This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 72 Firecrackers with too much gold content

Planning to learn the date of Neville's birthday from the first-year Gryffindor, Andrew started preparations for a new day - he had never experienced an authentic Christmas, so he was ready to experience it and collect some possible inspirations. .

Working behind closed doors will only make the story too impetuous. The story must be close to life, especially for such a large-scale festival. It is too easy to make a joke just by relying on imagination.

But when he got up, no one was obviously in the lounge, but after he came back from his customary run, there was already a figure in front of the fireplace in the lounge - obviously, the attraction of Christmas gifts is still not small.

"Morning, Andrew, happy holidays - how about a game of wizard's chess?"

A first-year student who stayed at the school greeted Andrew enthusiastically. It was unclear whether he was a chess addict or showing off his new chess pieces - anyway, this set of marble chess pieces looked really good.

It’s just that… my chess skills are a bit poor.

It took less than a quarter of an hour, and under the watchful eyes of several onlookers, Andrew happily used the upgraded soldiers to kill the king on the opposite side.

"You stupid guy!"

The king who was knocked down used the harshest words among Ravenclaws to attack the loser, which made everyone watching laugh quite wildly.

"It was because it was too noisy and messed up my train of thought. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to upgrade that soldier!"

The brand-new chess piece was held down by its head, and then stuffed into the box upside down, "Let's try it with the old chess piece!"

Ten minutes later, a smile appeared on his face, "I said it was its problem. Of course, Andrew played chess well."

Andrew kept smiling - he didn't intend to bully the children too much because of the big festival. So he simply gave up his seat and prepared to go to each dormitory to see what everyone was busy with.

It’s the holiday season anyway, so just say Merry Christmas and it’s very convenient to communicate.

But half an hour later, a disappointed Andrew decided to go to eat - except for the presence of magic items, it was just like anywhere else.

Although there are not many people who live on campus during the New Year, you can refer to the students who stayed on campus during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

However, the breakfast was the same as usual, except that the auditorium was simply decorated - obviously, the official event would have to wait until noon or evening.

If I have to say what has changed the most, it is probably the relationship between the two remaining students of Gryffindor and Slytherin - the two houses that have not had a good look at each other since the holidays finally stopped talking today. He cursed softly.

However, after returning to the lounge, Andrew was caught by the prefects to do some activities - the prefects who usually don't take care of things were particularly active today, creating a bunch of banned boxes of tricky curses, and then if you are in After opening the box and failing to answer the questions in the box within the stipulated time, you will be attacked by a curse in public.

The most common jinx is tarantella, and sometimes there are small jinxes such as making people laugh wildly or changing the color of their hair. If you answer the questions, you can get a few packs of snacks from the box. If you don't succeed, you will get a lot of attention. The laughter of the crowd.

All in all, this activity was quite successful. Andrew managed to get three snacks at the cost of one dance (a history of magic incident) - until everyone was tired and laughing crazy, the prefect happily announced the end of the activity and asked them to go to the cafeteria. Attend a lunch party.


"I knew..."

Andrew muttered under his breath.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I think of Peeves -" Andrew restrained his emotions, "I don't know what means the school used to control him, but he didn't cause trouble at this banquet."

Of course it has nothing to do with Peeves - Andrew was just a little unhappy to see Percy smiling brightly. At this moment, Percy didn't look like a patient who had just been discharged from the hospital. He was happily chatting with his three highly recognizable people. The red-haired brothers chatted together at the Gryffindor table.

However, after considering that he was the driving force behind sending him to the hospital, Andrew could only focus on the magic firecrackers on the table.

To be precise, they are colorful firecrackers, usually with some low-quality gifts inside.

Andrew picked up two of them and handed them to the Ravenclaw classmates next to him.

"They even prepared this for us - the school is really considerate."

"Hmm, interesting stuff."

The other party pulled away, and with a bang, smoke flew, and a beautiful smoke enveloped the boy. Then, a beautiful colorful hat appeared in the other party's hand.

"Wow, that's really cool."

Andrew's admiration came from afar.

This thing actually explodes things, instead of sticking ribbons or stars on your face. In addition to making the sound a little louder, it doesn't have any hidden holes such as changing the color of the hair or installing a clown nose.

"It's really cool."

The other person put the hat on his head, and then happily pulled away the other one. It was louder this time, but what appeared was a bag of balloon-like things.

After he took the lead, the rest of the Ravenclaw students also began to reach for the firecrackers on the table. Andrew was no exception - but he still had it in his hand, waiting for others to try it.

The sample is too small, please wait.

However, this behavior quickly attracted the attention of the classmates who had been chatting with him earlier.

"Okay, you actually used me to test it."

This isn't fun anymore - after only a few people have woken up, it's time to find someone stupid...

A loud firecracker exploded in Andrew's ears as revenge for being discovered in the experiment - surprisingly, this time a few white mice exploded...

‘What the hell… What kind of Transfiguration application is this? Is it so wasteful? ’

Andrew even wanted to use his wand to disassemble one, but he didn’t know if this thing had any protection against disassembly.

‘I can only disassemble a few more to try. By the way, I’ll go back and look for the purchase order. I think it should be in the recent files. This kind of purchase order should be unblocked for me. ’

This thing actually has a high magic content - Living Transfiguration, Traceless Extension Charm, and it also needs to fix the balance of the spell or spell on a thin line.

And the collapse phenomenon when the spell is broken is transformed into an explosion and smoke of entertainment nature... This is simply a luxurious lottery firecracker.

However, most of the lower grade students did not notice its power, and the upper grade students seemed to have adapted to it.

For a while, Andrew couldn’t find anyone to discuss related things with him. He could only secretly add a fake bubble head charm to himself, and then disassemble the firecrackers as slowly as possible.

But, there was no clue.

However, other gains were full - but he pretended to open them for others and gave them away. As long as he opened the firecrackers, he could give them to anyone.

This made the number of firecrackers he opened increase rapidly, especially the lower grade students who had not mastered the bubble head spell, almost forming a team to bring their firecrackers to Andrew to help open (each seated area had a small pile of firecrackers, which were basically divided by default).

‘I guessed a few more possible spells... How expensive would this thing be? ’

Andrew, who was really confused, finally determined that there was no point to observe and happily began the ruthless firecracker destruction mode, which was very popular.

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