This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 145 Caterpillars, caterpillars, and caterpillars

"Wait a minute...Andrew."

When Percy and Andrew returned to Hogsmeade and walked towards the school, Percy, who looked back from time to time, finally seemed to remember something.

"What's wrong?"

"Well...the potion you brought...isn't it a bit too much?"

Percy looked a little strange as he held up the potion he spent three galleons to buy.

"Fortunately, after all, I imagined a lot of scenes."

"So," Percy was lost in thought, "You have already made a plan? The hospital is too - it's too close!"

"And these medicines - wounds from Muggle wands, poisons..."

When the love affair subsided, Percy's IQ returned a lot, "So you already thought I would be hurt?"


Andrew smiled but said nothing.

"Okay... how's your transformation training going?"

Which pot should not be opened and lifted?

Thinking of those terrible caterpillars, Andrew couldn't help but quicken his pace - he couldn't talk anymore for the day.


Percy smiled evilly, and the two began to walk back to school at a faster pace.

"By the way, go buy textbooks with me tomorrow, otherwise it will be too late and the bookstore will be out of stock. I sent a message to my family and said that I bought it with you. Remember not to wear it!"

"Okay, I understand - don't you go to the bookstore on dates?"

"It's a Muggle bookstore. I bought a few books she recommended."

The little red hair showed a silly smile.

Sure enough, Percy was more lovable when he saw him in the hospital bed in the morning.


"Very good, keep going, this one will be closer, but the problem is lack of mobility."

A new Flobber caterpillar was tested by Professor McGonagall and transformed back into the previous egg. She easily pointed out the shortcomings in Andrew's transformation.

After Percy returned to school, and Andrew and he jointly purchased books and messy sundries, Percy basically took over the work - Professor McGonagall seemed to have a fight with Flobber Caterpillar, and began to watch Andrew's training.

"School will start soon, and we won't have such rich time to teach alone. If possible, I hope you can complete this transformation before school starts."

So, Andrew's schedule before school started consisted of running and fighting Flobber caterpillars.

The second volume of a legend originally scheduled for the summer vacation is currently a document with only a new folder, but who can bear to be taught by Professor McGonagall alone?

Even if it's just against the Flobber caterpillar.

Gestures, wand waving, spells—nothing wrong.

The problem is to balance the power of life, the distribution and control of the three aspects of form, life, and magical characteristics, to just make this magical creature a waste material, a non-aggressive insect.

'An unprecedented challenge...'

Andrew waved his hand and turned this ferocious-looking guy into an egg, and continued to think.

The theory has been completely studied and can even be said to be thoroughly understood.

For other spell-casting aids, you can directly take photos and use them as textbook cases.

However, there is still no way to balance it, as if the wand is trembling beyond its power, but it is stable as if it is fixed...

'I can't figure it out...'

Andrew thought about today's attempt.

If the professor says it is possible, then it must be possible - but where is the difference?


Percy yelled softly, and Andrew, who was thinking hard and puzzled, raised his head and looked at Percy, "What's wrong? What's the problem, Percy?"

"It's okay, it's just that school is about to start. I've basically finished my work here, and I'm going to take two days off to welcome the new students."

"Ah, school is about to start?"

"What if?"

Sure enough, there's no chance?

"What are you struggling with over there?"

"Flobber Caterpillar."

Andrew sighed and said the name through gritted teeth.


Percy's mouth opened wide, "Fifth grade class, the professor is crazy?"

But before Andrew could remind him, Percy shut up.

"You can't do this, can you?"

As Percy spoke, he carefully took out his wand - although he didn't approve it, Trace was unable to detect spellcasting in the school.

"Look, this is difficult."

Percy waved the wand carefully, and the egg began to shrink and solidify under the powerful transformation spell. Finally, a perfect Flobber caterpillar emerged from the eggshell.

Due to Percy's infusion of magic power that was comparable to that of a seventh grader according to Dumbledore's standards, the whole spell seemed extremely powerful. In Andrew's perception, the spell was strong enough to transform into a dozen Flobber caterpillars.

'It's not about intensity, it's about precision...'

Professor McGonagall didn't even expect him to complete the transformation of the Flobber caterpillar. He directly used this ridiculously difficult transformation technique to practice his precise mastery of transformation.

"I can only demonstrate it once. Let's go. I have to write a letter. See you later."

Percy waved hastily and jogged out of Professor McGonagall's office.

‘It’s useless if you demonstrate it a hundred times, it’s just not the same thing. ’

What the professor wants is not to greatly increase his magic power and rely on magic power to crush the spell, but to force him to use training to increase the precision to the extreme and use the least magic power to complete this transformation...

Well, there’s nothing more to say, let’s practice.

Practice the damn caterpillar with all your heart, as carefully as dancing on eggs, distinguish the power of those difficult creatures to the extreme, and then distribute them to three greedy directions little by little.

"Okay, tomorrow is a day off."

"Taylor continues to practice, Weasley prepares, and we will go to the train station to welcome the new students the day after tomorrow."

The fifth-year prefect has just been selected, and is basically useless. He has to be accompanied by the senior prefect throughout the journey, and the train discipline must also be managed. Naturally, Percy can't stay in school and wait for the start of school with peace of mind.

The prefect is not only power, but also responsibility, and he can't hide.

On August 28th, after Percy made a plan for the start of school and ran to the principal's office to check the mood of the sorting hat, Professor McGonagall announced so.

Percy nodded, began to file the documents, and then said goodbye and left.

Andrew's face did not change, and he continued to practice-almost, although there were still deviations, but he felt that way.

Professor McGonagall also thought so, because she nodded with satisfaction every time she checked Andrew's transformation results.

Obviously, Andrew's initial guess was right. The professor didn't expect him to complete this step during the holiday, but forced him to master this life force bit by bit.

"I want to take a day off. I want to do some exercises I imagined tomorrow."

"Imagine it myself? For example?"

"I want to try the extreme, the extreme of magic in various directions and all kinds of messed up proportions."

"Okay, it's a very safe experiment," Professor McGonagall nodded, "For you, as long as it doesn't involve the deformation of your own body, Transfiguration is not dangerous, and it does help."

"The third laboratory on the left of the fourth floor was vacated last year, but some basic things are still retained, and there are also protections. Although you can't use it, the professionalism is still enough. Go there and get the key from Mr. Filch."


I just tested the egg laying, which is a bit too exaggerated!

Andrew, who was used to the empty classroom, didn't know what to say for a while, but finally nodded.

"Yes, professor."

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