This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 37 The Elder Wand has come out, it must be a lie

"Wake up, Harry, that's not all true."

Fred and George opened their mouths wide. They had felt something was wrong before, and now they finally knew why. As smart people, they saw at a glance that the story was made up. They didn't expect Harry to take it seriously.

The old wand, what a joke, only a brat like Ron would believe that thing exists.

"Maybe some of it is not true... but everyone says that nothing is strange about Dumbledore."

Harry looked at his leg that was still recovering. Madam Pomfrey said that it would be better for him to rest for a whole afternoon. "And the truth is always the same. Be firm in your belief, accumulate strength, never give up... and then fight back fiercely."

"That's the truth, but... the wand in Dumbledore's hand is the Elder Wand... Mom said it when she told the story, it was a fairy tale..."

"Maybe some of it, as long as the truth is right," Harry said with a firm look, "Anyway, I want to give it a try."

This was the first time he was the leader of a small team since he was a child. The only thing he could find to guide him was Dumbledore's biography. This failure made him think a lot.


"All the points were deducted... When was the last time we lost points?"

"Three years ago, or four years ago?"

In the common room, the senior Gryffindors were not in a hurry at all - the college cup had been isolated from the house for a long time, and it didn't matter if it was lost again.

The point is, how is the very Gryffindor Harry now?

"I hope it didn't hit him - one thing Gryffindor must remember is that when Slytherin is at a disadvantage, Snape will come out..."

"The second thing is, don't start a war with Slytherin at will, unless the Quidditch game comes..."

The person next to him added happily, "Because Professor McGonagall will be a little unfair at that time..."

"The third and most important thing is that learning is the most important..."

The sixth graders looked at the cheerful fifth graders, "How can you sit here and chat leisurely at this time in your grade? This year is your owls year. Have you finished your homework? Have you previewed the new courses? Have you reviewed the previous content?"

"Ah, okay, okay..."

The few fifth graders who mixed in the crowd seemed to see Professor McGonagall, and they stood up quickly and ran towards their rooms.


Andrew was naturally unaware of the scene in the Gryffindor common room, but this did not affect his uneasiness in the Transfiguration course.

Even a fool could feel the heaviness of the air. From the moment Professor McGonagall entered the classroom, the air in the classroom seemed to be under some evil spell, making people feel powerless to breathe.

"Start the class."

Professor McGonagall tried to show her calmness, but this was even more frightening. Although there were no Gryffindor students present, it did not affect everyone's trembling.

Fortunately, as the class progressed, Professor McGonagall's expression eased a little - the beans handed out were turned into glass balls under the spell of most students. Even if a few glass balls showed obvious bean shapes, it was barely considered a successful change of the shape of the object.

"Ravenclaw plus three points."

"Hufflepuff plus three points."

As Professor McGonagall spoke with a little sense of powerlessness, the force that seemed to strangle each student's neck finally disappeared.

"Okay, hand in last week's homework, and then write a record of the content of this class."

Homework was passed up one by one from the back - people only then realized that the homework that should have been collected before class was actually delayed until now.

Andrew, who was sitting in the front, thought about it for a while, and nervously handed in his paper together.

"Okay, get out of class is over."

Professor McGonagall picked up the paper and left the classroom first. The relieved students were quiet for two or three minutes, and then they started to leave noisily one after another as if they had just come to their senses.


"Andrew Taylor?"

Just when Andrew was reading in the library, a senior Ravenclaw found him.

"It's me, what's wrong?"

"Your roommate said you came to the library, and Professor McGonagall asked you to go to her office."

Andrew was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted.

"Ah? Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome. I'm a sixth-year student, Barry Martin."

He looked at Andrew, but his eyes were kind, "Go quickly, don't keep the professor waiting too long."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Andrew stuffed his things into his bag almost randomly, and he trotted to find the place where he borrowed the book and put it back (Mrs. Pince stared at him, then chose to let him go), then walked quickly to the door and started running.

To be honest, he didn't know that Professor McGonagall would actually review the thing that could barely be called a thesis so early.

'Here, here.'

He stopped, took a breath, and then knocked on the door of the office.

"Come in."

Professor McGonagall's voice came, and Andrew realized after entering the door that he was not the only visitor.

Two students with almost identical red hair were working at a table next to them, copying something with deliberately pretended seriousness on their faces.

"Don't worry about them, Taylor."

Professor McGonagall's tone was much more relaxed than in class, "Let's take a look at your paper."

"Here, this theory is not rigorous. When the effect of Transfiguration is transformed into a living thing, it is completely two different concepts..."

"And here, overly refined deformation will make the deformed object more easily destroyed. The power of Transfiguration here..."

Obviously, Professor McGonagall carefully reviewed Andrew's paper.

"Generally speaking, it's not bad. You can try these three books again. The specific reference range is..."

As the quill pen wrote and drew by itself, a new book list was opened, "Of course, don't underestimate practice. Although the effect of practice is not as significant as that of magic, theoretical understanding can never replace the problems found in practice."

"I will pay attention to training, professor."

"Well, that's it. You go to the library to borrow books first," Professor McGonagall said to Andrew in a kind tone.

But when Andrew left the office and closed the door, he heard Professor McGonagall's ruthless voice coming from inside.

"Brother Weasley, if you submit similar self-reviews again using the excuse that you have similar ideas... then you can report to Mr. Filch."

The sense of oppression during class hit Andrew, and he instantly quickened his pace.

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