This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 125 Year-end Banquet

The end-of-semester celebration, or end-of-year party, was held before results were released - Andrew suspected it was to put everyone in a good mood.

However, Andrew and the others are considered to be among the few insiders in the field, because the results have been summarized and are waiting to be released.

There are no first-year students who need to repeat a grade, but those from other grades do. As for those whose grades are so bad that they need to be expelled - that standard is too low, and Andrew can't think of anyone who will. In fact, the scores of those who have repeated a grade are enough to surprise him.

He couldn't let it out anyway, so he just thought he was a freebie - he even suppressed his curiosity and didn't look at his roommate's grades to avoid feeling uncomfortable.

The auditorium was decorated early by elves in Slytherin style. There is no doubt that they won the championship again this year.

The second place is Ravenclaw, but the score gap is a bit big - there is nothing we can do, Professor Snape's little tricks are really difficult to deal with.

The third place went to Gryffindor who won the Quidditch match, but unfortunately, they had too much fun on Christmas.

As for Hufflepuff, how many points is it compared to Gryffindor? There's nothing you can do about it. Under Professor Snape's scoring rules, more points will be deducted for more people. You have to suffer this loss...

‘This year we also had a number of scholarship awards and a speech from the Minister of Magic…’

Andrew thought about it in his mind, and then ignored it - he wasn't the one to receive it anyway, Percy volunteered to go up.

Eating and drinking is the main business today - there is pistachio flavored ice cream today, which is a super limited edition, and Andrew is looking forward to it.

But before that - "Please, please give way..."

A polite photographer was there talking quietly to the ghost.

He was looking for a suitable angle to prepare for today's photo - it looked like it was not straight at first glance, otherwise he would have scolded the students now.

‘He’s a bit clumsy. It’s probably because of yesterday’s report that he temporarily took over the job – after all, front-line reporters have too many tasks. ’

After all, he was a headstrong headmaster who could demand a grant at the end of the school year, and Andrew had noticed Dumbledore's presence.

Sure enough, after Dumbledore went up to speak for a few words, he happily invited Fudge to come up.

"When did Fudge come?"

Hughes asked curiously.

"The photographer will come during the decoration, so you have to pay more attention to the environment."

Hal explained happily in a low voice.

"...I'm so happy to see you enthusiastic students, it reminds me of my days living and studying at Hogwarts...I'm glad you all have a..."

"What did he want to say?"

Hughes frowned - the speech was a bit long, causing everyone except the Slytherin students to feel a little bored.

"...So, the Ministry decided to use the name of the Ministry of Magic to provide everyone with an honor and corresponding incentives..."

'In the name of the Ministry of Magic...'

Andrew sighed. Although he knew it yesterday, he was still looking forward to Fudge himself naming the name today - when the Ministry of Magic changes the Minister and wants to change the name, he can still get a name change fee, but unfortunately the Ministry is not stupid...

It is an honor to give someone a personal name, and there is a high probability that the name will be changed once the minister is changed. However, if the title is given in the name of the department, no one will forget the person who initiated it later.

"I will announce the winners and Minister Fudge will present the awards."

Professor McGonagall went up to speak with joy - Professor McGonagall, who had always been informal and smiling, was like this, so you knew how serious the blackmail was this time.

"First up is the Gryffindor team that won the Quidditch Cup this year!"

A bunch of silly-looking students stood on the Gryffindor table. Wood was the captain of Gryffindor - Andrew saw him report to the office several times and almost jumped onto the stage.

With Percy holding the plate, Fudge presented them with medals and small money bags one by one.

They were followed by the sixth graders - top overall and top in each subject.

This is okay, there are a lot of people. After all, the subjects are divided into different classes, and there are many talents in the advanced class, and then there is the fourth grade (there is no exam in the fifth grade, and Andrew almost laughed out loud when he saw Percy being so stupid...)

The fourth grade is okay. Although there are only three people, it seems okay.

In the third year, things were different. Hufflepuff's Cedric stood there in a daze, collecting Fudge's medals one after another, and almost even lost his wallet.

The second grade students also went up, three of them.

"First grade, first overall score, Miss Hermione Granger... first place in Charms class, Miss Hermione Granger..."

After a series of firsts, Andrew's name was read, "First in Transfiguration, Mr. Andrew Taylor."

Andrew stood up from the table, walked up quickly, and accepted the medal and money bag.

"It seems a bit regretful that the fifth grade students did not join." Fudge smiled and unfolded a piece of parchment. "Fortunately, I thought about this issue and got one in advance from the Examination Administration. It's pretty reliable. 's list.

He cleared his throat, "Estimated first place in overall score, Percy Weasley, first place in Charms class, Percy Weasley..."

"Oh, Merlin's socks," Fudge said with an easy smile on his face, "If I hadn't been too familiar with Ms. Marchbane, I would have thought he was joking with me - first in all subjects, Percy Way Sly."

"Well, Percy Weasley is over there, please come up to the stage."

Andrew saw that Percy's face was a little too rosy from a close distance. It was obvious that Fudge now asked him to kill a dozen Death Eaters without any hesitation.

But now he couldn't introduce himself, and Andrew couldn't do anything either - fortunately, Cedric, who was closest, whispered a reminder, and Fudge responded quickly.

"Oh my God, my God, this is Percy Weasley, kid, you are so humble."

Where's the medal! Where's the fifth grade medal!

It can't be that Fudge came up with it on impulse, even if it was, he should have informed the school! Otherwise, the medals can't be ordered!

Fortunately, Fudge did communicate - although Andrew didn't know, his assistant came happily with the medals and purse, and Percy joined the ranks of the award recipients, standing there proud and a little shy, looking very happy.

"I can survive..."

Andrew heard a whisper from the back of the team, it was the twins.

"With this medal, at least you can go home during the summer vacation, as long as your grades are not too bad."

Fred and George whispered, "After all, Ron has nothing..."

You two...really...

Andrew couldn't help but think back. He remembered that the professor was very concerned about the grades of these two people at that time, fearing that they would accidentally repeat the grade.

Well, he was the one who graded the papers, and it seemed to be T (very bad)?

Professor McGonagall hesitated, and finally did not change it - because they didn't have to repeat the grade.

Uh...I wish you good luck in the summer vacation.

He prayed silently for the two of them.

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