This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 81 Imitation with great potential

"It's really amazing..."

At the dinner table, Andrew couldn't help but open his mouth wide as he listened to his roommate Hal's propaganda about the latest information.

The Gryffindor prefects are incredibly mobile - in just a few days, they have already taken the initiative to trouble Peeves several times.

Peeves even gave up his daily pranks and began to specifically deal with these Gryffindor prefects - but the effect was not very good. The level of magical protection of the upperclassmen was scary, especially when they were prepared. At best, Peeves' little pranks can only make them embarrassed.

As for the legendary golden Peeves - I don’t know if there is a gap in that state or if the Gryffindor prefects found a loophole. After appearing three times, they never appeared again. Those prefects can even After the defeat, he retreated in embarrassment.

"I think they're about to crack it."

"No, I think it's too far. They still haven't found a control spell that can stably affect Peeves."

"No, being able to retreat means you can stably test!"

The Ravenclaw students were just watching the excitement and were not afraid of big troubles, and the discussion at the dinner table was lively. However, most people also noticed an important thing during the discussion - the Gryffindor prefects could not Is it because I was so idle that I went to trouble Peeves?

Could it be possible that that is true?

Suddenly, the number of people in the library began to surge - when Andrew habitually came to the table he was most accustomed to, he discovered that there were not even any empty seats...

'Let's watch something serious...Hogwarts, can a special effect spell for Peeves appear in a school history? ’

Andrew shook his head, and finally checked out the borrowing procedures for the book he wanted to read, and prepared to go out and read it.

To be honest, he did not rule out that Peeves had a secret existence - an existence that could suppress the teachers and students of the school for three whole days. It would be strange to say that there was no secret.

But that is obviously not as good as the biggest secret place on campus, the library.

He prefers stability. Even if someone does get some treasure from the founding of the school through Peeves, he will only be a little envious and send his blessings.

He didn't intend to pursue the secrets of Peeves anyway, so using it to buy extracurricular books and extracurricular tutoring Galleons was a way to dig out secrets.

"Communicate with Senior Nelli about learning the Disguise Curse, and ask Professor McGonagall to refine our ideas - first read through the information about the Disguise Curse..."


"An imitation of the Disillusionment Curse?"

"Well, that's right, Professor," Andrew nodded and handed over some guesses he had written. "I thought about the possibilities and investigated the principles of the Disguise Curse, and then determined that it could imitate possibility."

The principle of this spell, which can only be used by senior students, is actually very simple. It uses the spell effect to allow the wizard to imitate the surrounding environment to the point of being indistinguishable.

The main difficulty is that the wizard himself is too resistant to spells, and casting spells on himself is dangerous.

Allegedly, Andrew's idea is to use the principle of imitating the bubble head charm to create visual confusion - simply put, it is the relatively outrageous optical invisibility principle plus a little fake layer.

The principle sounds simple, and in some viewing angles it is even better than the camouflage effect of the Disguise Charm. However, in some viewing angles, it is actually ridiculously fake. It can be regarded as a camouflage magic at a specific angle.

"It's similar to your imitation head bubble charm, but it just changes the form of compressed air?"

Professor McGonagall thought for a moment and waved the wand lightly on her hair - her hair changed color almost instantly.

But the color was so ugly that Andrew could only pretend not to care.


Professor McGonagall taps her wand lightly, and with each beat, the color of her hair undergoes a huge change, and this change becomes more and more outrageous - the color of her hair changes from the previous abrupt color to a very natural one, as if it were It's like he was born that way.

‘Body transformation? ’

The thought flashed through his mind, and Andrew quickly dismissed it in his mind.

It's definitely not a human body deformation, it's just Professor McGonagall starting to deform the membrane covering her hair based on the refraction problem he wrote in those things!

"A very genius idea, Mr. Taylor. If it succeeds, then you will master most of the abilities of the Metamorphmagus..."

Professor McGonagall's tone became a little lighter, "Go and experiment, I think you may still need these books..."

A piece of parchment flew from the table, and the quill quickly wrote the title of the book on it. At the end, Professor McGonagall signed her name on the parchment.

When he was about to hand it to Andrew, Professor McGonagall hesitated for a moment and finally said.

"Borrow these books and bring them to my office - after you finish your work every day, you can read my designated chapters for half an hour and take notes."


Andrew was stunned for a moment. He basically understood what the books on the parchment were.

No - it's just an imitation of the Disillusionment Charm. Professor, a book in the restricted area is too much.

But Professor McGonagall obviously didn't think so, as her expression had a rare and drastic change.

"Your idea is good, but don't promote it too much in the school - transfiguration has always been the most dangerous spell, and not everyone like you has a solid foundation before studying it.

"No, you are far from it, Mr. Taylor. You need more knowledge about Transfiguration to study it in depth. You must get my permission before you can proceed with the part about human body transformation.

"At this stage, you can only refer to some of the contents in those books, and only complete the problems related to the imitation of the Disillusionment Charm. In addition, do not spread this spell in the school, and do not teach it to other students."

In almost the blink of an eye, countless restrictions were imposed on Andrew. This almost made him unable to react-but he did not dislike these restrictions at all.

High-end Transfiguration is not safer than black magic at all-the famous and most dangerous magical creature, the Five-legged Monster, is the product of human body transformation.

Transfiguration of non-magical creatures is okay, but transformation of magical creatures may even cause irreversible consequences-this is the same level of damage as black magic in the magic world.

"Okay, professor, I will be strict with myself. I will go and borrow the book now and put it in your office."

"Well," Professor McGonagall's face eased a little, "Go-bye, you need to work half an hour more tomorrow, so pay attention to adjusting your time. ”

“Yes, Professor.”

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