This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 193 Encounter with a Troublemaker

"You have almost detained all the Weasleys, aren't you afraid that they will hide and beat you?"

In the dormitory, Andrew and Kevin performed spell deductions while listening to each other's words.

There is no other way. The dean of his own school has spoken out, at least he must use the magic spell in a proper way - just adjust it as the training range is deformed.

"It's just handled as normal. It's not a deliberate attempt to retaliate. I have nothing to worry about."

Andrew twisted his arm and adjusted his spell-casting posture - the gesture requirements for spells and transfiguration were almost completely different, and he was really not used to it.

"You handled it normally and sent it to everyone's family?"

Kevin sneered, "Do you believe this? Look at your recent reputation."

"What can it achieve? Hmm - this still doesn't seem right. The curse is really difficult..."

"Don't be so pretentious! I practiced for a whole year before I became a standard caster. You have almost learned it in the past few days... Nash is exaggerating enough. You are even more outrageous than him!"

"I am very comprehensive, but who is like you? I study curses all day long and have learned this all."

"Specialize, you have to be good at it. That lunatic from the Weasley family can learn curse spells instantly. The curse I just studied was released at once, and it is more effective than you... Ordinary spells The curse can also be the first gradient..."

Kevin rolled his eyes, "The most important thing is, I heard that he even dared to skip class and go to the library to study... What should I compare with?"

This is true - Andrew has quite a say. Judging from the current homework, Ron has even begun to copy Transfiguration, let alone other subjects.

"And you, it didn't take you long to catch up..." Kevin glanced at Andrew, who nodded in agreement, "If it weren't for the fact that your spell casting method was so clumsy that I needed to adjust it, I would have suspected that you had been secretly secretly It’s practice.”

"It's just a temporary lead in magic power. I will be left behind in the fourth grade at most. This is what the dean said... I just want to learn faster in the beginning. You will increase your spell casting proficiency much faster than me. After all, you have a good foundation. ”

The last movement was almost corrected, and Andrew waved his wand to cast a spell - the effect would indeed be better, but it was limited.

He was still used to the Transfiguration Technique - he didn't even need to deliberately adjust his spell-casting gestures. With constant practice, even Professor McGonagall wasn't picky about his spell-casting gestures.

"Ah, you are secretly working hard again!"

The door to the dormitory was opened, and Hal ran in quickly, "I caught him!"

"Do you need me to report this to the dean for you?"

"Please don't."

Hal shook his head repeatedly, "Here's some water, I'm thirsty after listening to Weasley's bragging."

"Aren't all Weasleys in detention?"

"There is only one left, Ron. That's Harry's good friend. He said that Harry endured the humiliation and resisted the charges for his classmates and was sent to solitary confinement."

? ? ?

Andrew, who was getting water, looked surprised - no, the version was updated so quickly?

"Did you really say that?"

"There is still time for a lie, to resist the pressure of the cold-faced Ripper on my own, and then swear not to tell anyone who is traveling with me. I have said a lot about the glorious solitary confinement. If he hadn't been clamoring to go to the library to review in the end, I want to listen to it now.”

"The Grim Ripper?"

"Yes, the most mysterious killer, with a cold face every day - that's what Gryffindor calls him anyway."

? ? ?

No, what did I do again?

Andrew looked confused—does this word have anything to do with him? Who is wronging him?

"Is that all the news?"

"Well, also, that, that..." Hal suddenly seemed to be stuck on some words, "Ah, by the way, our academy is also recruiting that substitute."

"Hell, it's been a month since school started, and we're recruiting now?"

"We have new players. We give priority to training new players. Now we are busy looking for substitutes. Didn't Bell say that?"

"He's not in the dormitory. He went out to exercise early." Kevin leaned on the chair, "Is that all? Where is your news dream, is it just a piece of cake?"

"Big news, the Weasley family is all there. There are more than a dozen guesses. Big news is that the women's bathroom is closed. There are more than a dozen guesses. But do you want to listen?"

Hal looked at Andrew next to him with a look of helplessness - he asked that he couldn't say that he had signed the agreement, but what else was being broadcast? Guess? All the answers are known! Speaking of conjectures in front of Andrew is almost like a clown.

"Why are you looking at me? The level of news has not improved in these days. Find out why. Have you collected news seriously or fabricated it seriously?"

"Andrew, you s***!"

Hal made a very aggressive move.

"Tch, it's boring, I won't tease you anymore... You should also practice your magic spells and be careful not to be dragged away by the professor for training." Andrew handed the water over, "Have you found out whether the black lake I asked you to inquire about a few days ago was dug up? "

"No, although some people have also discovered it, this behavior has stopped recently... It's not easy for me to pursue it. If it is thought that I helped you arrest people and put them in solitary confinement, I can say goodbye to my dream."

There is a natural conflict between snitching and reporters. Once you are branded, it is easy to be unpopular - stuffing the toilet is the normal operation.

"Okay, I'll go find someone else to find out."

Andrew shook his head - it's really reliable to have twins. You see how neatly the job was done in the afternoon, but the price was a bit high.

"Let's go, pack up, it's time for astronomy class."


"You two clean up here, don't run around."

"Yes, Madam Pomfrey."

The twins agreed in unison, but their eyes kept rolling.

But Madam Pomfrey didn't care - there were no troublemakers here, not even Peeves would come here to barge in.

If you touch the medicines and patients in the infirmary, you can be expelled directly. Even if students fight or quarrel, it's not allowed. Fighting for more than a week will start with confinement, and they will be given special care when they apply medicine next time. As for quarreling?

If the noise is loud, they will be kicked out directly. Do you still want to quarrel?

So, even if they really want to go over and talk to that Black openly, the twins still didn't wander around, but occasionally put their heads into the ward to try to attract his attention.

Fortunately, this is not difficult.

Sirius has been in the school hospital for a month - Madam Pomfrey is determined not to let such a malnourished person leave the hospital and ruin her reputation.

Apart from Harry coming to visit him every day, he could only look forward to having a good chat with Harry on the weekends - and guiding Harry's homework.

But that was only when Harry was not training. As for going to the stadium to watch the game?

Madam Pomfrey would not allow it...

But Harry, who theoretically had no classes in the evening, did not come today, and Sirius was waiting anxiously.

"The student over there...well, you are not Ron, are you Fred, or George? Harry told me about you."

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