This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 178 Calling Senior

"Coming, Andrew?"

"Well, get out of class just ended."

Andrew put his schoolbag aside, sat in his seat, flipped through today's documents, and responded to Huffman's questions.

"Don't worry, we still have to wait for the two fifth graders. They have to get used to listening."

The fifth grade prefects have just taken over the task and ushered in the OWLs year again. They have been very busy.

Once you get used to the busyness of the beginning of school, you can occasionally observe some common affairs, and then gradually practice internships. When the second semester begins, you will gradually reduce your work. Until the OWLs exam is over, you can start a large number of internships, and then you can enter the super work period of sixth grade...

This is how Percy adapted, and it will be the same for the next class - the prefects have to think about graduation when they reach seventh grade. For example, Huffman prepared to start adventure training in October this year at the end of the last school year.

"By the way, who is this year's student union president?"

Andrew suddenly remembered this matter - it is said that he is the president of the student union, but in fact, generally speaking, he is the two most peaceable people selected from the prefect and the captain of the Quidditch team.

After all, we are in the seventh grade, so it would be bad to continue fighting. The younger students below should restrain themselves from fighting - we can't say that after graduation and working, we can meet and continue the tradition. It would be too shameful.

"The boys originally recommended me, but I planned to risk training and didn't have time to stay in school to mediate. So I recommended it to the prefect of Hufflepuff. The chairwoman is the seventh-year prefect of your college."

Huffman yawned, "It's strange, are they procrastinating? Why are they so late?"

"Indeed, this meeting has been long overdue. By the way, Taylor, you haven't met the fifth-grade prefect, have you? Put on the airs of a senior."

On one side, the seventh-grade female prefect joined the conversation with a smile and put down the documents in her hands.

You're afraid you don't want me to die!

I'm a second-year running back and a fifth-year frontcourt senior!

Go against Tiangang! What should I do if I get caught in a sack? I specialize in transformation, not dueling! It's a big deal for you senior Gryffindors to watch the fun!

"Indeed, they are new here after all. You have to be serious, Andrew."

Huffman and Percy also smiled and joined in the crowd of Andrew, "Yes, that's how we introduce it!"


The female prefect of the sixth grade joined the battle - she was responsible for the discipline in the lounge and had a standard character.

Amidst the commotion, two fifth-year prefects ran into Professor McGonagall's office out of breath.

"Huh...huh...Sorry, we're late..."

"What's wrong? A professor is dragging me down?"

"That's not... Phew,... there was just a little problem in the corridor. Peeves showed up, and many people came to watch. Then he got angry and made a mess in the corridor. It took us a long time to get along with the rest of the people. Several prefects dispersed the crowd."


"Is today a special day?"

"Never heard of it..."

"Same, never heard of it..."

"But it's very interesting... maybe I can... before graduation..."


Andrew coughed, interrupting the fantasy of the four senior prefects - be more reserved, the prefects are there to maintain discipline!

"Ah, yes, good job. Maintaining the environment is very important."

Huffman decisively changed the subject, "Come on, you two, let me introduce you to the seniors in the office. Remember to show a minimum of respect when you come on duty in the future. This is Andrew Taylor, the old man in the office."

Huffman, what the hell!

But obviously, the fifth-year prefects are still in the transition stage from students to prefects - they almost without hesitation trust the Gryffindor prefect who has guided them for more than two years.

"Hello, senior."

Are you stupid?

Andrew's eyes were a little desperate, and laughter suddenly rang out in the entire office, especially the instigator of the seventh grade. She laughed wildly and patted Andrew on the shoulder, "Very good, very good, these lovely freshmen will be friends." Here you go, Andrew, we’ll start the internship right away, don’t give them too many tasks!”

You have hardly spent a few days in the office!

Although the fifth-year students were new to the prefect position, they were not new to the student profession - the two of them knew almost immediately that they had been tricked.

But what can they say to the prefects of sixth and seventh grade?

Fortunately, just when they were laughing happily, Professor McGonagall opened the door of the office. She didn't even ask the students why they were laughing. She just sat down and calmed down the situation.

"Okay, let's discuss Professor Lockhart's club and decide who will help... Don't think about it for fifth years, you don't have time."


Andrew was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the female prefect of fifth grade was about to make a move.

Damn it, does Lockhart have so many fans?

"There is a classroom on the third floor that is empty this year, and there are also many empty classrooms in the basement. They can all be used for renovation. According to Professor Lockhart's needs, it is enough to accommodate about a hundred people at a time. This strength If the Traceless Expansion Spell is used, the four of us should be able to do it...but if it is permanently transformed, it will require more materials..."

To Andrew's surprise, the seventh-grade prefect had done more work than he thought.

"Ignore the permanent deformation decoration for the time being... It's too inconvenient. Just use finished products for the decorations. The budget is the same as that of other professors' clubs..."

"Okay, professor, then I and Sheila will go."

Good thing!

Andrew and Huffman exchanged glances, and everyone agreed, and Percy nodded repeatedly.

"Taylor, you go with you, look more, think more, and learn more."

The professor suddenly added.

Andrew obviously saw the ridicule of Percy and Huffman.

"Yes, professor."

"Well, that's about it. You continue to deal with the documents. I have to go to class. Taylor, correct these assignments."

A pile of papers that had just been collected was placed on the table, and the professor left quietly-she had too many things to do.

"Just now was the fourth grade course, right?"

Huffman asked uncertainly.

"Of course, the fourth grade..."

Andrew picked it up and took a look, and couldn't help covering his eyes.

Damn it-this homework is the homework of Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

It's unbearable to look at... Gryffindor's papers are filled with water, but the homework of Slytherin and Hufflepuff is... eye-catching...

It's not that there are no good students' homework, but... there are too few good homework. The progress of the first and second grades is not too fast, and the progress gap in the fourth grade is really a bit big.

Compared with the homework of the weak subjects, the homework of the strong subjects is simply... unbearable to look at.

"Just take a look and go back to prepare for class, don't be like a curious baby!"

Huffman was still gloating over there, and Andrew had already buried his head in dealing with the fourth grade homework.

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