This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 210 Professor McGonagall's Hesitation

"Become a professor? Didn't you discuss with the minister about taking up a sinecure position in the Ministry of Magic?"

As letters were sent out one after another, the school directors learned about Sirius, and then they passed the news to each other and complained that Sirius was indeed causing trouble.

Go to the Ministry of Magic to create a tragic hero image, run it for a while, become the Director of the Department in a few years, and then play the emotional card to start a career. Fudge may not be ranked next to him, but becoming the Minister of Magic in another term is not out of the question.

At that time, everyone's efforts were not only rewarded, but at least they were not at a loss, right?

The experience of spending so many years in Azkaban is now coming to fruition, but becoming a professor? It's not that you can't make a profit. The school board can help, and it's not impossible to line up to become the principal.

The problem is that Dumbledore is only over a hundred years old. He was such a legend when he was young and knew the maker of the Sorcerer's Stone. Even if he doesn't live to be more than 300 years old as the headmaster, he can retire at the age of 200 and let McGonagall take over for another five years. Sixty years have passed since you became the principal!

A useless thing! No wonder you Black family are getting worse the more you mess around!

But you have to help even if you don’t have a weapon - comparing your feelings, being a school director doesn’t have much power, and the principal is even more suppressed when he becomes stronger. The income can only be found using the school’s magic and making good friends. When he was young, he could fight and kill. Forget it, there are only so many families now, so they have to help, especially the Black family has a long history.

When your child is in trouble, you have to have someone to hold your hand...

After an exchange, except for some school directors who really couldn't stand it and chose to remain silent, the rest of the school directors basically agreed that Sirius should be the history of magic professor - if his ability is not good enough, he can teach first grade, and he should be used as a coaxer. Create more positions, pay more and invest more next year, and the new ones will take over from other grades.


"It's not impossible for a first-year professor... I'll ask Professor Binns for this year's internship... I'm afraid it won't work. Let's ask the applied professor to help keep an eye on it..."

Professor McGonagall sighed - although Sirius is absolutely trustworthy, having someone like this inserted into the school is really...

It’s time to take care of the first-grade children... Even if there are no new ideas, just read the textbooks according to the textbook...

"Send the documents to Albus. He needs to draft and sign the appointment letter..."

Probably because he was tired, Professor McGonagall lowered her head and was too lazy to talk anymore.

But before Andrew could take a few steps, Professor McGonagall stopped him, "Then let's try it out first and see how the students respond. If the effect is good, we will arrange for a first-year professor...if it doesn't work, we will switch to Transfiguration. His transfiguration skills are definitely enough to teach first-year students, and even after a few years of training, he can become a full professor."

? ? ?

Good at transfiguration?

Professor, are you sure? That was the original number one Death Eater - ah, yes, knowing Animagus, well, that's really impressive, teaching first grade is not a big problem.

It was probably Andrew's recollection that made Professor McGonagall feel that he was making a comparison. Professor McGonagall added, "Very strong. In those years, Black and the others were among the best in Transfiguration. When they graduated, they were even better than you are now. Stronger."

"Okay, don't think about that. Just practice your spells. In addition, inform Albus of my intention. Don't prepare the letter of appointment for now. Just give a few lessons on an experimental basis. In addition... you and Percy Go see the first-year students’ reactions and let me know when you come back.”


Andrew's eyes widened - no, should I do the assessment of new professors?

This is not just outrageous. Not to mention the history of magic, even if Andrew thought he was good at transfiguration, he would not dare to think about such outrageous things as testing the professor.

"Albus and I cannot deny that the school board needs a buffer, and Professor Binns can't do it either. He..." the professor hesitated for a moment, "he is more focused on academic research..."

Got it.

Although Professor McGonagall said it very tactfully, Andrew understood it - if Professor Binns knew that Sirius was not even qualified for the certificate, he would definitely refuse to attend and expel him directly. That would be too embarrassing...

Then why not just switch to Transfiguration? Anyway, Black is good enough at Transfiguration...


Andrew suddenly figured out something - so what Professor McGonagall meant was that unless Sirius was terrible in the history of magic, she didn't want to bring anyone in to build a reputation.

So, Professor, even Animagus can’t do it?

Isn't it too demanding to teach Transfiguration?

However, there was nothing to complain about. Andrew said goodbye, turned around, and trotted towards Dumbledore's office.


"Are you sure?"

Percy looked at Andrew with wide eyes.

Halloween just passed, not April Fools' Day, it was really weird to make such a joke!

"Pretty sure, Percy."

Andrew sighed, "There is no doubt that we will have to be recorded in the new professor's book. The assessment of the professor... is really an amazing challenge."

"This is not ordinary, I feel like I'm going to be targeted now..."

Percy's whole body felt bad.

"Who isn't?"

Andrew sighed. He was still dazed when he came out of Professor McGonagall's office. After going to Dumbledore's office to submit the documents and Professor McGonagall's suggestions, he felt completely bad when he came out.

This is not an ordinary rebellion against Tiangang. After doing this work, Feng Chong will never come back. What should the other professors think of these two unlucky guys?

Those who knew knew that they were taking the blame, but those who didn't knew thought that these two students were going to rebel.

Andrew can now imagine the devilish sarcasm of the mean Professor Snape - this semester has finally been better, but that good atmosphere is probably gone.

As for the dean, I don't need to go to the office - he has completely followed Gryffindor, and it is only because of the dean's mercy that he can go back to the tower.

What's more important is the students' side. If you dare to inspect the professor today, you dare to expel the student tomorrow - ah, you've already been expelled, so that's it.

But now that the matter has come to this, can we still pretend to be sick?

"I'll take it slow first, Andrew, you go and inform, inform our...Professor Black."

Percy looked a little flustered and blamed it on Andrew.

Andrew was too lazy to bother - if the publicity could calm down a bit after the Christmas holiday, it would be considered a success. It was just a matter of communicating with the so-called Professor Black, so be it.


"I'm afraid that the history of magic will be over. If I can't try the transfiguration... Fortunately, my skills from back then are not lost..."

In the ward, Sirius asked Madam Pomfrey to get some current textbooks to review her knowledge.

The threshold for the history of magic was too high. After thinking about the knowledge he had mastered, he decided to try out the Transfiguration Technique. Thanks to his hard training in Animagus Human Transfiguration Technique, he was among the best in Transfiguration Technique and had a certificate. Up for the Transfiguration position.

Defense Against the Dark Arts wouldn't work - it's fine if it's dangerous, but Harry doesn't allow it.

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