This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 103 Dragon and Story

"Norberta, my child..."

Hagrid was crying, bending down and looking at the dragon that couldn't fit in a box - it could already flap its wings and glide for a certain distance, and it really couldn't stay any longer.

"Don't be depressed, Hagrid." Professor Keltburn patted the bent Hagrid on the shoulder. "Sooner or later, she will have to live with her own kind. Hogwarts doesn't have that much fresh food. She doesn’t have a sky where she can fly, so you should be happy. We can go see her during the summer vacation!”

"It won't work during the summer vacation. I can't leave Hogwarts for too long...Aragog and his children need me, the centaurs need me, and the unicorns and thestrals also need me..."

Even Professor Keltborn felt that something was not right.

"Lu Wei has been sent away, and Norberta will be sent away too... wu wu..."

Hagrid's eyes are a little red. Although it will cause dissatisfaction with other little things, Norberta is indeed the least worrying. She is only a little bit bigger (Hagrid ignores that she is heavier than Harry, but Harry and the other three are biting their ears.)

"It can eat teeth in one bite."

Ron commented on the silent dog hiding over there.

But both Harry and Hermione nodded unconsciously - it was true, this dragon was already exaggeratedly big.

Last week, even Professor Keltbourne stopped teaching it - the attacks of dragons of this age cannot be cured by ordinary potions, and even Hagrid was bitten to the point of being temporarily unable to cure it. heal.

Obviously - their evaluation of Yaya was not objective and was influenced by Hagrid.

But this can only be blamed on Hagrid - no normal person could imagine what this poor puppy has been through. A giant spider with legs longer than its body, a ferocious dog with three heads that can swallow it in one bite, a majestic centaur who likes to shoot arrows at every turn, and various people who occasionally come to the hut. A magical creature of level xxxx or level xxxxx.

This is obviously not something a puppy should experience at this age. It is already very brave for him to survive well.

But Hagrid obviously didn't have time to worry about the dog's mood - Professor Keltburn had been comforting him, because there would be a photo shoot next, and then Norberta would be taken away by the people in the reserve.

"Okay, Hagrid, we have to get ready and be happy-"

With constant encouragement, Hagrid finally cheered up and prepared to give his treasure a good gift.

Harry and the others were shocked and ejected - although the photographer was very willing, Professor Keltburn drove them out of the camera range without even asking Hagrid.

"Hell... Charlie came and I was even chased away..."

Ron muttered softly, and Harry curiously compared it and found that Charlie indeed matched the description of his team's old captain - but he didn't quite understand why Charlie didn't continue to develop in Quidditch.

Just as Ron and Harry were whispering, Charlie took a few steps over and messed up Ron's hair with ease, "We can't stay long - bringing a dragon across borders is a very strict matter, even if you get enough approval. ”

"Thank you for looking after Ron, Harry."

He stretched out his hand and shook Harry's hand, "I heard them say that our team is as good as before."

These words made Harry smile suddenly.

"We have to get going, Ron," he rubbed again as he got used to it, "Do your best and let's go."

After he finished speaking, he hurriedly ran towards his teammates - his colleagues from the Ministry of Magic had already begun to urge him.

This is a tolerance, and it is very serious, especially in this situation, the time is stuck extremely accurately, and it is the limit for him to say a few words to his brother.

After all, dragons are one of the most dangerous magical creatures. Even if the school has to name it as a professor, this is still an operation on its own territory - an operation involving communication and handover between two magical worlds, which is very serious.


"Today is another day of overtime work..."

Although he didn't have much work, he still worked overtime - from that day to now, he was allowed to work overtime every day as a punishment for not submitting reports in time.

Meaning - he can complete his homework after finishing the paperwork and get a prefect who he can always ask.

If everything goes well, you can look through the professor's collection of transfiguration magazines for a while, or read the books you brought.

There was no other way. The old professor and Hagrid had to appease him. The professor took the blame for them, and they obviously couldn't go there and stab him in the back.

'The question now is...what should I write about in the new issue...'

Andrew flipped through the magazine absentmindedly, his mind filled with new issues.

What would Dumbledore do in his sixth year?

If it’s the first year after graduation, it’s easier to write—just go out and travel around the world.

But the transition between sixth and seventh grade is really difficult to grasp.

I passed the OWLS exam, I wrote my books, I got into fights, I am invincible in the school, so I can’t go to class, right?

That’s not consistent either, it’s fake at first glance…

Research in medicine - there is no clear record, and how to give up later?

Are you saying that medical treatment can't save the wizarding world?

Are you kidding me - the wizarding legend is going to Azkaban with him?

Therefore, medical treatment must not be touched, and the personality does not match.

Doctors and teachers can't write at the moment, and they have to be high-ranking, so they can only make decisions and start a new timeline when things happen.

Dumbledore in the sixth grade explodes with his power, so I can write some classic battle scenes.

Well, perfect, that's it...'

'How do we decide on the type of battle? '

'The Holy Grail? Not appropriate...'

'A single-player army-breaking is too exaggerated. Once the battle power explodes, there is nothing to write about. It's too fake. '

'It just so happens that the last book integrates Transfiguration and other things, so I might as well make it big this time... I'll go to Egypt to build the pyramids...'

'Well, the kind-hearted Dumbledore encounters the evil black wizard, who is manipulating the Muggles to build the pyramids. Facing the opponent's accumulated power for many years, he chooses to outwit... Well, not appropriate, not happy...'

'Let's start with the wizards who are lured by the black wizard, who gradually discover the opponent's conspiracy, and use Transfiguration to completely change the shape and purpose of the black wizard's worship statues, breaking the opponent's powerful magic, but the statues and pyramids that were forcibly transformed are left there...'

'Okay, the scene is very grand, but it lacks a few famous scenes... This needs to be carefully considered. A few famous scenes will drive the story very smoothly. ’

‘The spoils and benefits can be discussed later… This must be done in advance. ’


Huffman’s voice sounded, “It’s time to go, overtime is over.”

“I’m thinking about a question, but I don’t understand it.”

“It’s okay, even if Professor McGonagall knows, she will praise you.”

Forget it…

Andrew imagined the scene - the incident of making up Dumbledore in Professor McGonagall’s office was scary enough, and he was planning to graduate with all his hands and feet…

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