This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 140: Is there a new path after the Philosopher's Stone?

Although he wanted to stay quiet and do nothing, his damn thirst for knowledge took over Andrew.

An interview mode that was almost dominated by him - which Ravenclaw could bear such temptation?

That was the first white wizard...

Even if Andrew would not ask any extraordinary questions about Transfiguration because of Professor McGonagall's warning, the knowledge in other areas was really fascinating.

Who could stand it?

Andrew couldn't anyway.

'It's time to test my acting skills. '

He said so to himself, then packed up and went to the library - the current library was so quiet that even if a professor came to get a book occasionally, he would not enter the bookshelf to read.

'Then, let's get started. '


"Hogwarts, I'm back."

Yon looked at the shadow of Hogwarts Castle in the distance, and his heart was extremely excited.

Six years after graduation, he was now a formal reporter, and even got a chance to interview Dumbledore - what an honor!

After checking his clothes again and making sure his wizard robe was not stained with any dust, he walked towards the road leading to the school in Hogsmeade under the impatient urging of the photographer.

"Who do you think will pick us up?"

In order to relieve his nervousness, he asked the photographer.

"Probably Hagrid. Didn't you receive the reply from the school yesterday? Didn't you read it carefully?"

The photographer's tone was a bit overbearing - not because of his personality, but because of the editor-in-chief's request before departure.

He had to suppress this guy who was barely qualified all the time and make him ask questions according to the agreed things.

Why did he use young reporters?

Isn't it because he is obedient and can not ask his own questions, but ask questions according to the full parchment of the one who praises potatoes?

A guy who has graduated for a while and has been smoothed out is useful - he looks like he can ask those questions, but he dares not ask questions outside the manuscript.

Who would have thought that the one who praises potatoes actually has so many questions!

But if there is, then there is - he is responsible for promoting Dumbledore's legendary work, and the salary increase during this period is very satisfactory. Just ask, the more new issues, the better the sales, and he can also benefit from it!

Yoen didn't feel anything. The opportunity was rare, and it was normal to limit the questions - the most important thing was that they were going to meet Dumbledore this time!

But to his surprise, the person who came to greet him was not only Hagrid, but also a young boy, and it was even the young boy who took the initiative to greet him.

"Good morning, sir - are you the staff of "Magic Legends" magazine?"

"Yes, we have an appointment."

The invitation letter and the reply were verified one by one, and then the two were invited to get on the carriage and flew towards Hogwarts.

"Hello, I am a part-time assistant in the vice-principal's office, a second-year Ravenclaw, Andrew Taylor."

In the carriage, Yoen heard the short man introduce himself - he suddenly understood why the other party was short.

It turns out to be a little brat...

He subconsciously wanted to show the momentum of a senior, but before he could stand up straight, he was suppressed by the pressure of the photographer behind him.

However, these little episodes were ignored by the second-year student.

"Although Dumbledore doesn't mind some out-of-line questions, the school is not willing to have these unpleasant things appear - so, I think we still have to have a final communication before the interview begins, after all, you..."

The short guy turned his head and stared at John - the serious look reminded him of the conversation when he was instructed yesterday.

John naturally knew what was omitted - the so-called autobiography of his own magazine...

"In addition, there should be no negative reports and some unwarranted interpretations. Of course, gossip is absolutely prohibited. There is no need to say more about this, right?"

This momentum... It seems like someone is going to be expelled...

"Of course, there won't be!"

John agreed firmly.

"Also, it's better to be serious in the photo. Although Headmaster Dumbledore is kind, but..."

"No problem!"

'Very good... Worthy of my disposable contact lenses imitating Professor McGonagall...'

In order to make work communication smoother, Andrew even spent half a day adjusting this thing, making it feel like Professor McGonagall is working in an oppressive manner.

The contact lenses plus the deliberately imitated eyes have an outstanding effect.


"Please come in, Dumbledore is waiting in the office."

Andrew's tone became a little more cheerful, as if the previous stern personality did not exist.

'I hope Professor Dumbledore is not eating snacks, otherwise all the preparations will be in vain...'

With this attitude to relax himself, Andrew shouted the command and knocked on the door of the headmaster's office.

Fortunately, Dumbledore did not have the habit of falling behind in serious moments. When Andrew brought reporters here, their dear headmaster's desk was rarely placed with two piles of documents, one high and one low!

Stop, Headmaster, you have such a big smile on your face. You should handle half of the documents with an apologetic smile and push the two piles of documents aside, instead of moving the documents away happily!

However, this shot of Dumbledore working is destined to be unavailable - those documents can only serve as the background.

Next, he will have a hard time handling it. He can only stand behind the photographer and wait for the reporter to ask questions.

If there are questions that should not arise or words that are easily ambiguous, he will be responsible for interrupting and allowing the conversation to continue - but he has checked those questions on the way, and they look very familiar...

"Headmaster Dumbledore, do you think there is an end to magic?"

"Is there any possibility of their unification?"

“What is the future development trend of herbalism?”

"Will the Potions Automatic Crucible have better development in the future?"

"Does the emergence of the Philosopher's Stone in alchemy mean the end of alchemy? What are the prospects for the development of emerging alchemy?"

"Do you have any suggestions for the so-called enchantment of Muggle machinery?"

"What are the general employment trends for Hogwarts graduates in the future?"

Since Professor McGonagall has warned not to be too ambitious in transfiguration, then just ask about alchemy - Andrew is very concerned about the future.

If it were not restricted by the secrecy law, he would like to know how electricity and communication from Dumbledore's perspective should enter the magical world, and what things would be combined with it.

What will these things do to the wizarding world - if Voldemort dies, will Dumbledore concentrate on studying the magic of these Muggle things?

What kind of spark will this create? What kind of future will it forge?

Could the sun be more easily replicated with the help of magic?

Using alchemical equipment, can carbon dioxide be used to break through the chain that has locked the transfiguration for too long and cannot produce food?

He really wants to know, when new theories are proposed and integrated into the magic system, will the old transfiguration building collapse, or will a brand new system be established?

There are too many... How can I ask all the questions...

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