This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 227 The Bottom of the Black Lake

Although the experience of going to Dumbledore's office for the first time during the holidays was not so pleasant, Andrew still learned something.

The transformation technique of that very strange-looking wooden stick did not appear to be covered by his transformation technique at all. No matter how many times Andrew transformed, the feeling of obstruction was frighteningly strong.

'A very suitable teaching aid...'

I don’t know what others think, but that’s what Andrew thinks - but other than that, there’s not much to say about the daily routine in the principal’s office.

He couldn't go to the electricity laboratory, so his daily routine became running, breakfast, duty in Dumbledore's office, library, lunch, library, laboratory exercises plus writing, dinner and playing cards or the next issue.

Something worth mentioning, it is said that in the rest of the lounges, the current situation of playing cards is - I have seen through the future, you lose...

As for why there is no Ravenclaw lounge, it's probably because... everyone has a bit of airs...

But anyway, Andrew didn’t hear too many bad reviews.

After all, this issue is really rushed - the first part is fine, but the second part is a direct break from the plot and battles.

'It's not a big problem... we can continue. The next issue will be a trip to Paris. If I write about alchemy or something, I can just make it up... I just have to be careful not to create something that was not created at the time. ’


"Taylor, please continue with today's work."

With a smile on his face, Dumbledore picked up less than half of the files and left the rest directly to Andrew.

Yes, that's right, at Professor McGonagall's side, Andrew still classified the files, handling the unimportant ones and leaving the important ones to the professor, while in Dumbledore's office, he had full authority...

Andrew even suspected that if he offered to help Dumbledore with some chores, Dumbledore would dare to give him another half, but he still hadn't chosen which one...

'This school is not closed down, it all depends on Professor McGonagall...'

Andrew sighed, but couldn't say anything.

What can he do? He can only do his job safely, and then... he won't even be able to file a complaint.

If he hadn't been working hard for a whole year, he doubted that he would be able to do this job.

'Professor, please come back. Today I have more documents than Dumbledore. If this continues...'

But Professor McGonagall didn't come, instead Slytherin students came.

The doorbell of the principal's office was rang, and then a person who looked particularly familiar to Andrew came in.

He ran over in horror, and then saw Andrew who was immersed in processing documents, and his whole state was a little stunned.

"Mr. Stevenson, what happened?"

Dumbledore had to break his rude silence with words.

Ah, I remembered it.

After signing, Andrew finally remembered who he was - Belcu Stevenson, the sixth-year male prefect of Slytherin.

‘What is he here for? Lost the group fight? It shouldn't be, Slytherins don't have this habit...'

"Headmaster Dumbledore," Bercu said, recovering from his surprise, "Oh no, we found Gryffindor!"

Big joke - Gryffindor?

Where is this school without Gryffindor?

Even the toilets have to be checked for any abnormalities...

But Dumbledore obviously couldn't sneer like Andrew, "Please slow down, Mr. Stevenson, what's going on please?"

"Gryffindor! Yes, Gryffindor! They're on the window!\

,"? ? ?

Hanging from the window on a broomstick?

Don’t be afraid of breaking your legs! Christmas is coming, don’t look for trouble!

Andrew thought about it, but he didn't stop working on it and started working on another document - he still had a clear sense of priorities.

It's not a big deal if Gryffindor holds a broomstick.

Fortunately, Bercu Stevenson saw that he was too calm and finally remembered the flaw in his words, "It's the Black Lake, the window of our lounge, because it's glass that has been enchanted, and they are taking it." Magic bombardment..."

? ? ?


Andrew stopped what he was doing - for the first time, he knew that the Slytherin common room was underwater.

That's weird, isn't it damp? Isn't it cold these days?

Also, why did those people smash people’s windows?

Ah, right...

Andrew finally remembered something important - the issue of treasures at the bottom of the Black Lake had just come up a few days ago, so it was normal for people to enter the Black Lake.

Professor McGonagall was not in the school, so most of the documents were handed over to Dumbledore for approval...


Mr. Filch is only responsible for things within the castle, he doesn't care about the Black Lake...

Normally, there will be a report if there is a big movement...

Wait, it’s time to analyze the cause. The problem now is that we can’t let those people remove the glass!

In this cold winter month, if the black lake water pours into the lounge, the fun will not be ordinary...

Obviously, Dumbledore was thinking about the problem in the same way. His expression changed from surprise to hurried, "I'll go to Slytherin's lounge, Taylor. You go to the Black Lake and stop them..."

"Yes, Professor."

Andrew agreed, and then quickly rushed out of the castle.

It's not a matter of posture now - if we don't hurry up, we'll be busy today!

The running he had been doing for many days finally came in handy today. He ran all the way towards the Black Lake, and then found that a large number of people had gathered on the shore.

"Warming potion, five warm potions, it may take half an hour! It was specially made for the ice edge of the Black Lake. You have also seen the effect. Those who need it, hurry up!"

Andrew rushed over and found that a large area of ​​​​the Black Lake was cut open, and it was surrounded by junior high school students who were watching.

"What's going on? How many people went down!"

Andrew stopped and asked sternly, "And this potion, how did you do it!"

"Just a little..."

The other party tried to defend, but was frightened back by Andrew's stern eyes, "How many people?"

"Five three-person teams, all brought bubble head spells and potions..."

"Making trouble..."

Andrew cursed, grabbed a bottle of potion, took out Sico and threw it over, then drank it in one gulp, and a surge of heat came out.

With a tap of the wand, the clothes turned into a close-fitting swimsuit, and the imitation hair-bubble charm that I made on my head was placed on my head, and I plunged into the depths of the black lake.

‘I don’t want my life! The black lake in winter... Head soaking spell and magic potion...'

He took out his wand, used Transformation to mark the road for himself, and then cast a spell directly on the water to make a stream of water become a rope-like existence. If necessary, he could even directly heat the water to maintain body temperature, but this required Transformation. Achievements, he didn't think those reckless guys could do it.

'I hope those fishmen don't hibernate and can help those bastards when they drown...'

At least that's what the information said, but he didn't know if it would be useful in winter.

Logically speaking, no one has drowned in the Black Lake, but this cannot be done.

'I've been so happy these days that I completely forgot about these guys' ability to cause trouble... It's really...'

'Waiting for me to catch him back... Damn it, if it wasn't a Slytherin who came to report, I don't know how this would have ended! ’

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