This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 234 Christmas Gift

"This work is really not done by humans..."

Andrew sighed - he had just finished arranging the recipes for the Christmas dinner, and still had to decorate.

But here's the problem. According to past records, no elf was even needed for this job. Professor McGonagall dragged Professor Flitwick to do it.


‘Pull the dean? I'm crazy to cause this trouble for myself! ’

Andrew closed the record angrily and prepared to do it himself - the Christmas tree was arranged, Hagrid provided it, it was not a big problem, but the decoration...

‘Oh my god, if you come here by yourself, you will be exhausted, right? ’

And a big problem is that he is not that good at decorative transformation - this thing requires a closer look, and cannot be tiled with range casting, otherwise he will just fool it.

‘Practice slowly by yourself? That's fine, but the files...can they still be handled by Dumbledore? Are you kidding...'

'We really don't have enough time, it seems we can only trick people - a person's power is limited, but a group...'



The event "Wizard Chess Tournament" will be held in the school two days before Christmas. The winning college will get the right to dress up the school auditorium for Christmas this year. 】

Such a childish announcement was posted on the bulletin board, but the signature and seal below were extremely authentic.

"It's actually not Quidditch but wizard chess."

"Yeah, a duel is fine, but playing chess is a bit boring... I don't know who the referee is..."

"Is wizard chess bad? Isn't your academy afraid?"

"Afraid? It's obviously Taylor who is causing trouble for their academy!"

"If you can't get through, just say so. Why don't you let it go... Not many people in Ravenclaw can play chess on weekdays..."

After a bit of commotion, the crowd dispersed—and went back to prepare for the game.

Let's keep talking, you can't get the decoration activity of the Academy Cup. It's great to do it now - it doesn't matter how many people are left behind, this thing will be crushed by just one chess king.


"It's impossible to duel. You can't even watch it. Quidditch and Thunderbolt tiles are also impossible. Wizard chess at least doesn't need a strong guard. Professor Adams also asked me to spend some materials to make a permanent one." Let Dumbledore sign the deformed trophy, decorate it and add the materials, and it's done..."

"Over at the event, Principal Firecracker said he was responsible, so don't worry..."

"Performance activities, it seems that there is no such example in previous years, don't worry about it..."

"The elves are responsible for the castle cleaning and banquet..."

"That's probably all. I haven't finished the alchemical shrinking of the new lamp yet, so I can't use it yet..."

"That's it... Ah, by the way, I still have to be busy sending congratulatory letters to the Ministry of Magic, and, um, those schools... I've made arrangements. I need to have Dumbledore at least sign his name, otherwise it would be too shameful. Already…”

"worn out…"

He packed up a bunch of things, then sighed and closed the door to Dumbledore's office.

‘Speaking of which, what is Dumbledore busy with, fishing? That’s not right. They said they were giving me their work back, but I couldn’t see it coming…’

'Forget it, go back and study that piece of wood, don't care about things other than my strength...'


"Tyler didn't come?"

"We have a professor in charge."

Probably because they were a little bored, basically all the students who stayed in the school came to the scene - ten chessboards were placed there, and all the prefects who stayed in the school were invited to do inspections, plus a referee, which was barely decent. Competition.

After all, the rules of wizard chess are over there, the number of people has been registered, and the single-elimination tournament system is basically no problem.

The basic meaning is - three players were eliminated because of casting curses on their opponents. After the game, one of them was so dirty that he was sent to the school hospital.

However, after a difficult choice, the Hufflepuff students won - one of the students who stayed at the school happened to be a skilled chess player.

No one was even unconvinced - because he killed the last opponent with a huge advantage.

So the cheerful Hufflepuffs almost jumped up and down, dragging their champions to get the materials - to decorate the auditorium, they had not experienced this kind of honor for a long time!


"Take a break from your busy schedule..."

Andrew didn't even care about the results of the competition - he just needed someone to decorate the auditorium, in all colors.

The amount of documents these days has been a bit overwhelming, and his schedule has been a little overwhelming. Fortunately, there will be no problem after Christmas. If Professor McGonagall comes back, the workload will suddenly be reduced to normal. .

‘Just calculate the expenses tomorrow and get the principal to sign it. It’s not a big job, and you can even be lazy while watching the winners’ decorations… I won’t be able to live for the holidays the day after tomorrow… It’s a perfect arrangement…’

After stretching, Andrew suddenly remembered a problem - hell, he didn't prepare any Christmas cards or gifts!

'It's too late tomorrow, no, I have to leave school now to buy a leave request slip to... come in and out... Ah, by the way, there is no need to approve it, I am responsible for it...'

He originally planned to care about the result of the game, but now it seemed that it was completely impossible - he hurriedly ran to Dumbledore's office, and then directly borrowed the Floo Network and flew towards Diagon Alley.


"Yes, yes, that's right over there, perfect decoration, just do it like that!"

Andrew walked among Hufflepuffs and felt comforted as he watched each student being very energetic.

Throwing away the remaining guilt, he began to experience Dumbledore's happiness.

"Great, that's the Transfiguration. Make the ribbons better. It's beautiful!"

He paced back and forth without doing any work - or rather, the Hufflepuff students stared at him to prevent him from interfering on a whim.

This power was something they had fought for with great difficulty!

Thanks to the chess master of our house!

"That's it. Very good. I'll go look elsewhere. Mr. Filch has complained many times about the armor of the castle..."

Andrew said with a smile on his face, and left the energetic Hufflepuff.

As for his own house - he was frustrated yesterday, but he was not blamed.

Using an intellectual game like wizard chess for selection is already a let-down - what else can you say if you can't beat others?

'The situation is very good! '

And this time there was no flag - the unsuccessful houses began to pile up snowmen and signs in front of the castle, trying to grab the external decorations. Hufflepuff just assigned someone to simply carve one, and then ignored them.

There was no problem with the elves and Filch either.

Andrew also asked his own owl and the owl of the school to take out the Christmas gifts in batches. In short, everything was ready, just waiting for Christmas to come.


"Today, sleep in... After all, it's the New Year here..."

It was rare that Andrew didn't go out for a run after waking up, and slept for another hour.

He was exhausted during this period.

After waking up, Andrew, who felt energetic again, moved his body, looked at his pile of gifts, then blinked and looked again.


Why do they feel a little high?

He hurried over and decided to send back anything that was too valuable - damn, he was doing odd jobs at school, not working for the Ministry of Magic!

"Well, this is..."

A Hufflepuff student? A piece of candy?


Another Hufflepuff student?


All right…

After opening more than a dozen gifts and finding that they were all Hufflepuff snacks, Andrew sighed—damn it, no, he really didn’t cheat!

But candy can’t be considered a bribe, he sighed and accepted them all.

Then, the next package.

Singing the opposite tune? ? ?

Uh… okay.

He put it aside and continued to open another one. This time it was, well, this one was good, it didn’t even melt, a lemon-flavored ice cream, especially delicious to eat around the fireplace in winter!

Happily unwrapping the package, he opened the next one, and then the whole person was not good.

It was another hardcover feather pen set, but the final feather was changed from phoenix to thunderbird—damn it, why urge manuscripts during the holidays.

‘Fortunately, the name magic of the communication over there is not a pen name…’

“This one? Well, well, this one is——”

He opened the package to check the name, and sure enough, roommate, very perfect, a precious card that he didn’t have!

As expected, family members understand.

The other roommates also gave the right gifts, but the one that Andrew remembered most was the gift from Dumbledore - a very special magic pocket watch, but it didn't have any function marked on it.

'I'll do it later...'

He counted the gifts in the end, and the hardest one in the pile belonged to Hagrid - those rock biscuits looked like they could smash the ground.

'In addition to those gifts, they have all been given... so have the friends in the other colleges, and there is another letter for a gift that needs to be replied... Huffman, you are indeed different. '

Andrew sighed, gave up saying extra words, and began to lie on the table to write a reply.

Huffman, that guy, was the first correspondence since training, and he really had to pay great attention to his reply - when he wrote to him, he introduced his good results in the training camp, and expressed his vision for the future, and he was full of sharing, so Andrew really couldn't help but reply immediately.

[Dear Huffman;

I am very happy to receive your letter... (a long paragraph of greetings)...

(a long paragraph of blessings and praise for Huffman's adventure)...

Thanks to you, I am doing well in school. I just do those things every day, except that I am a little tired...

The first-grade kid is still naughty and mischievous. Nothing has changed much since you left. There is nothing much to say about my personal experience. If I have to say something, it is just those bad things that are widely circulated in the school.

The only thing I can mention is adventure, but unfortunately, I have not made any outstanding contributions. I just got such an opportunity by chance.

I hope you can do the same in the future. To be honest, I really look forward to you taking such an adventure...

Your friend

Andrew Taylor]

With a smile that could not be wiped off no matter what, Andrew sealed the envelope and began to imagine the scene of Huffman cursing after receiving the letter. This is really too interesting.

After getting dressed and putting away the gifts, Andrew prepared to go out to mail the letter.


"It's so great, Hufflepuff is so happy... Why isn't Ron here? His house was robbed!"

A cry of grief was heard at the Gryffindor table.

They had a chance, because Ron was recognized as the best chess player in the house, but the Weasleys had gone home to celebrate Christmas.

This was very unpleasant, especially when seeing the decorations of the pair.

Fortunately, those full gems in the scoring hourglass make people feel very reassured - if nothing else happens, they can win the Academy Cup this year, and the celebration scene may be even grander then.

However, the sumptuous Christmas dinner makes everyone's worries disappear, especially since there are no cups to hand out this time, which makes people even more happy - forget it, Hufflepuff's decorations are just Hufflepuff. Patch, it's better than Slytherin.

But even Slytherin isn't too angry now - Gryffindor has been having so much fun cleaning the toilets these days, and they haven't won either, which is even more reassuring.

The only person in the room who seemed a bit off was the Ravenclaw.

Andrew wanted so badly to pull out his wand now, but he couldn't.

The reason is very simple, because Dumbledore specially thanked him when he spoke before the banquet - Damn it, dear principal, you are putting me on the fire!

I can’t even sit at the table here!

If it weren't for the delicious food in front of him, Andrew would have very much planned to leave the table - he finally settled down and was full.

"Bring some firecrackers!"

As Dumbledore spoke, a pile of specially made firecrackers were piled up in front of everyone. Andrew packed them up with just one spell - No, he couldn't stay any longer. He took the firecrackers back to study and see if there was any difference...

But shortly after he left the table, he was stopped.

"Professor Black? Didn't you take leave until after Christmas?"

Andrew looked at Sirius curiously.

"Harry still likes the crowded scenes at school," Sirius said, but his expression was not very good, which made Andrew a little suspicious.

"The school is really lively. There are firecrackers over there. When did you come back, Professor?"

"This morning, I just came here not long ago..."

Sirius said, then took a deep breath.

"That, is, um...reward..."

He pushed a box over and handed it to Andrew.

? ? ?

I've already refused once, Professor Black...

Andrew sighed and prepared to refuse again in a low voice.

After all, he is a professor, so he cannot be too loud or disrespect others.

But something happened that puzzled him. Dumbledore's voice suddenly came over, "Take it, Taylor..."

? ? ?

Andrew was stunned for a moment, but he tried to pretend that nothing was wrong.

Principal, are you kidding me?

But he couldn't say it directly now, so he could only pretend to be calm and look forward to the next instruction.

"Take it, I witnessed it."

All right.

Andrew sighed, "Okay, if you insist, but we have no relationship a long time ago, never have."

Sirius nodded frantically, then ran away blushing.

Andrew was left looking surprised, waiting for Dumbledore to speak.

"If you don't accept it, I'm afraid my new professor will be worried about this all day long...even if you bring him the gift from Azkaban."

Dumbledore sighed, "Ghosts don't always spread useful things, but after you took it, I think he will be more restrained in the castle in the future."

"It just so happens that you can use this time well. After using it, I will help you return it at the end of the school year - he will probably be more mature by then..."

Wait, principal, did you force me to leave on purpose? And this box...have you already discussed it with Sirius's ancestor and asked him to bring it over?

Andrew was very skeptical, but thought about the astronomy tower...

‘Nah, I don’t know what happened. ’

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