a roundabout way - it's outrageous!

Last night, a group of students who were doing odd jobs for Professor McGonagall were called to Professor McGonagall's office, and then after a group of people discussed, they came to this very magical conclusion.

Well - expand the library, the sooner the better.

The specific operation is - use the traceless expansion spell to enlarge the library, and then use magic to reinforce it, and build enough soundproof magic to ensure that students who are willing to walk a little further with their books can study here without being disturbed.

The work they have to do is simpler.

Roughly consider the time required for temporary expansion, confirm the style and number of tables and chairs that need to be moved, and then make a plan and hand it over to Professor McGonagall, and then wait for approval.

Try to complete it in one night so that students who come the next day can study without being disturbed.

This demand almost made Andrew dumbfounded - is it too much?

But the others were very interested. Today, there were three people who came to consider the decoration issue, not counting Andrew.

However, all four of them are laymen...

Hogwarts does not have a subject called architecture - and the magic of magic is that as long as enough protective magic is released, the house will not collapse.

Andrew suspected that this thing was monopolized by the so-called magic nobles - of course, he did not rule out that the advanced courses of Muggle Studies would involve this thing. Anyway, the houses in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade, the commercial streets of the magic world, are very beautiful, and the castle of Hogwarts is not bad either.

'It would be nice if there were relevant personnel in the castle...'

He shook his head and finally chose to give up this job that he was not good at at all. After taking the piled up documents of the other three people and dealing with them, he pushed the remaining work to the three enthusiastic prefects.

'It's strange...Where is Professor McGonagall? She has no class today...Why is she not in the office? '

It stands to reason that expanding the library is not a trivial matter, but Professor McGonagall was not there to give her opinions - it's too strange.



Professor McGonagall looked at the "Magic Legend Magazine" in front of her and nodded with satisfaction.

Previously, it was just a minor incident - even Peeves was not a serious problem, she just read the story and let it go.

But this time was different - the students' enthusiasm for entering the library was a matter of great importance, and she had to take some time to seriously understand this story, which was probably made up.

The result was very satisfactory.

Although the reason why students went to the library was problematic, it was acceptable - they would get used to it after going there for a while.

But compared to Peeves, this story had an obvious disadvantage.

Peeves was there to attract students, but there was no such book in the library - at least Professor McGonagall had not seen or heard of it.

According to the time she spent in the library during her student days - if there really was such a book, she should have seen it, or at least heard of it.

But she didn't...

Unlike Peeves, if there was no feedback, those students would probably lose interest quickly...

This was absolutely not allowed.

Thinking of this, Professor McGonagall decided to make a little contribution to maintaining the learning culture in the school.

She stood up, pushed open the hidden door, and then covered it with magic again - she would stay in this room for a while when she was very angry with Gryffindor.

"It's time to talk to Albus."


"Albus, you are stealing!"

The oil painting in the headmaster's office whispered, "But if you are willing to sign me as the second author, I can testify for you--"

"Shut up, you shameless guy!"

"I was the headmaster at that time, Albus!"

"Shut up, you should have regretted it a long time ago, Armando Dippet!"

Everyone was arguing happily-all headmasters, no one spoiled anyone.

But the problem is-there is only one book.

When Dumbledore was out on business, a group of headmasters who were interested in "Magic Legends" because of Peeves listened to the Sorting Hat reading the magazine left by Dumbledore.

The Sorting Hat, who was watching the fun and not afraid of trouble, put forward a very interesting suggestion.

Let Dumbledore really write a book and hide it in the library-and mark the headmasters who favored the young Dumbledore in the book.

Dumbledore, who was just looking for fun, was suddenly instigated by a group of headmasters to write a book and hide it in the library. But before he started writing, the headmasters behind him were already arguing.

The main reason was that everyone was very idle - the time on the wall was only spent on arguing, except for wandering around other portraits, watching the scenery and attending banquets.

Under the influence of the headmasters of the Gryffindor Department, everyone was quite interested in the issue of signature - just think about it, Dumbledore wrote a book in the library, and then thanked the old headmaster who had a keen eye for pearls at the beginning, and listed him as the second author...

Hiss - once this book is discovered, it will feel too wonderful!

Ghosts have the excitement of ghosts, and headmasters have the romance of headmasters - Dumbledore looked at the headmasters who were talking behind him, and for the first time he didn't want to stay in the office.

Even if he wrote it, who should he let sign it?

Even the first white wizard encountered an unsolvable problem at this moment - how to deal with it?

Fortunately, just when he was distressed and planned to go out and hide for a while, the doorbell of the headmaster's office rang.

Professor McGonagall soon appeared in front of him.

"Albus, we need to talk."


Dumbledore said firmly.

"Then write one, Albus."

Dumbledore looked at Professor McGonagall - it was the first time he heard Professor McGonagall, who advised him to be steady, say such a very Gryffindor word.

"Yes, the library is almost busier than the end of the term," Professor McGonagall nodded affirmatively, "Let's just assume that the library really has such a book."

"That's what I said, Albus, the library really needs it, and then I am willing to sign my name to prove that the thing really exists."

The oil painting behind him interrupted, but soon fell into the ridicule of others.

"Sign it all."

Professor McGonagall was very decisive.

"All signed - that's not a matter of one book, Minerva, everyone will suspect that we did it later."

"Only the fragments are left - Albus collected the fragments of the works of the headmasters, and then compiled them into a book and placed in the library like the hidden book."

"As for the cause of damage, just write Peeves - Albus fought Peeves and got these severely damaged spoils. He learned a lot from them, but because he couldn't confirm which headmaster left them, the knowledge was too profound and messy, so he could only put them together and look forward to the discovery of the destined person."

? ? ?

Isn't this the content of the magazine changed?

The headmasters on the wall stared at Professor McGonagall - they found that she was quite qualified to be a headmaster.

"But how did our book fall into the hands of Peeves?"

"He stole the manuscript during a prank."

This was the content of the previous issue - but everyone was very satisfied.

So a deputy headmaster and most of the headmasters looked at Dumbledore expectantly.

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