This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 45 Why do I have to submit my manuscript again?

When people concentrate on doing something, time will be lost unconsciously.

Andrew, who was immersed in the art of transfiguration, began to have a preliminary systematic understanding of the art of transfiguration. Although many of the transfiguration techniques seemed crude due to the lack of magic power caused by his age, the cognition of the theoretical system has been evaluated by Professor McGonagall. Barely getting started.

"Don't read too much theoretical knowledge in the next period of time." When Andrew submitted the reading notes that were more like reading experience last week, Professor McGonagall showed a smile on his face, "I haven't tested it myself. Theoretical knowledge will become a constraint for you. What you have to do now is more practice, the speed of deformation, the degree of realism, and even more. "

At this point, he finally ended his crazy visit to the library.

Then, the hard days come...

Because time passed too quickly, he only discovered one thing when he was thinking about his next plan - a new deadline was coming soon.

‘Damn it, why did time pass so fast? Didn’t I just hand in the manuscript from last month? Why do you have to pay it again? ’

He didn't even take a good look at the feedback from the October issue, it was the end of October!

'Damn it, the manuscript is due in early November...'

Andrew looked at the increasing number of people in the library, counted the people he had known during this period, and decisively gave up the wonderful idea of ​​writing in the library.

As the students spent their freshest time, everyone began to do what they liked, and the new students in Ravenclaw also adapted to the life in the library little by little. No one would notice if they did it temporarily, every day Writing hard in the library - that is simply telling your classmates that there is something wrong with this person...

After considering multiple empty classrooms, Andrew finally found a good place - an unused empty classroom in the basement of the castle.

Since this place is close to the Potions classroom and a certain professor's office, even the most naughty Gryffindor students will not explore this place - think about it, let the professor who went out see the breathing Gryffindor. Fendo, you are really joking with your own college's score.

As for the problems such as lighting, smell and moisture, they are not big problems, and Andrew can still deal with them so far.

The only thing he needed to be careful about was not to discover the manuscript, but he prepared a half-written paper, and by the way, he turned each completed manuscript into beads and wore them on his wrist - Professor McGonagall must have lied. However, it’s not a big problem if other professors don’t check carefully, right?

Anyway, his half of the paper was an experiment on the effect of light on transfiguration. The question was a reference topic given by Professor McGonagall, plus a series of half-transformed things, so it was not a big problem to mess it up.

Anyway, it's been three or four days and no professor has come to check.


[Gryffindor raised his dagger with his left hand, and the whole forest seemed to be singing for him, and the curses that seemed to burn the air were destroyed one by one.

And with a simple draw of the wand in his right hand, the grass, rocks, and lake seemed to have a life of their own, sweeping towards Slytherin.

Slytherin remained unmoved. The spells that many dark wizards struggled to release in their lifetimes seemed to be as easy and free under his wand as the levitating spell for beginners. As soon as a spell went down, even the existence of those magic spells seemed to be wiped out and fell into a deep sleep.

In front of the newly built castle of Hogwarts, spells poured down like rain, and all the limits of magic that people could imagine were obliterated, as if the two of them were the end of magic and the essence of magic.

The people watching from a distance couldn't even think of helping. No, they couldn't cast the spell at all. The magic itself was almost wiped out by the two of them! 】

[Only Dumbledore, relying on the Elder Wand and his own legendary strength, could still find some strength in such a battle.

'You win, Gryffindor. ’

Slytherin said this, 'But I didn't lose to you, but to inheritance. He can help you with the spells you like, and I - no one can catch up with me. ’

After he finished speaking, he left without any hesitation. And the land that was killed in the battle was gradually covered by rain in the future, forming the Black Lake in the future.

Since then, Hogwarts has forever lost one of its founders who stood at the top - the ultimate existence of black magic, Slytherin. 】


Andrew commented on his work.

Although it was very exaggerated, it was really done in one go and the work was completed earlier than expected.

While Gryffindor is praised, Slytherin's own intensity will never be complained about - that's safe.

"Finally I don't have to stay in this dark basement anymore."

He turned the last manuscript into a bead and hung it on his hand. After double-checking that nothing was missing, he extinguished the magic flame, put away the table and messy things, and even whistled in a happy mood.

'Next, while practicing transfiguration, you can find a senior class to practice spells - the club resources do not need to be used in vain, and the practical ability needs to be improved. The courses that have been dropped can also be appropriately supplemented, especially the history of magic. , I’m so excited to write this time. It’s hard to say which major event will be used in the next manuscript...'

'Speaking of which, it seems that today is a celebration event... I came here to make up for the manuscript, but I didn't figure it out... But there is no big problem now, it's just lunch time. '


Just when Andrew was thinking about what to eat, the banquet was in full swing.

The castle decorated with thousands of bats had a Halloween feel, and even the appetizers were served.

"What did Andrew do again?"

"The library, of course."

His roommates looked unsurprised. Since the beginning of the school year, Andrew was the one who went to the library the most - although his grades didn't live up to his efforts.

But everyone had their own hobbies, so it was not easy to say anything. There were many people who specialized in one subject - and few Ravenclaws would say anything about this.

Leaving a seat at the table was the ultimate care, and everyone had a sense of propriety.

But just when the whole restaurant was in harmony, a person stumbled in.

Quirrell, the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, a professor with a bad reputation, almost rushed to the staff table.

"Huh... the troll... is in the underground classroom..."

Just after saying this to Dumbledore at the table, the professor couldn't breathe and fainted in front of everyone.

The bustling cafeteria suddenly exploded like Neville's cauldron.

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