This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 137 Ritual Magic

"It's so complicated..."


Andrew echoed Percy. In front of them, a group of wizards were walking around the broken land, with extremely serious expressions and muttering words.

This is not some divine chatter, but a magical ritual.

In fact, the two-week construction period took a whole week just to work on this - all kinds of expensive metal, stone or wooden materials, runes engraved on the materials, various kinds of materials sprinkled into the soil. Planting herbs and messy blood of magical creatures, as well as the coordinated chanting of a team of wizards.

The ritual is obviously not a lie - Dumbledore is watching from above, who can deceive him with magical rituals?

Under the influence of the ceremony, the products arranged in the previous few days emitted a faint blue light, and then everything began to melt slowly, integrating with the land under the gaze of Andrew and the others.

The previously excavated ground began to gradually recover. Except for the fact that the vegetation above was completely destroyed, it was not even possible to see that the land had been enchanted.

"The power of ritual...has basically disappeared from official textbooks..."

He only learned about this after reading the extracurricular materials given by Professor McGonagall - compared with the speed of casting spells now, the materials required for the ceremony are complicated, the preparation time is long, and even need to cooperate with a series of external factors such as the environment and the moon phase. It is really It's extremely inconvenient.

But the corresponding effect is a miraculous effect - such as the ritual magic of transformation and Animagus transformation that Andrew read about.

Not to mention the materials and time required for the transformation spell, just the need to cooperate with the storm to complete it is enough to give people a headache, but the effect is also surprisingly good. It can directly give the wizard wandless casting level human body transformation spell through ritual effects, and No spellcasting is required to maintain the transformation.

Shaking his head, Andrew tried to bring his thoughts back - ritual magic was still a little far away from him, and it would be reckless to just watch the transformation of the creature at the entrance and not learn to consider it.

But for now, we still have to take a closer look at this team-casting technique, after all, they look very pleasing to the eye when they cast spells together.

The stones were lifted high by magic, and then spliced ​​together in the air, followed by the injection of lime mortar - all of this was controlled by magic in mid-air, just like building blocks.

'No wonder the remaining construction period is enough... As long as the protection of ritual magic is set up, the rest is just professional building blocks...'

Of course, this just means that the amount of the project does not seem large - it has nothing to do with whether it is complex or not.

It’s not like Andrew has never seen the buildings in Diagon Alley before. Magic can only guarantee the firmness and has nothing to do with the beauty. It may even promote the birth of ugly buildings to a certain extent...

After all, as long as you are brave and add enough protective magic, you can build any house without collapsing...


Andrew complained about the typical existence that brought down the appearance of houses in the wizarding world, the Burrow. Mrs. Weasley had a bit of worry in her eyes.

"I don't know how Percy is doing..."

"It must be good, Mom, elves are good at cooking."

Ron answered almost without any thought - he was having such a happy time these days, Harry was in the room, there was no Percy in the room, and he occasionally rubbed his brother's broom...

However, this answer obviously made Mrs. Weasley very unhappy - although she had also dined at Hogwarts and recognized the elf's cooking skills, it was really strange to receive such a comment after making a sandwich in the morning. Makes people unhappy.

"How did you finish your homework?"


Before Ron could find an excuse, his butt was already hurting. "I haven't finished my homework well. It's been a few days since the summer vacation. Percy has gone to school to help the professor. How about you!"

If Harry could still survive, but now - he and his twin brother discussed celebrating Harry's birthday and deliberately tricked Harry into helping organize the books. There was no rescue.

"I was just thinking about celebrating Harry's birthday!"

They originally planned to do some forbidden things secretly - such as taking Harry for a drive at night to celebrate his birthday. The three of them thought it was cool, but now in order to save their butts, Ron had to change his plan.

"Happy birthday to his birthday coming soon?"

Mrs. Weasley stopped chasing, "That's really a celebration. I have to go to the store."

"Oh, Ron, you messed everything up."

Fred looked at his brother and just wanted to hit someone, "Percy was finally deceived, and you actually became a traitor!"

"If we don't tell mom, our summer vacation will be over."

"We can wait until we drive. We'll have an excuse if we get caught, but now you've destroyed that excuse!"

"Is this still possible?"

Ron looked surprised - he never thought that this was the reason why the two people talked about keeping it secret.

"Why do you think we can only get that few points deducted in school?"

George shook his head, "If you tell anyone about the car again, Ron, I'm going to tell Harry about your bedwetting."

"How dare you!"


"Andrew's package?"

Neville opened the package carefully - he had a good time during this holiday, especially because he had a lot of academy points deducted for fighting, which made his relatives more fond of him.

Although it sounds strange, it's true - their regret is not even that Gryffindor didn't win the House Cup, but that he couldn't cast a spell to show them.

So the number of birthday gifts he received this year was not small, but Andrew's was one of the few that Hogwarts received.

'What is it? The package is very big...'

A set of hardcover Herbology books appeared in front of him, as well as a greeting card.

[Forgive me for asking several professors who know the situation. Professor Sprout praised your talent, so I bought these introductory Herbology courses recommended by Professor Adams.

In addition, the school built a new greenhouse. Since it is the first year of use, there are many empty spaces. I am very happy that Professor Adams agreed that you can go and observe the use of those empty spaces. If you like, the time from 5 o'clock in the morning to before breakfast is working time, and you can go to the greenhouse to study.

I hope you don't blame me for taking the initiative. I wish you a happy birthday again.

——Andrew Taylor. 】


Neville was stunned. He had a lot of fun fighting this year. Although he always had some ideas about herbs, he didn't dare to show them. It's not appropriate for a Gryffindor who likes to rush to the front in group fights to like greenhouse work.

But... since it was a friend's invitation, there was nothing I could do.

Neville didn't even open the book, and started writing a reply on the table.

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