"Peeves really knows how to seize the moment..."

Andrew sighed in his heart, but he had no idea of ​​going to the castle gate - he was just a first-year freshman, should he go to give away his head?

That's an elf who dared to say no to all previous principals!

He dominated the castle when Dumbledore wasn't around, and now it's happily doing mischief.

"Just wait, the war will subside..."

Andrew leaned back on the chair and began to whisper the shoelace spell to his shoelaces - driven by such a slight spell, the two shoelaces moved slowly as if they were recovering, and he Several roommates moved their chairs out of curiosity and began to try this rather boring spell.

Peeves' mischief was finally restrained when Andrew was able to control his shoelaces and tie them himself, and the senior class who returned in droves hit him several times with the bread thrown by Peeves in return. The elf finally felt bored and left the passage cursing.

'Okay, the first piece of defense against Peeves - let him shoot himself in the foot...'

Andrew silently wrote this down in his mind, and by the way expressed his gratitude to Ham, the senior and club leader in front of him, who bought a bunch of snacks for him.

"Study hard and go to the library is a good habit - knowledge is the greenhouse where wisdom is born."

He smiled and patted Andrew on the shoulder, quite like a leader inspecting, then turned and left.

"It is indeed the most strict club in the hospital..."

Hal looked envious after Ham left - obviously, he was KFC.

'I'm just pretending, but I can't say it yet...'

Andrew held his tongue tightly with some slander. The opinions of the club meeting were the opinions of the club meeting and were not disseminated to the outside world. He did not want to be targeted by a bunch of seniors because of his mouth.

If there is someone who is destructive or overly bullying, he will definitely deal with it, but just because of the attitude problem that is not revealed - if he has no nose because of this opposition, it would be too extreme to say that he is too extreme.

Of course, this title is very abrupt, but firstly, they heard that his real name was under a spell, so no one dared to shout it, and secondly, the main reason he knew was to listen to the explanation...

As far as he knew, Mr. Nose had a lot of people with different agendas, but that one was punished because he didn't do things well. He couldn't be more outrageous than Mr. Nose.

Go back to the lounge and share the snacks - there is no doubt that Andrew's share is the largest, but there is nothing to divide. The things of several people are simply piled together and placed on the table playing cards in the middle. Who would have thought Just take it.

"Sleep, there may be owls coming tomorrow, we must not let this happen again!"

However, when Andrew got up the next day, it was just getting light and the owl had no intention of disturbing him.

After thinking for a minute or two, and remembering what he said to his roommate before going to bed yesterday, Andrew decided to leave secretly - he had studied too hard in those days and was very tired, so he took a relatively long time to sleep. He might have gone to bed too early yesterday. , so he rested for a while and felt full of energy. If he called someone up at this point, he was afraid that he would end up in the campus hospital...

"Let's go for a run... I've finished my thesis and my homework... I've been busy with magic these days, and I've actually fallen behind on such an important skill as running..."

Quietly getting up, getting dressed, Andrew began to walk down while admiring the morning lounge.

Hogwarts was still a little dark at five o'clock, and most of the oil paintings on the wall were resting. When Andrew passed by, one or two oil paintings occasionally yawned and glanced at him, and then went to rest on their own.

"It seems like there really aren't many people who get up early..."

He decided to run a bit around the Black Lake - the course was nice but definitely occupied.



After completing half a circle, Andrew stopped by a willow tree, took a breath, and began to walk forward at a slightly faster speed - it had only been more than a week, and he was a little tired.

The scenery of Black Lake is just right at the moment, and the most wonderful thing is that no couples are coming - although there will be couples doing morning exercises together, but considering that yesterday was a Saturday, such a small probability has been wiped out.

But the small probability thing that frightened Andrew still happened - there was a Hufflepuff wandering on the shore of the lake in front, walking back and forth, as if he was planning to rush into the lake.

"Sorry, classmate over there, have you seen my toad?"

Andrew only hesitated for a moment before finding his excuse.


The other party was stunned for a moment, then turned around, "I didn't see it here."


He showed a disappointed expression, "It's not big, but it's just been suffocating a lot during this period. I originally wanted to let it go for a swim in the Black Lake when there were fewer people, but it ran away all of a sudden..."

"How about I help you find it?"

The other party just asked tentatively, and Andrew immediately followed, "Is this okay? That's great, thank you..."

'First, entangle him so that he doesn't think about anything else, then ask insinuatingly about the recent situation, and then try to enlighten him. ’

With this thought, Andrew started to lie, "My roommate said it prefers freedom. I don't know, maybe we are not suitable..."

"It's possible. Think about how big a body of water the Black Lake is. Living here is definitely better than living in the dormitory. Moreover, it is said that there is Slytherin's treasure here. Maybe it went to study."

After a slight hesitation, the Hufflepuff, whom Andrew did not know, lowered his voice, "I have seen many conjectures saying this, so I have been studying related content. You know, there is a strong proof recently."

? ? ?

Something seems to be wrong.

"Actually, it's okay to tell you. Several of our classmates have started to prepare to go to the Black Lake. Everyone usually prepares... If we see your toad at the bottom of the lake, we will bring your thoughts over and bring back its blessings..."

You are lying to the children here!

Wait a minute - Andrew realized that he was overthinking after complaining in his heart.

The other party was not unable to think, but was looking forward to the Black Lake - especially the story became a proof.

"Fourth grader, Jack."

The other party stretched out his hand, and Andrew was a little embarrassed and finally chose to give his real name - one lie could cover it up, but more than that would be hard to explain.

"First-year student, Andrew."

"Okay, I remember. I will help you find it. If there is any news, I will ask the school owl to give it to you. I will go over there to take a look and help you find it. Of course, I still doubt that it lives freely - that's it, goodbye."

"Goodbye, I will go over there to look for him, maybe he is just naughty..."

Andrew pretended to be anxious and tried to find the non-existent toad - he would just sneak back to eat some snacks and go to the library... He didn't even go to the cafeteria! This is too embarrassing!

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