"It's not about driving away, it's about catching a pervert..."

Percy struggled to communicate, while Andrew took out the can of beans from his bag and started casting spells.

"Please go out first. At least take some protection. It's very painful..."

As he took out his magic wand, he whispered to the crowd of spectators around him - "Act a full play, and if you don't let everyone see that you can catch a pervert, who will believe that you are here to catch a pervert?"

Soon, several Iron Armor Spells were supported, while the students who had not mastered it hid behind them, looking curious like college students who had not been contaminated by knowledge.

"Miss Myrtle over there, can you please hide for a moment? Yes, I said so. Please hide for a moment... And you, you can't hide behind the Iron Armor Curse, you will be accidentally injured."

"Huh? Are you looking at other girls while you are talking to me? Oh, yes, Myrtle is dead, so there is no need to care about her feelings! I won't leave, a spell will only pass through it anyway... I'm not afraid ”

Myrtle, who didn't know why she stopped crying, looked like she was in trouble, and those who followed also imitated her and refused to leave.

"Really..." Andrew lowered his voice and complained, then raised his voice and asked again, "Are you really not going to leave? It hurts!"

But the spectators showed no tendency to disperse.

"Percy, please, can you clear the place?"

Percy tried, but failed - everyone had a good excuse.

"Cast the spell, Andrew."

Percy yelled helplessly.

Andrew sighed - he had warned him, and even if the reputation was damaged, Percy would be there to carry it.

Anyway, it's just a bit of pain, not a dangerous spell... It will rebound a little bit twice at most...

"For the last time, protect your head, no joke, Percy, help Myrtle get an armor charm!"

After confirming that no one would be injured and sent to the school hospital, Andrew began to cast the spell.

He waved his wand violently, and then the jar began to squeeze crazily, as if someone was trying to crush it. As the wand was raised, the jar began to explode violently, and countless beans flew out, leaving behind traces of blue—— The area where it was hit quickly changed color, but there was no trace of smudge.

This is not a range transformation spell, it is a super crude version, which Andrew envisioned to detect the existence of the Disguise Spell - it can now be cast independently.

Following a burst of tinkling noises and mixed screams, Andrew shook his head—sure enough, the perversion he made up did not exist.

The beans that bounced twice left blue spots that quickly dispersed almost everywhere. At such a density, not even humans, not even mice, could hide.

"Hiss... Andrew, you guy... it seems you don't have one?"

Percy was holding the Iron Armor Curse and looking at the bathroom like Andrew - the noisy crowd was the second priority, the key was to catch the pervert.

"And in the damn cubicle, and me!"

Myrtle managed to stop crying and became furious - Percy's armor spell had completely failed and had no protective effect on her.

“I don’t know how many beans hit me, passed through my body, and then passed through me in the opposite direction!

Do you think this way, since Myrtle is dead anyway, there is no need to consider her feelings? "

"Thanks for the reminder, Myrtle, you are such an observant witch!"

Andrew ignored the complaints and responded loudly to Myrtle's reminder - apart from affirmation, he really didn't know what to say now.

"Even if you say this, I won't forgive you, you bastard!"

Myrtle yelled, then jumped into the toilet and disappeared.

"I cast a spell, but it had no effect."

Percy explained in a low voice, "It may be a problem with Defense Against the Dark Arts... most spells are ineffective against ghosts..."

Obviously, even a prefect would not be so cold as to ask the ghosts in the courtyard to cooperate with him in completing some magic experiment.

On the other hand, the other students were in a stable mood. Andrew did not blame him as he imagined. Instead, they began to chatter and discuss imitating...

'What the hell? ’

Andrew felt a sense of worry in his heart—could bean bombs become popular in school next?

But there was no time to think about such things now.

After opening the stall and checking it out with beans, it was almost certain that there was no pervert in the bathroom.

"Those two bastards..."

Percy gritted his teeth.

"No, there seems to be..." Andrew shook his head at Percy and raised his voice, "Can you go out? This test is too dangerous. I'm afraid of hurting someone."

It's easy now, and the bathroom will soon be clean.


Andrew waved his magic wand, and centered around his feet, the floor began to quickly turn into soil, and the beans scattered on the ground began to sprout quickly, directly growing long roots.


When Doumiao didn't appear, Andrew put away his wand and shook his whole body, but his eyes became sharp.

Found it…

Although I had made several speculations during the holidays, it was still a joy to find such a smooth one.

He only noticed it when he got a plumbing diagram from Vacation.

If the damn secret room is hidden in a pipe, then it couldn't have been connected to the pipes when the school was founded - cast iron pipes only began to exist in 1800, and when Hogwarts was first established, even if there were water pipes, they were lead or pottery. !

Later, I checked some of the school decoration items and even more pointed out this problem. Therefore, the person who hid the secret room in the pipe must not be Slytherin himself! (Note)

Andrew had already calculated that if there were spellcasting fluctuations, unless it was caused by Slytherin himself or Dumbledore, it would not be hidden under his transfiguration test.

Sure enough - just when he cast a spell in the area to activate those beans, his target was exposed.

"This way, Percy, and Nazarov."

Andrew called to the two prefects while inspecting.

This is a copper faucet, with a small snake engraved on the side of the faucet.

"here it is?"

"I don't know, but my transformation technique can't affect it. I just feel that there is a difference here."

"Then neither can I?"

Percy hesitated and asked.

"No, I thought there would be someone or an alchemy device or something...but...this thing is more advanced than I thought...wait a minute, I thought of something."

Andrew's expression was solemn, "Don't leave, Percy, keep an eye on Nazarov, and don't communicate with those people. Forbid them to come in. I'll notify the professor. Believe me, this is for your own good!"

"Watch Nazarov?"

Nazarov, the Hufflepuff prefect who came to help, pointed at himself, looking confused.

"That's right, watch him, the information here cannot be revealed, not at all."

Andrew looked serious.

Only in this way can Ginny be implicated, and then all the diaries can be caught in one fell swoop - although the snake has nowhere to run and the diary is still in the urn, Andrew decides to be on the safe side.

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