This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 166: Hot Galleon

Andrew was not familiar with the power structure of the Ministry of Magic.

In fact, not all of the seven departments on the tenth floor of the Ministry of Magic are loyal to the Minister of Magic. Many of the directors of the seven departments are even strong candidates for the Minister of Magic themselves.

For example, Barty Crouch, the former Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and current Director of the Department of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation, had the possibility of becoming the Minister of Magic earlier - and this person is the one taking the blame this time.

There was no other way, Sirius was arrested, the current Minister of Magic took action to arrest him, and Barty was on trial - who else would he take the blame for if he didn't?

However, a new question arises. As Barty Crouch himself, who led the Aurors to victory during the war and granted many spellcasting privileges to the Aurors, he had a very high reputation among the Aurors, and the Auror Office was The privilege granted by Mr. Crouch and the high degree of independence...

It can only be said that if you choose a friend, you choose an enemy.

If there weren't really victims in this matter, the Aurors might even use the excuse that they didn't have the right personnel to respond passively...

Fortunately, the Ministry of Magic has also considered this situation, and another person who looks like an official has strong coordination skills.

"Don't worry, Mr. Taylor, it's just some necessary steps. They are the best warriors." The official from the Ministry of Magic communicated with Andrew after holding down the Auror. "I am the minister's new assistant - and you We have almost the same things to do, let’s discuss the process first.”

Assistant to the Minister? He is indeed a person who can control the situation...

Andrew nodded. Although he didn't know what the handover process was, he could just cooperate with the Ministry of Magic if they asked. Anyway, they wouldn't be so stupid as to drag Dumbledore or Professor McGonagall out for a photo. .

"First take away Peter Pettigrew, then take pictures, escort Peter to Azkaban, release Sirius, and then send you back to Hogwarts."

Well, the steps are simple and reliable, Sirius is released on the spot, and the Galleons of the Black family...


Andrew noticed something wrong?

What do you mean?

What do you mean by sending you back to Hogwarts?

Didn't the two parties communicate happily through letters beforehand? Where did this step come from?

"Is something wrong?"

The assistant also saw that Andrew looked strange. He lowered his voice and said, "Isn't Peter dead? Then it needs to be covered up. It was promised in the letter! Deliver Peter alive, and then we will release Sirius immediately. The minister is Take the pressure and release it in advance!”

"Let me take a look at the letter."

Andrew's voice also dropped.

Who the hell forged a letter? I handled this. In order to keep it secret, I didn’t even let the other prefects participate. I want to see who made this joke about entering Azkaban!

After receiving the letter, Andrew looked directly at the signature at the end of the page - unless he was attacked and his memory was modified, otherwise this kind of signature was not part of the agreement...

The moment he saw the signature, Andrew didn't want to say anything.

Is this money too hot to hold?

For a thousand galleons, are you going to send me to Azkaban, my dear Headmaster? I'm only in the second grade, but I won't say anything if I'm in the fifth grade!

He couldn't even say that the Ministry of Magic was wrong - Dumbledore's letter was to urge the Ministry of Magic to handle the case as soon as possible after taking away the person. Minister Fudge simply took over the prisoner and released him openly, and even took the school representative to take the person out. Send it to school for you.

No one can say otherwise...

But what the hell is this!

He still couldn't refute, could it be that Dumbledore was wrong?

Sighing deep in his heart, Andrew reluctantly led the way, and even had to pretend to be very happy to report back to the Ministry of Magic's kindness - they had already released him in advance!


"Protect yourself, Tyler."

When Andrew brought the person over and whispered the next process to Professor McGonagall, Professor McGonagall showed an angry look in his eyes almost instantly, and then nodded helplessly.

"Let Huffman go with you..."

She thought for a moment and added, "Tell Blake the matter before bringing him back... Forget it, let Huffman knock him out directly and bring him back tied up so I can talk to him..."

Professor, we are here to pick people up, not kidnap them...

But it was the professor’s good intentions, and Andrew could only nod his head in acceptance.

"That's all, Albus is just..."

She shook her head, "I'll go talk to him and call Huffman out by the way."

Professor McGonagall hurried away - now ready for the next step of the handover to be photographed.

Mr. Weasley was pushed next to Peter Pettigrew, while Andrew stood on the edge with the assistant minister.

‘How much fresh vegetables did Professor Snape use? You can smell the strong smell of fresh vegetables here. ’

Andrew complained in his heart, but the assistant minister next to him seemed to feel nothing - whether it was the bandages that looked like restraints but actually acted as support, or Pettigrew's inarticulate plea.

'What a wonderful man. ’

After the photo shoot was over, Huffman also rushed over.

"Let's go. Going to Azkaban is not an easy task. It would be nice if we didn't have to escort the prisoners, but it would be too troublesome to send them away. Fortunately, we drove out the company's car, which is better than the knight bus." It’s fast.”

"This is so cool..."

Before Andrew said anything, Huffman sincerely praised him.

"Yeah, I think so too. Let's go to Hogsmeade first."

The assistant's tone even sounded a little happy.

This is going to Azkaban!

Andrew wanted to complain, but didn't know what to say. He could only silently lead the way towards Hagrid's hunting lodge.

"Oh my god, another one!"

A high-pitched voice sounded, and then the person next to him quickly covered his mouth.

My review…

Andrew's face darkened - why did he come out to the hunting lodge without going to class! What the hell is another one!


Mr. Weasley, who was having a pleasant conversation with the beater, suddenly shouted happily, "That's my daughter, the new Gryffindor!"

"Wow, congratulations, Arthur."

Beater responded happily to Mr. Weasley.

Andrew sighed, he couldn't interrupt this moment by coughing...

Fortunately, Mr. Weasley still had some credibility left, "We are arresting a prisoner, so don't come over here, Ginny, and get along with your classmates!"

"Don't worry, we Gryffindor have always been united and friendly."

Huffman, who was next to Andrew, patted his chest in assurance.

Who asked you?

"Of course, always."

An Auror who had been blushing all the way finally softened his expression and said, "That's when I was studying. It's great to see young people."

"That's it, that's it..."

Both beaters, one of whom was even controlling the bandages that bound Peter, made the same sound.

It’s hopeless…

We are escorting prisoners, not holding an alumni association!

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