This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 57 Destruction and Escape


Something was knocking on the wall, and Ron was woken up sleepily by the damn sound.

"What sound..."

He muttered, but found that the sound came from his dormitory. He touched the wand, "Luminescent flash."

The lit wand was stretched out, and Ron looked towards the source of the sound - Harry's bed.

"Harry? What are you doing?"

He muttered, but got no response, which forced him to crawl out of bed and look towards Harry's bed - what he didn't expect was that Harry's body was bent into a crotch, with a painful expression on his face. , was banging his forehead against the wall, and there were even blood stains on it.


Ron tried to reach out to hold him, but Harry threw him away.

"Quick, wake up, Harry is cursed!"

He quickly started calling the other people in the dormitory. While he was in a hurry to call people, Harry was still banging his forehead against the wall in agony.

"Control him with magic! Ron, Dean, come on!"

Neville thought for a moment and made his decision.

Thanks to Harry, the first-year Gryffindors who had been quiet during this period were practicing various spells for fighting in their spare time. There were still two experienced spells in the dormitory at the moment.

As for Neville - he's better with his fists.

Not to mention Seamus, who is currently responsible for exploding with the opponent in the academy battle.

"First use the leg-locking spell to control the legs. We wrap him in sheets and carry him to the campus hospital - we have to find one person to go to the professor for help."

The discussion of tactics in the past accelerated Harry's treatment at this moment. Several people quickly packed Harry up with sheets, controlled it with the levitation spell that everyone was very skilled at, and carried him towards the door of the lounge.

Harry still tried to bang his head occasionally, but the sheets were firm at the moment.


"Five points from Gryffindor."

The few people who had just climbed out of the cave finally lifted Harry up again, and a man who had been hidden for a long time shouted words that everyone was very familiar with.

"What are you carrying?"


? ? ?

Snape even had the urge to give Gryffindor points for a moment, but he soon realized something was wrong.

"Put him down!"

"He's been cursed, we need to take him to the hospital!"

Ron shouted.

"Another five points from Gryffindor for your rant - I say put him down."

"He's going to die! Go!"

Ron yelled and waved his wand violently, but Snape easily stopped him and froze him there. Neville almost immediately ran out, but he was stopped in place by a spell before he could take a few steps.

Seamus and Dean were dumbfounded, they didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Snape glanced at them, and the two of them stood there obediently like quails.

At this time, Snape curiously waved his wand and untied Harry who was sealed by the sheets - "Boom, boom..."

Sound reproduction.

Snape stared, but his face quickly turned pale.

He waved his wand, and a roll of bandages flew out from his wand. He quickly tied Harry up, and then the bound Harry, who was unable to move again, was lifted up by the wand.

"You two..."

He was about to give instructions, but found that the two of them had already run through a corridor separately.

Cursing secretly, he didn't care what to say and dragged Harry towards his office, and then started searching through his treasures like crazy.

"No, this won't work..."

"This might work."

The precious potion, whose price was calculated drop by drop, was poured into Harry's mouth as if it was free of charge, but Harry was still unconscious and his face became increasingly pale.

Snape rummaged through his medicine cabinet with a livid face and continued to burn Galleons, but Harry's expression did not improve at all.

'Um? ’

When he even poured the treasured elixir into Harry in a hurry, he suddenly felt a strange power appear, and began to draw out Harry's power crazily.

In Snape's surprised eyes, a shiny fragment separated from Harry's forehead, and then grew rapidly.

Although he didn't know what it was, Snape, who had been immersed in the study of dark magic for many years, immediately judged that it was not a good thing. It was probably this thing that drained Harry's life force.

After a slight hesitation, Snape's eyes became determined.

He raised his wand and tried to look into Harry's eyes again - but they were now closed tightly due to coma.

Snape, who immediately made up his mind, waved his wand, and a green light flew out from his wand and hit the fragment - the green light flashed, and it seemed to want to resist, but there was no resistance. submerged.


"Come again!"

It was the first time Moody had seen such a tenacious thing - he finally understood why Dumbledore had to call him over in the middle of the night.

He has seen a dozen completely different spells at Dumbledore's hands, but these unheard of magic can only weaken the shadow, but the good news is that it is constantly weakening.

But when a new round of spells arrived, the shadow suddenly burst out with more power than at the beginning - and their spells didn't know why under the influence of this power, they even affected Dumbledore's unbreakable The prison was attacked.

Even Dumbledore's own attack hit his own defense under such a deviation, and the extremely weak shadow even flew directly towards the window with the help of this force.

Several people almost immediately rushed towards the window, but the shadow that fell on the ground disappeared almost in an instant.


Ride the Thestrals to the castle, ask the house elves to confirm the layout, specify the plan, and set traps - but in the end it failed.

Moody's expression was very unhappy.

But to his surprise, Dumbledore was not as upset as he thought.

"Although it did not achieve the expected effect - but I learned a lot..."

But until he left, he didn't figure out what Dumbledore knew and what the shadow was.


When Professor McGonagall, wearing pajamas, walked down the corridor with two students with a suspicious look on her face, she still didn't believe them a little.

But when he came to the door of Snape's office, the anger on his face could no longer be suppressed.

Harry was lying at the door of Snape's office, still unconscious - but at least he didn't look like he was cursed as the two students described.

"Severus," Professor McGonagall, who knocked on Snape's office door, asked angrily, "Why is Harry at the door of your office?"

"Because I removed the curse for him, Minerva."

Snape looked like you couldn't see such an obvious thing.

"My students told me that you took it away from them -"

"Not taking it away, but treating it. They said it themselves. Potter was cursed. I happened to be good at it, so I treated him casually. You're welcome - if there's nothing else, I'm going to rest, Minerva, it's getting late now."

Professor McGonagall was very angry, but she finally held back - just like he said, the curse was lifted.

"Nothing else?"

"No, Severus."

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