This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 156 Do you want to try?

Mr. Filch's files were more comprehensive than Andrew had imagined, and after Andrew's request, he was given a very detailed record of what happened at that time.

The characters in the newspapers were still very much alive, and Sirius was almost imprisoned in the name of the incarnation of evil.

And that Peter was portrayed by the newspaper as a man who sacrificed his life generously and died on the eve of victory.

The archcriminal, the Dark Lord's top lieutenant, Sirius found him, attacked him, and used magic to blow up the entire street, while...


Andrew couldn't help but curse.

This is simply... simply too...

Well, one of the first people on the scene looked too familiar.

The then Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Magical Disasters, and the current Minister of Magic, and a friendly partner of Hogwarts, Cornelius Fudge.

He took a full twenty patrolmen, the elite of the Magical Law Enforcement Team, and immediately rushed to the battlefield between Peter and Sirius, and obtained information from the Muggles on the battlefield that Sirius had killed Peter.

'Destroy it...'

Andrew, who worked overtime in the office on the first day of school, covered his face.

Professor Snape will probably be very happy - if the handover never continues and Mr. Peter disappears due to physical discomfort, the Ministry of Magic should be very happy to admit that Peter never disappeared.

How do you make this up, you bastard!

Are you saying Fudge is blind?

Andrew, who sighed for a long time, finally closed his eyes and began to write randomly with his quill.

[Minister Fudge, who was still an ordinary staff member, rushed to the battlefield regardless of the danger and avoided a greater tragedy.

Forced to control the only aggressive wizard Sirius Black, he began to protect the secrets of the wizarding world and take care of seriously injured Muggles.

Black was quickly taken away and entered into another trial process, but Minister Fudge insisted on working in a harsh environment and stood up to the best...

'I can't write anymore. I don't care how the Ministry of Magic blames others. I've given enough steps to Fudge...'

Andrew examined the manuscript, and without seeing it, he finally chose to seal it with transfiguration and leave it on the table in Professor McGonagall's office.

‘Don’t worry, just review and send it out tomorrow. ’

Andrew shook his head, yawned, locked the door, and started walking towards his lounge.

Speaking of which, he didn't even visit the branch because of those two speedster gangs.


"Damn it, why is the entrance to the lounge blocked like this? Is it being controlled by the copper ring again? It shouldn't be. You were fine this morning?"

Climbing to the top of the building, he found a group of people surrounding him. Andrew took three steps at a time and started to rush over curiously. He had had enough today, and now he just wanted to lie quietly in bed and have a good sleep.

First he was worried about catching Harry, then he heard the scumbag's story, and finally he had to help communicate with the Ministry of Magic. He didn't want to have anything to do with the sleeping bag at all.

"what happened?"

"Senior Affairs Club, you...what do you want, Taylor?"

The gesticulating senior originally planned to scold, but after seeing Andrew's face clearly, his tone became gentler.

"No, I'm going back to rest."

"No rush, waste a little time, Taylor, we found a traitor."


Andrew's eyes widened.

"Yes, a traitor, a guy who has been acting abnormally since the car, a pure traitor. Like her stupid father, she promotes the ridiculous and anti-intellectual "The Quibbler" and criticizes Minister Fudge and his …”

? ? ?

Even a fool can see this. Fudge just wants a few more naysayers to come out, preferably a few more to accuse him of launching a war of extermination against harassment and extermination!

No amount of such accusations will affect his re-election rate. People will only think that Fudge is quite humorous - which magazine are you going to ask to accuse Fudge of corruption?

"Attitude, the most important thing is attitude, Taylor, we must draw a clear line with that guy named Luna and exclude her!"

"Try it."

Andrew made no secret of the disgust in his eyes - after a fresh year, most of them had found where they belonged, studious in the library, active in various clubs, and in the end it became apparent that these guys had become the best in the college. An active group.

"No, Taylor, this is very necessary. She tried to promote those stupid theories to discredit Minister Fudge on the train. This behavior is absolutely unacceptable."

"If you keep talking nonsense, you'll be ostracized from tomorrow onwards."


"Put your finger down."

The arms dropped weakly.

"Club activities are club activities. This is the limit. If I find out that you are attacking the freshmen of the college in the name of the club and expanding your power privately, huh..."

Andrew stared at him and walked towards the copper ring without looking back.

Answering the question easily, he closed the door, leaving a bunch of people behind.

"What are you looking at! Do you think you are him? Remember it carefully, our club does not need garbage, no need, you want to do something with your own intelligence, instead of being like those idiots who spend all day and night Library, just think about what I said before!"

"Then...are you still ostracizing Luna?"

"You don't need to worry about this. I will make a report and tell the president. You don't have to worry about Taylor's affairs. It's not your turn!"

He glanced at the short-sighted junior class and originally planned to curse that mad dog secretly, but he still didn't have the courage.

"What are you looking at? Disband!"

"That Andrew?"

"That's right, it was the one who got stuck at the door. The one who engaged in corporal punishment on the first day of school... He was standing at the door of the auditorium at that time. The principal and vice-principal didn't say anything, and the new professor didn't dare to say anything... That's Luo Hart!”



"Percy, when are you going to cut off their funding... I really can't beat them now..."

Andrew walked towards his dormitory, silently thinking about this matter.

It's fine to scold or even beat one or two people, but it's too much to think about cutting off the root - Ravenclaw is the best at opportunism, and the people who like to adapt to the situation are all there. If you cut off people's hope, they will be beaten. , he is only in the second grade, how can he beat him?

Percy was different. He was the sixth-year prefect, capable of fighting and resisting, and it also allowed him to see what the guys with the highest admission rate at the Ministry of Magic were like.

However, those can all be postponed for a while - the most important thing now is to go back and have a good rest.

"Good evening, Andrew."

"Good evening, I'll talk to you later...I'm going to bed first."

Andrew said hello to his roommate, pulled up the blanket and wrapped it around himself - damn the trouble, see you tomorrow.

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