This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 17 Welcome to Ravenclaw

Andrew, who didn't know whether to be grateful or confused, wasn't even in the mood to watch the subsequent sorting. He just hurriedly noticed that the girl named Hannah was the last one to be called up and was sorted into Hufflepuff.

Later, after he made the decision to start studying the memory-blocking spell whose name he couldn't remember tomorrow, he perfectly missed the principal's speech.

But don’t worry about the next thing.

It's time to eat.

As the Hufflepuff student said, the food at Hogwarts is quite good.

After trying several dishes in succession, Andrew found his favorite food and ate it happily - it didn't matter even if Dumbledore discovered it tomorrow, he couldn't starve to death.

After finishing a pudding beautifully, Andrew's mentality completely adjusted.

"Okay," Dumbledore stood up after the food on the table magically disappeared - only then did Andrew finally have time to look at the most powerful white wizard he was currently a little afraid of.

Obviously, there is no cut corners in the portrait of Chocolate Frog. He is indeed a kind old man with white hair and a gentle personality. Even when he announced the ban, there was not much severity in it.

"Now that everyone has eaten and drank enough, I want to say a few more words to you. At the beginning of the semester, I want to put forward a few things to pay attention to.

“All students are strictly prohibited from going near the Forbidden Forest – this is emphasized every year.

"Secondly, the administrator, Mr. Filch, asked me to tell everyone that casting spells is not allowed in the corridors between classes.

"In addition, the player selection for the Quidditch team of the college will be held in the second week. Interested students please contact Mrs. Huo Qi.

"Finally, and most importantly, anyone who doesn't want to suffer an accident and die a painful death, please do not enter the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor."

In the last sentence, Dumbledore's tone became more serious, which was well conveyed to the ears of each student.

‘Fourth floor? ’

Andrew was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what it was, something he would never try to get close to - the Philosopher's Stone.

This year, he just wants to learn magic quietly. If there are no classes on the relevant floors, he may not even go to the fourth floor.

"Now, before everyone goes to bed, let's sing the school song together!"

Dumbledore's speech interrupted Andrew's thinking, and the uneven tone that followed gave him an inexplicable illusion - maybe someone with Dumbledore's personality did not object to his adaptation?

But this crazy idea was quickly thrown away by him. Forget it, if he was really hung on the castle wall and asked him what Hedong and Hexi meant, that would be a bigger trouble than the Sorcerer's Stone...

After singing the school song, the freshmen began to follow the prefects, and Andrew was no exception.

At this time, he heard another bad news.

The Ravenclaw lounge is on the top floor... there is no elevator...

To be precise, it was on the fifth floor of the long staircase in Hogwarts, with disappearing stairs and moving stairs mixed in...

If anyone gets lost in daily life and goes to the fourth floor, it would be Ravenclaw who is really lost and Gryffindor who is pretending to be lost.

Just as Andrew was complaining, the prefects suddenly stopped on the second floor.

"Okay, before we go back to the lounge, we're going to have a traditional group break."

The prefect who led the team said to Andrew and the others with a smile.

"Welcome to Ravenclaw, let's begin our welcome ceremony - follow your own choices."

Just when Andrew was wondering, several senior students walked from the crowd to the front of the team.

"Anyone who thinks there is something wrong with Gringotts, please come with us."

Two senior students stood up, said to the freshmen, and then walked towards the corridor without looking back.

A few freshmen hesitated for a moment and followed. They paused briefly when passing by the prefect, then trotted after them when they found no one was stopping them.

"Good, it seems everyone knows the rules."

Two more senior students came out, "Then, those who feel that the first task of a wizard is to master powerful power, please follow me."

Several freshmen followed without hesitation, but Andrew hesitated and did not follow - what others are leading the research may not be ancient magic. In the early stage of joining, you have to follow other people's pace. The biggest problem is that he wants to take the lead. I'm afraid the group won't be until much later.

And, coming up so early... I always feel like there's a bit of a disagreement here.

'I hope to accept future additions...and there is a category I would like to join more. ’

Andrew ultimately chose not to follow.

"Then, you who wish to achieve great fame, come with me..."

"Anyone who thinks it's a good idea to take risks, come with me..."


"Then, those who are interested in joining the Ministry of Magic, come with me..."

That’s it!

Andrew followed quickly—according to the principle of the old leading the new, there were countless Ministry of Magic staff members after this group graduated.

Even if he guesses wrong, it doesn't matter. It's amazing that he can work alone for a few years - in the future, he will bring together a group of people to study ancient magic. At that time, there will definitely be people in each group who have different intentions.

He didn't believe that everyone could be firm in their opinions in the first grade and not change their minds until graduation.

But the most important thing now is keeping up with the senior class in front of them.

"We're basically the biggest group in Ravenclaw..."

"Due to the recruitment policy of the Ministry of Magic, the competition is the most intense..."

"The number of freshmen admitted each year is fixed, but there is basically no competition between people from different classes - so do you understand what I mean?"

Due to walking fast and having to talk, a freshman unfortunately missed the stairs. Andrew suspected that the senior who led the way deliberately blocked the time when the ladder moved.

"The person who fell behind may catch up, or may not catch up... We are not sure, but no one will wait for him before he catches up.

"But the final choice still depends on the final results. We are different from other colleges - it is hard to imagine that a Ravenclaw has no definite goals in the first year.

"As for the college points and the college cup, everyone just needs to do their best.

"You have waited for a long time and heard a lot, and you know what those people are doing.

"Unity is a necessity and a luxury in Ravenclaw. Those who try to find loopholes for profit are destined to be unable to unite with us - they hope that we will make mistakes in the future to achieve their goals, and we hope to send them to Azkaban for merit.

"The same is true for those who advocate power. Most of them will choose various forbidden magic to improve themselves. All they have to do is to avoid our search, and what we have to do is to send them to Azkaban.


"Even if there are still differences within us, dealing with our competitors is a very effective method, but the cost is most likely to be Azkaban...

"Okay, the fifth floor is here...

"It's a pity for those who didn't catch up, but this is the fact. Unless they pass the assessment we need, they can't join us...

"Freshmen, I hope you can remember what I said - if you are ready to send your classmates to Azkaban, then welcome to Ravenclaw."

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