This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 154 How did the opening ceremony turn out like this?

Dumbledore was gone, but there were still two troubles at the table.

Well, yes, trouble.

The two came to school in a speed car, but after a long investigation, nothing was found. Ron was lucky, he didn't have the memory of Veritaserum. Harry was the big trouble.

But fortunately, Andrew doesn't have to come forward - after all, he won't be lifted from the coma.

Professor McGonagall sighed and pointed her wand at the two of them.

The two began to wake up slowly. Ron's expression was still a little confused, but Harry - his expression was not as hysterical as Andrew imagined. Instead, he looked at Ron nervously, and then at Andrew, until he saw Professor McGonagall was relieved.


Andrew glanced at Harry and remembered Dumbledore's words - don't talk to Harry...

Did those two strokes of the wand seal the memory or erase it?

Isn't it going to make Harry too sad? Not thinking about that terrible memory? But how can it be stopped? Even if Andrew is stalling, it will take up to three days for the Ministry of Magic to explain the speeding car in the sky and then take away Peter Pettigrew. The newspapers will definitely tell it by then, and all concealment will lose its effect.

They would even add some imaginary details and speculations for the sake of reading, especially Rita - how would he adapt at that time?

However, since Dumbledore said not to talk about it, he had no choice but not to talk about it.

What's more, Professor McGonagall is now leading the conversation.

"Potter, why didn't you owl the school?"

Harry's head, which had been stretched out nervously, dropped.

"What about you, Weasley? Why don't you just stay there and wait for your family to come out?"

Ron's head also dropped heavily.

"You are one step away from expulsion."

Professor McGonagall looked at the two of them and tried to be calm in her tone - but after Peter's incident, it was obviously not an ordinary difficulty. Fortunately, both of them lowered their heads with guilty conscience.

"Tyler, you deal with them, I'll go to the banquet first."

Obviously, the impact of what happened at night on Professor McGonagall was too great. She was unable to deal with Harry seriously, and she was unwilling to reveal her feelings. She could only excuse herself to a party, leave the office in a hurry, and leave the mess to Andrew. .

At least Andrew acted very calmly on the last matter, and the assistant was originally used to assist in handling these matters.

"Yes, Professor."

Andrew calmed down a little - he didn't know the person involved, so the night's events didn't have such a huge impact on him.

He stared at the two people who lowered their heads and said nothing, and the expression on his face became calm.

"Second year, casting spells outside school, exposing flying car in front of Muggles, breaking into Hogwarts without permission, destroying the greenhouse, first day of school."

He counted the two people's crimes one by one, making the two quails want to shrink their heads to the ground.

"Thank you Professor, she thought you could be saved when most people thought they were going to be expelled."

Andrew obviously heard the two men sigh in relief.

"But, there is no punishment other than expulsion. Eat first. I need to think about it."

From afternoon to now, Andrew hasn't eaten anything for the sake of these two speedsters.

"Jim, can you bring me some food? And just ask the kitchen to get two more baked potatoes."

The elf in Professor McGonagall's office quickly prepared food for Andrew, and he handed two baked potatoes to the two of them.

"Originally, Potter is an accomplice and can get an extra sausage, but considering that you have a good relationship, it's better to share the joys and sorrows together."

It is certain that his reputation will plummet. He is an assistant and if he doesn’t take the blame, who will? Anyway, my reputation is going to be ruined by these two bastards, so why not take revenge first.

The most important thing is not to let this become their bragging rights.

Andrew looked at Harry and Ron, lost in thought.

How can such a goal be achieved?

Driving a flying car, coming to school, even taking a trip to the office, and finally returning to the lounge safely?


Even if Professor McGonagall doesn't mind too much, he can't stand this kind of thing - if there are too many imitators, he will have to review the confinement report!

'Car... car...'

Andrew couldn't even eat anymore. He was trying to figure out how to make the car look completely unrelated to coolness.


Andrew nodded.

"You guys stay in the office first, and I'll ask you for your opinions on punishment - of course, if you do something, I'm also very welcome..."

He smiled at the two of them and quickly left Professor McGonagall's office.

About ten minutes later, he returned to Professor McGonagall's office and pulled out a very useful stick from the cabinet on the side.

‘He doesn’t want to hit us, does he? ’

Ron whispered to Harry.

'It's okay to get over with a beating...'

But to their disappointment, Andrew started casting spells directly on the stick, and then conjured up something very cool - but only cool for children.

Yes, a little car that looks like a high-end children's toy.

Then, that Andrew stuffed a less sophisticated-looking gadget into the car.

Suddenly, a burst of children's songs came, and it was still the old-fashioned sound with a lot of noise - it sounded like it was recorded live.

"What's dad's dad's name?"

"Dad's dad is called Grandpa."

"You two," Andrew pointed to the child model with two holes dug out and said to Harry and Ron, "Take this thing and walk around the hall, and this matter will be over, no points will be deducted, no detention, or you can choose Gryffindor to deduct 150 points, with a notice?"

"I would rather deduct points..."

Ron muttered softly, and Harry nodded silently in agreement - but this vicious Andrew actually wanted to report!

If the other students knew that they would rather have their college deduct points than bear the punishment themselves - then they would be finished.

"Can you stop the sound?"

Harry asked tentatively.

"No, this is the alchemical prop I borrowed specially."

Andrew was firm - this is a punishment for flying cars. If Dumbledore hadn't processed his memory, he might be more relaxed, but since Dumbledore thought it was okay, he must make sure that they no longer think it's cool to carry a flying car.

But... still...

"Forget it, you two, cover your faces..."

Andrew pulled out two more pieces of wood and turned them into masks and wigs, "Put them on, it's none of my business if they fall off."

People who are not from this college probably won't recognize it, and they can deny it if they are thick-skinned, but everyone has to know that this is such a funny car - this is the bottom line.

'Concern about it afterwards... Oh... really...'


"I signed for too long in Hogsmeade... There was no letter from the school... I completely forgot about the opening ceremony."

Lockhart rushed to the school nervously - fortunately Hagrid was still on duty and let him in.

"Slow down, slow down, don't be too anxious..."

He stopped at the door of the auditorium.

What's the voice inside?

"What's the name of Dad's dad?"

? ? ?

Is the school's opening ceremony song like this?

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