This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 134 Fair and Reasonable

Hagrid can be regarded as a super reliable support staff - this is something Andrew did not expect at all.

It wasn't that Andrew looked at people through some strange colored glasses, but that the dragon impressed him too deeply.

But in less than three days, all kinds of building materials had been transported and piled up in an orderly manner - Andrew, who had never studied magical creatures, didn't know what to call those big and docile camel beasts. name.

Fortunately, Percy was pulled over and told him that this creature was a hybrid and had the blood of Iser.

These materials were easily unloaded from the transport truck by magic, and then piled on the ground raised by the transfiguration spell. Andrew and the others only needed to count the numbers. The transport personnel even took over the task of conjuring the awning.

Professor Adams, on the other hand, stayed on top of the pile of materials crisply and neatly, even taking care of meals nearby. He was so energetic that both Andrew and Percy admired him - although Andrew didn't know why someone would get the idea after someone invaded the castle. The least valuable building materials, but he still showed respect.

"I've never seen a house built using magic, and Hogwarts doesn't teach it."

Andrew leaned back on his chair and looked at the mountains of materials, "What kind of miracle will this be..."

Not counting material preparation, the construction period is only two weeks - only the two miracles named after mountains can crush them steadily. It can only be said that magic is indeed convenient.


Percy glanced at Andrew, "Yes, what kind of magical miracle can compare with Dumbledore... Professor will return to school tomorrow?"

It’s a confusing conversation, but it can continue.

"Yes, we have arranged for the construction team to start work, and it seems that we have also added it to the castle's protection - anyway, it is said that the greenhouse needs a long time of adjustment to stabilize."

"Protection, indeed," Percy smiled a little happily, "those Hufflepuff guys are very busy this year. It is estimated that the sixth and seventh years have to come here every day to cast spells to strengthen the new greenhouse."

Magical protection can be superimposed. Although the effect is getting worse and worse, it is still useful after all. The construction team can only add a layer of protective magic after the construction is completed, and there must be strong men from Lahchipachi behind it.

There is no way, the destructive power of students is too great, even without graduates, a student who has finished his second year of study has the ability to use magic to kill people - even expansion spells without specific effects can be effective on adult Muggles, and even more Not to mention ordinary objects without any magical protection.

If Hogwarts didn't have so many magical protections, the students' fighting alone would be enough to tear the school apart, not to mention fighting.

Of course, ignoring a certain Gryffindor who lost his wallet in the first place...

Percy suddenly felt something malicious in Andrew's eyes.

"Don't think about it, I'm too exhausted to even add a few more."

"Don't have that weird idea," Andrew looked at Percy confidently, "Who asked you to care about that? I was thinking about the follow-up to catching the interceptor."

To catch the Interceptor, we have to wait until Professor McGonagall comes back. Percy can't cast a spell. Andrew has calculated that there is a high probability that he won't be able to defeat him. Since it's difficult to spread the word, he can only wait for the professor to come back and add positioning magic or a small curse on the letter. Control everything together with the person and the letter, and then we can talk about it.

"The follow-up to catching..."

Percy responded half-heartedly and froze in place - he hadn't had time to think about this problem.

The recovered Garen, correspondence with his girlfriend, reporting to his family that he was safe, and work at school, these things took up most of his time. Only now did he notice that the so-called interceptor was not a separate thing, but An existence that can easily cause trouble.

Yes... Harry's letter cannot disappear out of thin air. Either the Ministry of Magic intercepts it or some strange person tries to intercept it. The latter is fine, but what will happen if the former is caught?

"Will there be a quarrel?"

"How is that possible?"

Andrew looked at Percy with surprise in his eyes - no, he was the one who said after counting money with him that people from the Ministry of Magic spent money like running water. How could he be so childish?

"Of course we need to find someone to take the blame. Well, find someone to take responsibility, then deal with the operator and the person in charge together, and provide some compensation in other aspects. In the end, everyone can happily cooperate together."

If it were anyone else who had different opinions than his own, Percy would definitely sneer at it, but Andrew had succeeded in front of him after all - so after Percy's expression changed several times, he still asked.


"Because that's how things are, and they comply with the rules - not on paper, but in reality. For example, we passers-by may not be aware of the pickpockets in the nearby streets, but gamblers who hang out in bars all year round will most likely be very interested. Because they stay there every day.

“Similarly, when we ask each other normally or even ask for money, we may hide it to avoid trouble, but when we are threatened, most people will choose to throw the trouble out instead of carrying it themselves.

"For another example, the reason you haven't seen thieves and liars all year round is not because they think you are a Gryffindor prefect or student, but because your father does work in the Ministry of Magic."

"Does this matter?"

No matter how high Percy's defense was, he was still beaten to the red temperature by a series of attacks.


Andrew leaned back in the chair and stretched comfortably.

"Since gamblers will sell thieves for their own safety, and cheaters will give up their income because of the Ministry of Magic's troubles, it is normal for the Ministry of Magic to sell off its staff because the school is too troublesome."

"This is different..."

"There's nothing different, it's all the same. If you can't handle Dumbledore, you have to learn to compromise. There may be some friction in the middle, but the end result is still compromise. This is how the wizarding world is."

"It seems to make sense...but how are you sure that's the case?"

After considering the glorious deeds of the current Minister of Magic and the legend of Dumbledore, Percy decided to accept Andrew's statement. It's just that everyone took Hogwarts courses. How do you know this?

"There are some messy clubs in our college... I accidentally entered a messy place before and found out that they were all rubbish, so I naturally learned about it."

"Finding out they're trash?"

Go in and learn from Percy, dare to say that no one can learn from him, but find that the other person is garbage and then realize this?

"Well, yes, there is a quick tutorial..."


"In the next semester, after studying their theory seriously for a week, you will sign off on their activity venue and funding."

? ? ?

The front is normal, but what's going on behind?

"Compare their expressions before and after, and if you think about it again, you can probably understand."

Disenchantment is a basic operation--according to Percy's previous power-obsessed behavior, it would be strange not to be sold. Let him sober up and treat him as his wages for these two weeks, no thanks.

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