This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 70 Andrew has no ill will towards Peeves

It is not an easy job to make a sculpture out of snow on the astronomy tower at the highest point of the entire castle - if there is no magic.

The artistic accomplishment of the senior students of Ravenclaw is so high that Andrew is afraid. The snow blocks that the junior students transported with magic quickly piled up and changed color under the wands of the senior students. The speed was so fast that it didn't seem to be building something with snow, but to dig out something buried in the snow.

It took less than an hour, and a huge raven looking back stood at the highest point of the castle. Its left claw hooked the spire, and its right claw was below. Its wings that were deliberately dyed black and cast some magic gave people the illusion of colorful black under the sunlight.


After exclaiming, several senior students pulled Andrew and others to fly in secretly (obviously, if they were caught by Filch, they would have to go outside to clean up the snow...), and then several students secretly returned with brooms.

As for the rest of the people, they were immediately told that they could do their own things - it was a bit outrageous in their laxity.

But Andrew had actually gotten used to it. He secretly complained that few people would see this work, then left the lounge and went to the empty classroom in the basement to prepare for the manuscript.

Today's events gave him some new ideas, which was very helpful.


[Wizards are the darlings of magic, and elves are the embodiment of magical rules. ]

[Dumbledore looked at this sentence and still couldn't understand the meaning of this gift from Gryffindor. ]

[Since returning from the early days of Hogwarts, he has never given up studying this book - but there is no record to refer to. ]

[He doesn't understand that there are too many existences that can be linked to elves, but when actually investigating, no existence can live up to such a high evaluation. ]

[This made the young Dumbledore very distressed. He had never felt such a big setback, except for a battle that was considered evenly matched when he entered school. ]

[The rare consecutive failures made him feel a little troubled, but more of a fighting spirit - as he likes to say, giving up is the real failure. ]


[Dumbledore finally found the answer, but this time the failure was even more tragic—he tried all kinds of magic, but couldn’t fundamentally attack this real elf. And the power called rules also woke up from the years after his test…]

[The smile that represented the success of the prank rang out, but what greeted Dumbledore was not the little pranks in the corridor in the past, but a shrill cicada chirping—just like the cicada chirping last time! ]

[Everything in the castle began to become illusory, just like last time, time was passing quickly, but the difference was that this time there was Peeves’ smile of successful prank. ]

[Why are you holding a stupid stick? ]

[Oh, those people, they tried to catch the elf, that is the power of the spell—when it appears, some golden rain will fall, as long as you drink the rain, you will become what you want, that is the flower, we call it the lucky spirit, born in the fountain of good luck. ]

[Dumbledore still couldn’t confirm the time of this chaotic era. Wizards didn’t even have wands, but the horror of those magics shocked him. ]

[Dark magic that was so terrifying that it was unimaginable in later generations, potions with effects far beyond imagination, cruel magic experiments, and so-called elves that could create miracles with just a little bit of corners. ]

[Wizards chased them, worshipped them, and hunted them. In just one month, Dumbledore had seen several elves whose abilities could only be replicated by the most powerful potions. ]

[The lucky elf that was chased finally didn’t escape the pursuit of the black wizards. It bravely committed suicide - and that piece of land was the place where the main medicine of the Felicia was most widely distributed in the future. ]

[Dumbledore finally knew...]

Andrew stopped writing and scratched his head.

No, this is not right - he originally planned to use Peeves’ elf identity to make a fuss, and then change the effects of various powerful potions into various elves.

But the style changed too much as he wrote. This was totally inconsistent with the previous ability.

‘Damn it, what I wrote after working so hard for so long is totally useless. ’

He essentially intended to let Dumbledore put an end to this behavior, but the style was totally wrong.

‘This can’t be used as a reference. ’

He destroyed the scraps with his wand and started trying another style.

[Wizards are the darlings of magic, and elves are the embodiment of magic rules. ]

[But as the open era passed, the elves in the legend disappeared one by one, and only from some relics could we see how powerful those elves were at that time. ]

[That was an era when magic wands had not yet emerged and wizards did not have to hide. Wizards observed elves and imitated elves to master more powerful magic, thereby transforming the entire continent. ]

[But what happened in the middle is unknown. However, after hiding, the wizards finally found a few weak elves and found a way to gain their power - that is, to subdue them. ]

[Before Hogwarts was built, there were five extremely powerful elves. Gryffindor conquered one with courage, Ravenclaw conquered one with his erudition, Hufflepuff conquered one with friendship, and Slytherin conquered one with a power unknown to others. ]

[The only remaining elf, Gryffindor left it in the castle, hoping that someone could get the power of the essence of magic from it. ]

[Dumbledore worked hard for a long time - but he had to admit that he had encountered the biggest setback. ]

[No matter how he provoked the thing that looked most like an elf, he always failed. ]

[Perhaps, only by defeating it with a real prank can it be recognized by it? ]

Andrew even wanted to pick up the original setting and rewrite it, but the follow-up would be troublesome. It’s okay to brag about other things, but to arrange a romantic encounter for Dumbledore?

Just kidding, that would be more than just being hung on the tower.

Moreover, after such a smooth sailing, it doesn’t seem too serious to give Dumbledore a little less obvious failure.

‘It needs to be revised again. The scrapped manuscript must not be used. Dumbledore’s gains must also be added - although he did not get the recognition of the only remaining elf. But when he forced the elf, he mastered the magic that Gryffindor used in the original battle...’

After some revisions, Andrew nodded in scrutiny - returning from ancient times, getting clues, and thus cracking the remaining secrets.

‘Okay, just add a few more Dumbledore’s quotations in the appropriate place. ’

‘The one with Slytherin’s name just now is almost right...’

He commented.

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