"Beans, beans..."

It was too late to ask Percy for them, so Andrew got a large bucket of beans and an abandoned iron can directly from the kitchen - a can of beans whose taste was difficult to evaluate for breakfast.

‘We can’t find an empty classroom this time. Even if there are no lights, the risk is too high...’

Yes, there are no lights.

The entire Hogwarts has no electricity and no modern electrical appliances - due to generations of magical protection issues, when trying to connect to electricity, it was discovered that Hogwarts was completely shielded from electricity and electronic products.

Don't ask Andrew how he knew - he had already seen no less than thirty relevant documents.

Since Hogwarts, a vital educational location, does not have electricity, the progress of cracking electrical products in the entire wizarding world is actually very slow - wizards' use of magic will also interfere with Muggle products, and the more sophisticated they are, the worse it will be.

In addition to the simplest electrical product, the electric light, the non-alchemical electronic product that has been cracked and promoted the most (after all, once it is mixed with alchemy, the cost is scary) is the radio, which has been rolled out in wizard families.

The phone was also successfully cracked the year before last, and is now used in some pure-blood families, and the Ministry of Magic has also installed it. Unfortunately, those Ravenclaws had just graduated before Andrew entered school, and no one knew them. (Note)

Unfortunately, these two complex electrical inventions cannot break through the impenetrable protective system of Hogwarts - even the laboratories they use are built in the off-campus laboratory of Hogsmeade.

He only had a general understanding of that place before. After working alone in the summer vacation to take inventory, he knew these things very well.

‘Magic light sources are only available in laboratories, not to mention vital protection. Anyway, they probably won’t be issued on the first day of school, so I’ll try my luck with the professor. ’


"Laboratory?" After Andrew briefly told his purpose, Professor McGonagall hesitated for a moment, "Tell me what you think, Taylor."

"Double transformation, for these canned beans, means deforming the metal outer wall on the outside and restricting the inside, and using another transformation technique on the inside to force the beans to deform. I can't put too many restrictions on one transformation technique , then add it through another transformation spell."

Andrew's own thoughts had not yet been smoothed out, and he was stammering.

"Just use the transformation spell as a container to forcibly add part of the power of the transformation spell to another transformation spell?"

"That's right, Professor."

Andrew nodded repeatedly.

"What a great idea. This is the key to the laboratory. I've given it to you for safekeeping. The laboratory is located on the fourth floor, the one next to the escalator on the right. You have been there."


He only plans to use it temporarily, and he has no project, so why does he need such luxury? This is the most high-end resource that only sixth- and seventh-grade students can apply for!

"In previous years, Hufflepuff's share was allocated to an extra room in other houses. It happened to be an extra room. It was originally intended to be used as a spare, just for you to practice - Hufflepuff has a new greenhouse, which is more suitable for experiments than the castle. "

"Go to practice and be safe."

"Yes, Professor!"

Andrew spoke with a very firm tone and turned to leave.

After the office door closed, Professor McGonagall shook her head slightly.

If she remembered correctly, what she wanted Taylor to study was regional spellcasting, but why did her thoughts now go to the more complex superposition of transformation spells?

But, it does sound doable...

Moreover, the effect should be similar, or even better...


"Hufflepuff's share of the laboratory... If there is no greenhouse, who would dare to think about this this semester..."

He carefully opened the laboratory door, then closed it, then turned on the light source, put on oversized protective clothing, and started operating carefully on the test bench.

According to the assumption, if this thing fails, it will be no different from directly heating the can - it will even produce a more violent explosion.

'Let's test the explosion resistance of the container first... I hope I won't repair it to make it stronger. ’

Andrew put a bean in, then used transformation to control the seal of the jar, and began to cast a spell on the beans in the jar - it began to expand crazily, squeezing the jar.

'It's stronger than expected...'





"I didn't come back until the astronomy class was about to end. What were you doing?"

"Experimenting a new magic, but it's much more difficult than I thought..."

Andrew sighed - he finally understood why the professor gave him the laboratory directly. From the very beginning, the professor could tell at a glance that this experiment could not be completed in a day or two.

'But the general direction is correct, otherwise the professor wouldn't have given me the laboratory...'

"Be content. You have hope at least, but Bell is miserable..."

"Shut up, Hal." Bell, who was playing chess, rolled his eyes, "Who would have thought that last semester's Chaser, who practiced hard all summer and then changed positions, would actually have better results than expected, and they didn't recruit a goalkeeper. "

This is so miserable...

"Why don't you try Chaser?"

He asked tentatively.

"No, there's no point in playing Quidditch without being a keeper!"

"Pull him down, it's not that he doesn't want to, it's just that he can't shoot accurately..."

Hal leaned back in his chair and said, "It feels so bad, there's nothing I can do about it..."

"I'm going to fight you!~"

"But, it's not impossible. Gryffindor is said to be recruiting a substitute today, and we have to learn from them."

Bell, who was about to rush at him, stopped immediately.

"What does a substitute do?"

"Well, one more place for training, and you can also participate in training. The main position is similar to those senior students. Of course, you have to know other positions to prevent too many people from graduating at once and causing too much loss to the team's strength - they are quite good at it..."

"Who will accompany me to train tomorrow?"

Bell was enthusiastic all of a sudden, and finally took Hughes out...

Andrew also had to promise that he would be there to cheer on the day of the selection - although there was no sign of the substitute and the selection.

The next thing was very routine.

Exchange summer vacation experiences and complete homework, prepare the books for tomorrow, and gossip about this year's freshmen.

"Go to sleep, everyone."

Andrew finally reviewed today's attempts and greeted several roommates.

Sleeping came all of a sudden, and the whole dormitory fell asleep quickly.

"Come to think of it, today is the first day of school..."

Andrew changed his sleeping position and closed his eyes, "I feel like I forgot something, but it doesn't seem to matter."

"Forget it, sleep, there are still many things to do tomorrow, no one will work without sleeping, right?"

With this thought, Andrew fell asleep.

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