This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 217: Trivia during Christmas Holidays

"Does wood need a secondary reserve?"

The day before the Christmas vacation, Andrew looked at the typed report and felt a little dizzy.

"Divination found that this winter is particularly cold? So we need to reserve more wood?"

Who did the divination?

Ah, a divination master rumored outside...

Okay...just cut down the wood of the Forbidden Forest one more time, but this time the trouble is to bring the professor with you - the growth of the Forbidden Forest is controlled, if too much is cut down, some tree species need to be replanted.

Although it sounds unrelated to herbalism, the management of this aspect does require the assistance of an herbalism professor - in fact, if it is not for the purpose, it would be okay to change the subject to botany.

Andrew submitted the report to Professor McGonagall, and soon received the agreed order - although divination is not very reliable, it seems to be somewhat useful after all.

"You should come and take a look too, Taylor."

Professor McGonagall nodded and said, "Although the principles are different, it might be helpful."

"Okay, Professor."

It was for this reason that Andrew joined the logging team, and the professor sent by the Herbology Office was naturally the young and strong Professor Adams.

"Happy holidays, Taylor-san—a walk in the Forbidden Forest is a great way to spend time."

Professor Adams, who was dressed like a Siberian hamster, looked extremely safe - but Andrew knew the professor's true identity, which was completely exposed when he went to pick up Percy during the summer vacation.

"That place is really nice, but it's a bit wasteful of college points."

Andrew smiled and said, "I'm not a Gryffindor. If someone from our college comes back from vacation and sees that the funnel is missing, they will send me to the school hospital."

"No points will be deducted for coming to the Forbidden Forest - no one will care anyway."

You are right, but I have no need for the Forbidden Forest, Professor Adams. The most important thing is that only a ghost knows what level of magical creatures there are in the Forbidden Forest.

Andrew felt that he was not good at transfiguration and could not cope with it.


After Adams finished bewitching Andrew, he waved in the distance. Hagrid stood there in a fur coat and responded enthusiastically, "This way, come on!"

Andrew and the others walked quickly and then met up. A thick-haired dog that looked a bit majestic ran over at Hagrid's feet, and then ran around them.

It's a pity that Andrew knows his character very well - this is a dog who is forced to be extremely timid.

Well, forced, with the things Hagrid plays, it takes a lot of courage to be able to stand.

"Ya Ya, come here!"

Andrew squatted down, rubbed the dog's head angrily, and let out a bad smile, then stood up and approached Hagrid, and the ravaged Fang followed timidly.

"Let's go, we can't wait too long."


"This is it. I'll send a signal and the elf will come over."

Walking through the light snow, the group quickly arrived at a place on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and then Adams began to call the elf.

"Here, okay, I'll call someone right away."

The apparated elf saluted Professor Adams, then disappeared with a bang, and returned again with a group of elves.

They moved quickly - the trees were marked by Professor Adams, then knocked down by their magic, divided again, and brought back with Apparition.

The whole action was so smooth that Andrew regretted why he didn't come to see it last time.

But he soon saw someone more interesting.

He secretly took out his wand and began to cast spells on the snow on the ground.

The snow melted quickly and then began to freeze - two figures trying to approach in the distance were almost instantly trapped by the ice.

But it was no use, the ice melted instantly, and then he prepared to escape.

But, it's too late...

The elves almost cheered and stepped forward, and then a bunch of spells flew over.

Then, two screams came out at the same time, one fell down on the opposite side, another elf fell down, and an iron armor spell appeared on the other person's body.

"It's me!"

The familiar voice - the Disillusionment Curse was lifted, revealing Harry and Sirius lying on the ground.

'Attack the professor...I will definitely faint immediately...'

Andrew rolled his eyes - if it weren't for the bug, both of them would have fallen here.

"What's going on?"

Andrew took small steps forward, "Are you here to study the history of magic?"

Harry's face seemed a little red, but Professor Adams, who came running quickly, interrupted Andrew's accountability scene, and he quickly woke up Sirius.

I'm just afraid of this - what does the professor think about this matter?

Did the professor take his students to play in the Forbidden Forest?

Professor McGonagall won't curse me to death when I say this?

Andrew sighed and could only ignore it. The Forbidden Forest had no effect on professors, and the confinement was fake. Damn it, didn't Gryffindor examine the professors when they were recruiting them?

"Ah... I just heard a noise in the Forbidden Forest, and I was worried that some bad guy was there."

Sirius tried to explain slightly awkwardly after waking up - but the only person present who broke the rules was the one he brought.

What's even more terrible is that the person who collected the money to do the work didn't get the money, so he was making trouble!

"Thank you very much for your concern about school affairs, Professor Black." Andrew tried not to show his helplessness. "But it is still too dangerous to sneak into the Forbidden Forest with a second-year student. I hope I can bring the outstanding Hagrid with me next time." guide or another suitable professor.”

"Can we take a look?"

Did you hear what I said?

Andrew sighed.

"Of course," Adams said enthusiastically, obviously not realizing the trouble.

This time it's just outside, it would be strange if he didn't go in and take risks next time!

But he couldn't get rid of the two curious Gryffindors, so he could only watch and wonder what this thing had to do with range casting.

About half an hour later, most of the trees on the entire border were cut off, and then Adams took out a large bottle of seeds soaked in potion from his thickly wrapped chest.

"It has been revived by the potion, and now we just need to plan the growth environment."

After that, it was also boring, nothing new, using magic to treat the stumps, then burying the seeds and potions, and then casting spells to ensure that the seeds would not germinate in winter and accumulate enough magical energy.

"Around March, they will grow rapidly. Before that, they will only assimilate the original tree roots under the action of magic, so that their growth next year will become more stable."

Adams explained while casting a spell.


"Yes, assimilation. Because they are the same kind of trees, they can be assimilated with the help of magic. The same principle applies to herbs, but its roots are not so comfortable to handle with magic."



But what does this have to do with range casting?

Andrew looked puzzled, but this kind of casting method and rhythm...

I don't understand it either.

At a glance at the advanced content of herbal medicine, how can a student like him, who is just at the upper level of the second grade, master it?

It can't be used for range deformation, and then he uses the new deformation grass to assimilate the old ones? It doesn't make sense in principle!

More importantly, he can't master this skill in a short time...


Go back and think about it, he thought so.

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