This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 246 Professor Lockhart's Club

While Andrew was scared out of his wits by his own guess, Lockhart, who caused a sensation in the whole school, had successfully submitted the application form.

‘Next, we have to consider who to deal with. Professor Flitwick is absolutely impossible. ’

Professor Lockhart, dressed in a pink robe, smiled and greeted the enthusiastic students passing by, and was still planning his own club in his mind.

The beginning of the duel club requires a perfect victory.

He, Lockhart, will defeat his opponent with the support of the students, and then instruct the students. According to the popularity of the duel club, most students will join his club. No matter what happens afterwards, he can say that the students used what he taught.

This is a more direct teaching relationship than Defense Against the Dark Arts, and no one in the entire wizarding world will deny it.

‘That Professor Adams? Forget it, that fist...’

The tall and strong Professor Adams left his sight.

‘Dumbledore - ah, this, why did I think of this? ’

‘Professor McGonagall is definitely not good enough. If she wins, the club won’t be able to open…’

‘Professor Sprout… No, beating that professor is not convincing at all. ’

After all, Professor Sprout’s image is very kind on weekdays, and she likes to take care of plants on a daily basis. Defeating her can’t show Professor Lockhart’s bravery at all.

‘Divination is not good, and Muggle research is even worse. Alchemy is easy to fail. Digital divination is the same as divination, and it is not convincing. So, what else is there? Well, magical creatures… This is even less convincing. ’

The poor professor only had half a limb left. Lockhart thought about it and felt that proposing a duel would lose his reputation.

Ancient magic runes and astronomy are even more… As for the other new professors, they are not convincing either. Sirius Black is definitely good enough, but he thought about it and gave up this opportunity to become famous.

‘There is only one person left, and that’s you, Snape! ’

This is a goal that couldn’t be better—when he was in school, Snape was mixed up with the Death Eaters, and his reputation was average. It was said that he often suffered losses in fights. Now his reputation in the school is even worse, and students naturally lack favorability. Even if it is not convincing enough to beat him down, students will make up for it themselves.

After all, it is gratifying to beat Snape down!

‘Very good, we can invite our Professor Snape, and you will be the next victim—let the students’ resentment rise, and when they celebrate, Professor Lockhart will be back to the top! ’


“I haven’t heard of Lockhart’s dueling club…”

Sirius yawned, “If we were not colleagues, I would even say that I don’t know this person…”

“Don’t know him? But the dueling club…”

Harry really wanted to go—Sirius’s hands-on teaching of Transfiguration was indeed very good, but there was always something missing.

"Okay, you're distracted. Go ahead. If you haven't learned enough, I'll review it for you. My dueling spells aren't as good as Transfiguration, but they're not comparable to those of ordinary wizards." Sirius rubbed his godson's head and told him to go. He could teach, but firstly, it was a group social activity, and secondly, he wasn't sure of the peacock's level. If the other party was really good at it, like Mad-Eye, he would be much better than him. 'Come to think of it, I haven't even contacted him since I got out... That guy even spat in front of my cell back then. ' Sirius suddenly remembered this old friend who was disappointed in him back then. 'The job is stable now, it's time to contact him, and Remus, that guy, can't send the letter, and he didn't say he would write to me...' He let go of his godson's head, "Go, have fun with your friends!" 'Okay, Sirius!' Harry didn't expect to get such a response at all. He hugged Sirius and ran out. ——

"What will Professor Lockhart do?"

"I'm looking forward to it too."

Andrew, who was pulled here by his roommate, nodded - the hall was full.

He also came to learn some dueling spells, even if he didn't study them in depth, it would be good to understand them.

There is no doubt that Percy finally gave in. Of course, it may also be that Professor McGonagall agreed.

Anyway, the new club was opened, and even a special notice was posted.

'But it's a very legitimate reason for the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor to open a dueling club. After all, dueling is either for him or spells, but Professor Flitwick is so old... he can't do it anymore...'

After all, this thing is so popular in Hogwarts, just like tonight, almost half of the students in the school came.

The fact that fighting with magic sounds really cool, more direct than all the courses - Professor Flitwick is not busy with this.

'The people are really comprehensive, dueling plus Professor Lockhart's name, whether they like fighting or not, they all come. ’

He smiled and looked at the group of people, hoping that Professor Lockhart would not do anything weird.

‘Especially don’t look for Hagrid. If Hagrid punches him, I’m afraid Professor Lockhart will cry for a long time. ’

But Professor Lockhart’s appearance made him exclaim that he had learned something.

The purple wizard robe and the newly installed lights all hit Professor Lockhart at once, and he moved towards the center of the auditorium with him.

‘Damn it, when was this thing installed, and it has developed such a function? Also, this natural ability to focus eyes is really too cheating. ’

‘But use Transfiguration to slightly modify the lighting mechanism, and then... No, no spell, it’s an alchemical mechanism? ’

He looked at Professor Lockhart and found that he had unearthed treasure again.

Professor Lockhart actually knows alchemy?

There is no doubt that if Andrew knew more about this professor, he would know that he even developed his own alchemical hair care lotion and some secret cosmetics.


‘Damn it, Mr. Black, you shouldn’t be here...’

Andrew sighed.

When Professor Lockhart walked to the center of the auditorium, all the lights were on. Professor Black appeared in a remote part of the auditorium, looking at the center of the auditorium with a gentle expression.

Following his gaze, Andrew found Harry under a touch of bright red hair.

‘It won’t be located by Ron...’

But this speculation is meaningless-most of the students have been attracted by Professor Black’s smile.

If Andrew hadn't been used to asking around, he wouldn't have even noticed the arrival of another wizard.

Yes, another wizard, a mysterious existence to Andrew.

'Professor Snape, can I finally see some of your strength? '

Andrew thought as he looked at the inconspicuous black figure.

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