This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 118 Three Punishments

Andrew was very glad that the Gryffindor prefect who stayed in the office had drafted a notice of expulsion before noon, so that he would not have to do this unpleasant thing after dealing with a bunch of things in the examination room.

However, the pattern still needs to be learned - although no one wants it, the school basically has to issue one or even several after the OWLs exam every year.

The expulsion did not even exceed the afternoon - at noon, Professor McGonagall signed the official expulsion document, and the elf packed up all the student's luggage and handed the controlled student and luggage to the Ministry of Magic's striker.

This means that this matter has been recognized by both the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts - absolutely no one can turn back the situation under such circumstances.

At the same time, the notice of expulsion was also posted on the bulletin board in the lounge of each college as a warning to other students.

But, unfortunately, it is not an isolated case.

In the examination room of the history of magic on the last day, Andrew, who thought that this exam would be passed peacefully after that little setback, was frightened by the five examiners while thinking in the examination room.

They approached the examination room with serious expressions, and then showed Andrew a document.


Andrew felt his eyes go dark when he saw the document.

Top secret document, Felix Felicis test report.

At the top of the document, it was clearly notified that no one was allowed to study, discuss, or disclose knowledge related to this content.

The test report clearly stated that according to the analysis of the paper signed by the previous examinee, it was confirmed that the examinee had taken the banned drug Felix Felicis before the exam.

"Is there no possibility of error?"

Andrew realized that he had said something stupid after saying this.

"It won't be wrong, we will conduct a second test."

The examiners' expressions were very serious - Andrew finally understood why he only saw some people invigilating.

He sighed, shook his head, and signed his name on the report.

Then, the light of the spell flashed - the examinee was controlled and taken out of the examination room for a second test.

Professor McGonagall also rushed to the scene at Andrew's notice, quietly waiting for the results.

There was no need to even call him stupid this time - the office didn't even need to draft a notice of expulsion. After the test report came out, the examiner took the student out of the examination room and handed over an arrest warrant to the school.

There was no need for a trial - after the truth serum found out the source and purpose of the Felixir, the striker took him directly to Azkaban.

If you are confused and prepare to use cheating props, you will be expelled, but preparing banned drugs such as Felixir in advance and taking them on the day of the exam is a serious violation of discipline. After the examiners confirm that it is correct, you will be sent directly to Azkaban.

There are even fixed provisions for the specific sentence - Andrew had read the documents sent by the Wizard Administration before the exam.

But this kind of thing is forbidden to be preached - the reason given by the Examination Administration is that giving specific cheating methods will promote the birth of more methods and the exploration of unregulated areas by candidates. The school can only warn and use common cheating props as examples.

But Andrew was powerless to complain, it was almost over and he had a big one - he just felt tired at the moment.

The candidate sent to Azkaban spent a lot of money to hide his identity and bought a bottle of ordinary quality Felixir, just to pass the History of Magic exam...

Students who are not proficient in potions can't even know the name of this potion! To put it bluntly, ordinary students don't even have the qualifications to know it. It's enough to pass the potion by self-study!

He shook his head, said goodbye to the professor, and then returned to the examination room and stood his last shift - confirming the papers for the last time, confirming the names and seat numbers filled in by the candidates.

After that, he arranged for the elves to clean up the tables and chairs, clean up, seal all the seats, and then return to Professor McGonagall's office.

"Although it still can't be avoided, the exam is considered a successful end. After sending Professor March and others with me tomorrow morning, you can take a week off and come back to schedule - the same goes for Andrew."

Professor McGonagall's expression has returned to calm - she is used to encountering students who don't listen to advice. When Hogwarts recruits students, it faces the entire magical society. It's impossible not to get used to this kind of thing.

To be precise, more than half of the prisoners in Azkaban have called her professor. If she hadn't adapted, she would have been unable to continue working.

Hogwarts is different from Muggle schools - if you have to make an analogy, it is a place that accommodates all types of people eliminated and accepted by all Muggle schools.

The news of vacation undoubtedly diluted the sense of loss of Andrew and the other three people - this came from the fact that they almost handled the procedures for expelling two students in person.

"Yes, professor."

As for who will do the job - two freshly baked sixth-grade prefects.

Andrew doesn't mind anyway.


"Ah, a long two weeks - sadly, the final exam is coming soon."

Huffman sighed. He was not taken away from his examination room, and the report was not drafted by him, so he was the least affected.

"It's a holiday, but we need to review - Andrew, how are my notes?"

"It works great, but I still need to use them for two days."

"Don't worry, I won't need them at the end of the semester, just return them to me before the holiday..."

The three of them walked and chatted, and then they saw two bright red hairs.


Huffman shouted nervously - the twins need to be strictly guarded during the exam. Although there was a talk beforehand, nothing can happen on the last day!

"What are you two doing sneakily?"

Huffman took the lead, and the female class leader, who was originally in a bad mood, also picked up the energy at this moment and stared at the two of them.

"Just a casual stroll, don't worry, there will be no accidents before the examiner leaves."


What kind of words are these?

Gryffindor is currently the college with the fewest credits!

But the two class leaders relaxed their expressions at once, as if they had made some great promises.

"That's good, anyway, it's not my turn next week... cough cough..."

Huffman found that he had let the cat out of the bag, and coughed hard to cover it up.

But the twins acted as if they didn't hear it.

"Absolutely not!"

"Yes, absolutely not!"

The two responded in a serious manner.

But until they left, Huffman's eyes were full of suspicion.

"Not really?"

Andrew asked.

"As for, quite as for - the third item, I doubt they can do it."

The third item?

Being expelled and having their wands broken, and then being tried by the Inquisition?

That would involve human life, right?

No, that cheating report also has that.

Attack the examiner and use the examiner to cheat - including but not limited to the Imperius Curse, love potions, Legilimency...



It seems... not unreasonable?

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