This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 200: Start practicing

"What a lively and vibrant scene..."

After training the range deformation in the laboratory, Andrew locked the laboratory and came to the Black Lake.

He rarely went out during school hours - either in the library or in the office, or at worst, he would find an empty classroom to practice magic. It was too much of a luxury to waste time by the black lake.

"Am I too eager for quick success?"

Andrew looked at the crowds coming and going and couldn't help but sigh.

But - time is too precious, and when the noseless man really comes out, he won't listen to your excuses...

'It's just too shameful to practice magic in public...'

He shook his head and tried not to think about these messy things. He walked through the crowds playing cards or chess, walked towards the Black Lake, and then found an area with a little less people (basically only people in love, After seeing him, I ran away in a panic...) and it was settled.

'This is's a bit luxurious, but...there's nothing we can do...'

Andrew waved his wand, and the land began to surge, submerging all the vegetation above it.

'It's almost this big. If you don't cast the spell to the maximum, it will probably be within this range. It's already a waste...'

After observing the shape of the surrounding turf, he began to wave his wand - his already proficient range transformation technique allowed him to repair the lawn in less than half a minute.

'Um? ’

He looked at the surrounding environment, and then at the results of his transformation - the color was higher, the weeds were less, and the orientation was too regular.

‘Is that so? Have you been practicing against the template and unable to integrate? ’

After sitting down, Andrew thought for a few minutes, then waved his wand and began to gradually correct the loopholes in his transfiguration.

As long as you are familiar with it, this kind of small problem can be easily corrected, and can even be made up for when casting the spell - but for this technique, do Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore need to inform it together?

'It gives me a headache...'

Andrew sighed - but he couldn't think of a better explanation, and the degree of simulation at the moment was indeed an unavoidable issue. No matter what the deep meaning was, let's improve the thing in front of him first.


This time the rest of the adjustments were effective, but the degree of withering and yellowing of the grass needed to be adjusted again.


"Over there, yes, look."

"Ah, yes, that's right, that cold-faced Ripper...area casting...have you heard of it?"

"Then a piece of grass was directly transformed and then disappeared... Didn't Filch care about it?"

"Hehe, that makes sense. Go report it and let him see what he knows..."

People who hang out at this stall at dusk love life - especially watching the sunset next to the Black Lake, it is simply not too happy.

Therefore, Andrew, who came out to occupy one of the best areas of Black Lake at this point, was naturally watched by many people.

Especially the senior ones - that area of ​​effect casting is indeed amazing, but that's not why you, bastard, disturb other people's dates!

But I couldn’t afford to offend him—dating at dusk didn’t violate any school rules, but it couldn’t just be at dusk, right? At least this guy doesn't appear to be a disgusting person on campus every day. What if he starts arresting people at night like the prefect?

As for practicing magic well?

Le, the score added is your Ravenclaw score. What does it have to do with our college?

If we don’t report you for damaging the lawn today, we won’t be able to do it!


"If you look at it this way, it's not a bad thing..."

It took Andrew a full hour to perfect a single patch of lawn - and that was a very specific area.

‘It can’t be used tomorrow... otherwise it will be the same situation as in the laboratory, which is too ideal...'


Andrew took stock of the vast lawn today, and also thought about the places he would probably turn over when he got good at it. He was completely frightened...

Damn it, with how good he is, the land beside the Black Lake is in trouble...

'And the transformation spell that has not dissipated will lead to an even more unsightly situation in a few days... The issue of unreasonable growth, according to my current attainments in the transformation spell, the things I transformed will definitely not grow. What happens next... '

If it's ugly, be ugly - privileges given by the principal, training by the black lake...

You can't stop practicing Transfiguration just because it's expensive - it's more useful than Andrew imagined.


"It doesn't matter?"

The student who reported it looked at Filch with surprise on his face.

"That was a large piece of grass, and he just made it bald!"

"With permission, will it be added later?"

The student who failed to report the report angrily returned to the Black Lake to announce the unfortunate news - it was too late, Black Lake had been contracted by the Grim Ripper, and from what Filch meant, he came not just for one day, but every day. Come.

How did this Hogwarts become like this?

Is it still possible for people to have a good relationship?

Placing that cold-faced Ripper on the edge of the Black Lake will have an indelible impact on the next generation of the entire magical world!

But no one can change it - fortunately, everyone found out the next day that the cold-faced Ripper had no intention of patrolling and inspecting, but just moved the area slightly compared to yesterday, and stood on the edge of the black lake and started practicing the transformation technique - This won't have much impact.

After a week of continuous observation, everyone felt relaxed.

Well, judging from the current situation, this cold-faced Ripper is not here to beat up mandarin ducks or show off his muscles, nor is he patrolling the lake to register to inform Filch. He is just occupying a place to practice the transformation technique.

Then it'll be fine - then date, then fishing, then card game, then picnic.

As for the cold-faced ripper? If you want to practice, practice it. If you can't afford it, just hide and do it.


"No one has been arrested for more than a week. Is that Taylor really going to practice transformation?"

Ron looked up from a copy of "Curse Your Enemies: Starting with the Hair" and asked curiously.

He has been addicted to evil spells recently and is not well informed at all.


Harry lowered his voice, glanced at Mrs. Pince's position, and replied in a low voice, "His reputation has been much better than usual recently. It is said that it is because he only practiced Transfiguration there and did nothing else. ”

"That's right, they are almost on the same level as Fred and George."

Ron was overjoyed, "As long as you don't do anything, the reputation will automatically rise."

This brother's joke made Harry burst into laughter, causing Hermione next to him to stare at them intently.

"Oh my gosh, Advanced Transfiguration Guide!"

Ron's sharp eyes saw what Hermione was looking at, and he screamed in a low voice, "Have you learned this level yet, Hermione?"

"This level?"

"Percy's textbook is this," Ron explained to Harry, "a textbook that even Percy has to study seriously."

Harry stood in awe - the pile of small bags Percy had taken from last school year was far too impressive.

But he soon thought of something more, "Are you working on that, that, area-of-effect spell?"

Hermione frowned, "No, I'm just checking in advance."

"But you only reviewed third year material last week, Hermione."

"Yes, the professor said that Transfiguration is a very, very dangerous subject. You can't be too early. This is not something that second-year students should be involved in."

Ron said very seriously, "Professor Flitwick also said that spells that are too advanced will not bring you a sense of success, but will affect your judgment of magic and can easily cause harm. "

Hermione's face showed a bit of surprise and shyness, "I know the scale. I'm just curious about a magic and want to make some reference."

She tried to explain, but soon gave up in despair, picked up the "Advanced Transfiguration Guide" and left, heading towards its original bookshelf.

"She was a little angry."

Harry lowered his voice.

"It's not that she's angry, but..." Ron lowered his voice, "She's not convinced, and probably wants to take first place..."

"I don't think she has a chance... Those senior students said that Taylor's transformation skills are enough for advanced classes."

"Yes," Ron said with a longing look on his face, "I want to be able to go to an advanced class in my second grade. I want that too..."

"You'd better restrain yourself and do your Transfiguration homework yourself. Professor McGonagall has just finished criticizing you."

"I've only read less than half of the extracurricular books in the first grade, and I haven't even done anything in the second grade... Professor Flitwick said that I laid down too much foundation in the first grade..." Ron sighed, "I'm too bad. Too much…”

Ron didn't listen at all and looked at the book in front of him with a look of obsession.

Harry didn't know how to persuade him - after all, everyone was used to copying homework, and he was really embarrassed.

Moreover, he had a strange feeling that he couldn't put into words.

Ron was actually also peeking at Hermione's number one position - it was probably Taylor who stimulated him, and he felt that he could take the number one spot in Charms.

But, this kind of thing is completely impossible to say...


"There is some progress, but... there is still too much difference."

Andrew paid attention to the surrounding lawn, and then stopped today's training.

The sparsity can still be distinguished by careful observation, not to mention the distribution of weeds. The yellowing has been solved, but the feeling of being trampled cannot be imitated.

As for the dewdrops in the morning, the occasional small bugs, etc., they are things that you don’t even have to think about - not even a little bit different.

Fortunately, there is no need to consider the latter at the moment, otherwise it would be simply despairing.

"Is training over today?"

"Well, it's over. We can go back after patching up the lawn - how were the fish today?"

"It's okay, it's okay..."

The net bag is empty, but don't mention this kind of thing that affects the atmosphere.

After greeting a few running seniors again, Andrew started walking towards the castle.


How should I put it, since he went out to train at this time near dusk, he met a lot of people who were happy to hang out in Hogwarts, and his enthusiasm for life increased a lot.

Even the manuscript is much smoother than before - it is indeed not advisable to blindly work on it behind closed doors.

After referring to the thickness of the manuscript, and calculating the speed of subsequent additions and manuscript storage, I think the new book can be published.

'Sneak into the owl loft tomorrow morning to send the manuscript...'

Andrew thought this way, but quickly suppressed this matter in his heart - don't worry, his current priority is to summarize today's training experience before eating, so that he can summarize the training results during this period later.

Although Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore did not urge this, Andrew always felt oppressed by seeing himself destroying the patches he had applied with transfiguration every day.

'The time squeezed out is not enough...'

He sighed and walked towards the castle.


"Coming, coming!"


When the publishing editor saw the simple, universal owl, a smile naturally appeared on his face.

Yes, it’s this one!

A legendary manuscript was brought by this ordinary owl with an unknown name.

"I don't know what the manuscript praising potatoes is about..."

He was really curious about what kind of legendary history Dumbledore, who seemed so outrageous when he graduated, was going to go through when he graduated.

'As long as you have eight successes, eighty percent is good... Just don't slander other people too much...'

It's okay to be beaten by Dumbledore - there are few people in the entire wizarding world who are not willing to appear in a legend or even be beaten by Dumbledore.

It was introduced in previous magazines - many people even said that their father was beaten by Dumbledore.

As long as they are not obvious villains or outcasts, they can show their faces after a few moments!

'Don't provoke the Saints too much. Durmstrang is causing trouble with the Saints again. Although I'm not worried about sales, I still don't want to be too repressive...'

But who can do anything about this?

Even if they praise Tudou and say that Grindelwald has a problem, they can only try to be as round as possible...

It’s amazing that this month’s bonus is a dragon leather jacket—the kind that can protect against a lot of minor evil spells.

Ah, by the way, I also praise Mr. Potato and give him one as a gift...

‘I don’t want to worry about all this mess, I have to read the manuscript first! ’


"It's no longer necessary... We even have to consider the issue of protest."

"But it's really a gimmick."

He opened the manuscript, and there was a sentence at the top that seemed very, very, very tempting to read.

‘Gellert Grindelwald, I looked at three hundred futures you worked hard for - none of them were successful, and I found a way to defeat you among six hundred interception methods.

——Albus Dumbledore. ’

So cool!

It's perfect!

He looked at the title.

"Dumbledore, the Legend of a Generation: The Peerless Two Prides"

‘I love this title so much! ’

He can basically conclude the following plot.

Grindelwald's failure, Dumbledore's success.

But there is actually the most important part inside, which is the glorious first half of their lives.

No one would think this was looking down on Grindelwald, no, it was a compliment - and no one would think there was anything wrong with Dumbledore.

Even the requirements mentioned by Professor McGonagall - Hogwarts can be met!

Dumbledore thought about it, and it took him a long time to find a way to fight Grindelwald and win! Dumbledore had nothing to do with the cult - he fought with determination and the hard way and won!

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