This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 142: No and Cannot

"He actually went to interview him - and took a photo with Dumbledore."

"Yeah, this title does have a legendary flavor."

When the new issue of the magazine came out, it naturally became the focus of everyone's discussion - although the legend of Dumbledore was temporarily suspended, in the past year, authors who imitated the style of writing also began to serialize in Magic Legend, and the current sales of the magazine are still acceptable.

"Have you seen the original interview with the reporter at the back?"

"I saw it, but I didn't understand it."

"Same, it turns out that it's not just me."

Everyone praised the reporter, the questions were in-depth, and the interpretations were interesting enough - of course, everyone did not include the insiders of Hogwarts.

For example, Professor McGonagall.

At this moment, Andrew looked at Professor McGonagall staring at the manuscript in the magazine, and the professor was frowning while reading.

"Is there any connection between the original interview and this report?"

"I don't think so, professor."

"But it still passes..."

Professor McGonagall put down the magazine - well, a positive image, not involving religion and politics, no ridicule, but is there something wrong?

Why can interviews be written like legendary stories? Is this a feature of the magazine?

She told Andrew and took the magazine straight to Dumbledore's office, startling Dumbledore who was writing a letter.

"What happened, Minerva?"

"Interview, have you read it, Albus?"

"Is there a problem?"

The Magic Legend Magazine has not done anything too outrageous in the past year, and the questions in that interview were also carefully prepared, so he did not read it immediately, but was busy with business - his old friend Nicolas Flamel wrote to him yesterday, and considering that Nico only left part of the elixir, he must face this matter seriously.

"There are some things that are not easy to understand..."

Professor McGonagall pushed the magazine to Dumbledore, and then looked at the office with scrutiny - on the empty table were various alchemical props that were no longer precious, and the table was also given countless protections.

The most conspicuous one was a phoenix named Fawkes, who looked a little old, but no one would ignore it.

She even used Transfiguration to create a cup - it fell to the ground and easily broke into many pieces, but still did not return to the state of parchment.

"What happened, Minerva?"

Dumbledore, who was still reading seriously, was disturbed by the sound of the cup falling and looked up.

'Are there a lot of documents recently? '

'No meeting? '

'Although the investigation is a bit exaggerated, it is not much different from usual, right? '

But, if everything is normal, why would Minerva break a cup in his office?

Even the former headmasters were alarmed - they looked at Professor McGonagall in surprise, staring at Dumbledore, even with a bit of blame.

What did you do again, why did the good-tempered Minerva start to break the cup?

"A little test."

Professor McGonagall pointed at the cup, her face was a little red, she waved her hand gently, and the cup turned into parchment and returned to the table.

She would not be so out of control in the past, it was really that the description was a bit horrifying.

A handshake can cause the multi-flavored beans to come alive - only the top Transfiguration scholars know what level this is.

Even looking at the report, it is a leaked power!

This means that Dumbledore can reproduce a Transfiguration puppet army at any time if he wants! The power of changing death into life is mastered by only a few wizards in the entire magical world, let alone reaching an unprecedented level!

But the cup was broken - so it must be fake.

‘A little test? Albus, what did you do wrong? How long have we retired? Don’t work on documents with you in the office! ’

The headmasters were silent, and Dumbledore accepted this explanation and read on without asking any more questions - until the cup in the story was also thrown away.

“Ah, Minerva, no cup was knocked off, and Taylor did not make such a mistake - please wait a moment, I have to see if there is anything else that is not true in this report.”

It was okay at first, after all, a legend is used to it, but this is a bit...

Why should I cast a spell on a bag of multi-flavored beans?

Although it is interesting... it seems... no, it can’t be.

"No multi-flavored beans were affected by Transfiguration, and I didn't cast a spell on the reporter by shaking hands - that would be too rude."


Professor McGonagall stared at Dumbledore, "Instead of not being able to?"

"It can be done with some effort..."

"The maintenance of the Transfiguration statues and the maintenance of the protective magic need to be completed within this holiday, Albus..."

Professor McGonagall's eyes were sharp - although she had guessed, she had never imagined that Dumbledore would reach such a level in Transfiguration.

"It will be completed within two weeks, Minerva."

"Well, please continue to work, Albus."

Professor McGonagall nodded and left Dumbledore's office in a not very happy mood.

"Why did you take the opportunity to joke with the reporter..."

"And the reporter wrote it down!"

"Let the Sorting Hat read the interview transcript, Albus!"

"The existence of reporters is really..."

"Work hard in the next two weeks, Albus."

After being persuaded by everyone, Dumbledore was a little suspicious of what he had done to the reporter - no, it was all made up like a legend!

But looking at the title, even the most serious people can't harshly accuse the other party of relying on making up stories to write interviews.

"Multi-flavor beans..."

A drawer opened automatically when Dumbledore sighed, and a brand new bag of multi-flavor beans flew out and opened on Dumbledore's desk. As Dumbledore tapped his fingers on the desk, countless multi-flavor beans began to jump on the desk, lifted the "Magic Legend" to one side, and then played with each other.

"There's still a long way to go..."

Dumbledore looked at the jumping beans, "It's just ordinary life, not magical life. Even with a magic wand, it can only turn them into magical life on fixed-shaped existences such as sculptures."

Life can be easily harvested under the influence of magic, but magical life will not - it is even so strong that it can only be wiped out by top-level black magic.

But if it's just about pursuing power, what's the difference between that and Gellert's proposition?

Besides, Transfiguration is not good at this...

"We should try to find a way to kill Tom... and then watch the young people grow up from generation to generation..."

Dumbledore smiled and canceled the spell - the beans were scattered all over the table.

He picked up one, bit it, and then his face changed, but he didn't spit it out in the end.

"Lemon flavor... really..."

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