This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 215 Professor Lockhart is continuously attacked

In the entire Lockhart fan club, Lockhart admires Hermione Granger the most.

Of course, he admitted that part of the reason was that Miss Granger was Harry Potter's best friend, but that was definitely not the main reason.

As a Ravenclaw, he was naturally fond of students with good academic performance, even if they were best-selling authors or professors.

So, he had nothing to say if Miss Granger only came occasionally - it's good to go to the library.

But today is different. Sirius Black is in the library today. It's okay if you have something urgent to do, but going to the library is too much like going to Sirius's place!

But it's even more heartbreaking.

"She even went to help Sirius organize materials with Harry!"

As if hit by a curse, Lockhart felt that he couldn't lift any strength all over his body - not only Granger, but also Harry Potter!

Damn it, damn it, no, you two do have some connection, but it can't be so fake!

Are you a professor who asks second-year students to help review?

You damn scheming bitch! Son of the beach!

Fortunately, a group of people followed Naluka to criticize Granger, giving him a chance to ease up.

"Ah, Professor Black and I are colleagues, don't say those weird things, he is a very good person..."


But Saturday's club is just the beginning.

On Monday, under the watch of a bunch of people, Sirius Black successfully conducted a second trial class and passed the assessment of the school and the board of directors.

Although the board of directors thought that Sirius was very suitable, the school, for the sake of actual teaching effect, although Sirius Black was hired, he was only assigned to the first-year teaching work, and even temporarily.

The recruitment of new professors is still continuing-but this is the last good news.

Sirius, who officially joined on Monday, accepted an exclusive interview with the Daily Prophet on Tuesday and successfully appeared on the cover, which was very popular.

Parents highly recognized this professor who had been in Azkaban and whose strength had been exaggerated as the best under the mysterious man for many years. Some even hoped that he would change his position to teach spells or other positions.

On Thursday, Lockhart saw a lot of tabloids speculating and comparing the fighting power of the two of them.

But what was even more terrible was Friday. On Friday, he heard from the grapevine that someone was going to apply for the Most Charming Smile Award for Sirius...

Bad news came one after another.

Sirius, who officially took office, was very popular in class. He was much happier with his new colleagues on Friday night. Only Professor Snape was livid - but he didn't have a good face in front of Snape either...

Then, at the weekend, the worst news came.

A new issue of Magic Legends was published, and Sirius's color photo became the cover.

Even the subtitle was - Sirius Black, a man who was as good-looking as Grindelwald.

Damn it!

Are you so hard-core! Aren't you editors of Magic Legends afraid that the crazy saints will come to your door?

The Death Eaters in our country have been dealt with almost, but the remnants of the Saints are still there!

You can't be so shameless just because your content this month is related to Grindelwald! You are simply trying to increase the popularity of Sirius, the bastard!

But complaining is useless, Sirius's photo is useful.

Because no one has a photo of Grindelwald when he was young, Sirius's photo directly became a reference for Grindelwald.

Mysterious, powerful, and handsome.

The description of Dumbledore in a legend was covered by the appearance of the kind old man after Dumbledore himself appeared, but Grindelwald is different!

[He is young, but his magic is already the best in the world, and he is so handsome, like Merlin's socks, I'm afraid no one in the world can compare with him. 】

This line of description, coupled with Sirius's photo, is really lethal.

Dumbledore's story was written in the first season, and he dared not be called the best in the world, but Grindelwald - even readers who have confidence in Dumbledore, in such a pile of praise, don't know how Dumbledore can compare with this wizard who is the best in the world.

['I want to do something big, a great thing, something that no one has ever imagined,' Grindelwald said, 'I am looking for the most suitable helper, the prophecy tells me that it will be here... But, you don't seem to agree...']


Lockhart wants to tear up the book...

Damn it!

What Dumbledore's legend is simply a Grindelwald legend!

As an excellent best-selling author, he now knows very well what the praising potato wants to tell.

It's nothing more than two people meeting, having a common goal, deciding to work together, but then parting ways in the theory and practice behind, and then fighting.

But this kind of thing can't be broken.

Grindelwald's power is unquestionable - although it didn't bring disaster to the British magic world, it also swept most of the magic world on this continent.


The follow-up may give Dumbledore the title of the guardian of the British wizarding world. It is precisely because of this that Grindelwald dare not infringe on him. The two should be tied in the follow-up.

But what's the use of speculation!

The guardian of the wizarding world has been revealed, what can his new book use to fight!

What's even more weird is that Sirius and Grindelwald are linked together! All-round crushing!

‘It must be the conspiracy of that damn potato! He is not an author, but a bad guy who takes advantage of loopholes! ’

He saw through all the intentions, but there was nothing he could do.

Attacking Dumbledore is not okay, but attacking Grindelwald?

Oh, what if I don’t become a professor in the future and take the risk to be blocked by the saints?

Despicable and shameless potato!



Andrew took the magazine and couldn’t help but praise the courage of the editorial department.

They have real things and real courage - they are just riding on this hot topic, and I don’t even know how to say it.

Sirius can’t say that Grindelwald is unworthy, right? Especially since the other party is Dumbledore’s opponent at present, this is a disguised way of belittling Dumbledore.

And the plot is just right. Grindelwald’s appearance this month is actually a bit hasty, but the photos just make up for it.

With this image, I’m afraid the sales of this issue will be there.

There is just one question - will the saints recognize it?

Andrew thought it was not a big problem. He used a bunch of people to lay the groundwork for Grindelwald, and then he let Dumbledore off a bit when they first met - because he heard Grindelwald's vision of the future.

This time they met, next time they split up, and then they attacked each other and developed...

'Perfect, the manuscript will be easier to write next month...'

Andrew nodded, put away the magazine, and pretended to be a fan to lend it to his roommate.

The character setting was completed, and I felt that I was farther away from the Astronomy Tower today!

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