‘The Peeves incident is not over yet… Why do I have to hand in my manuscript again…’

In the dim underground classroom, Andrew looked at the empty manuscript paper and felt a little worried.

He has been working very smoothly in Professor McGonagall’s office these days, but the corresponding thing is that he has not been able to sort out the next story line properly because of those documents.

The part related to Peeves last month sold very well-because the magazine that month was reprinted many times, and his manuscript fee was extremely considerable.

But the problem also came-what should Dumbledore do next?

The general rhythm is set-according to the setting, there is a story every year, but under the premise of getting higher and higher tones, the dull campus life can no longer keep up.

This is not a game. In the game, you can ask the general to help you unclog the toilet, but the story cannot-no one accepts that Dumbledore, who was just so powerful, will compete with his classmates for the first place in the school after returning to school.

As the level continued to rise, the enemies became more difficult to deal with. Fortunately, he did a good job of leveling out the situation last time, and used the story of Peeves to stabilize the rhythm. What he needed to do now was to slow down the rhythm a little and then raise the expectation.

After thinking it over again and again, Andrew decided to let Dumbledore write a book.

[Adventure is certainly something to be proud of, but a great adventure does not end when you return home. Summarizing those experiences and anecdotes, making your story well-known, and making the mistakes you made no longer repeated by future generations is the most perfect ending to an adventure. ]

Not appropriate...

Andrew thought about it, but did not cross out the content above, but instead added it at the back.

[But the biggest problem facing Dumbledore was that he could not make people believe that it was an adventure, not the ramblings of a drunkard or a guy who drank a hallucinogenic potion. ]

[After thinking it over again and again, he decided to give up his desire for the adventure signature and those easily accessible honors, and instead narrate his thoughts on magic during many adventures. 】

【This is not an excellent choice - compared to the vivid and ups and downs of the adventure story, the dry magic thinking is not so popular. 】

Very good, it would be better if it is a little miserable - write about the misunderstanding of the classmates, the doubts and ridicule of the seniors. The source of the villain has been determined, and Slytherin is the only one who can take the blame.

‘That’s right, it’s still petty...’

The opponent suddenly changed from a famous figure to a small fish in Slytherin, which really makes people feel like they are going backwards.

But how to write a book with such a steady tone - can’t you add talent and literary attributes? This is too imaginary, and there is no possibility of reference!

Got it!

Andrew stuffed himself with a candy and added the setting at the beginning.

Writing a book - founder bonus when indecisive.

Ravenclaw’s blessing permeated the library. She was generous to those who were willing to share knowledge - the prize was not good to use the crown, after all, the replica was used at the beginning, so she made one.

Hat, sword, crown, locket - these things have been used, they can't collide, and they have to fit the temperament of Ravenclaw.

Well, the quill...

Andrew remembered the stuff he had kept in the bottom of his box, smiled, and set the background for this quill.

The quill is made of phoenix feathers, but it has been specially treated, and it will automatically repair itself every time it is close to being destroyed - it doesn't sound good enough, so Andrew added some obvious hints in the text.

This quill that can automatically repair itself for many years appeared on Dumbledore's desk after he finally wrote a book, and Dumbledore heard the low cry of the phoenix when he held it.

Perfect, with such a hint, even the phoenix can be pulled in, the gimmick and expectations are full, and it can also take advantage of Fawkes's popularity.

Put Ravenclaw's blessing in front, write it out once in a while as part of the expectation, well, routinely add some Dumbledore's quotations to encourage learning, and then write about the owls exam, and it's a traditional craft to amaze everyone.

OK, perfect.

Andrew happily finished the outline, then transformed it into a bead and hid it.

"The next job will be much easier, just add the details..."

He happily turned off the light and walked outside.

Thanks to Peeves, the underground classroom has been extremely quiet these days - after seeing the joke many times, the lower grade students are very sure what the prefects are doing, and they all join in.

The battle between Slytherin and Gryffindor, which everyone was looking forward to, was forced to end before it even started - due to the course selection problem, basically no Slytherin would choose Muggle Studies, so their prefects basically never got a time converter.

This led to them watching the excitement for a long time before they started to leave, and at that time the rest of the lower grades had already started to participate in the game of finding treasure from Peeves.

So the school is now in a state of orderly chaos - Peeves has basically maintained his golden color all day long because too many people have tried it. Every day Andrew can see him chasing students, but students are trying it one after another.

Fights almost didn't exist. Even if Gryffindor and Slytherin met, they would greet each other with their noses and leave in a hurry.

Professor Binns's class was very popular for a few days. Students of all grades mustered up their courage and asked Professor Binns about Peeves during his class.

However, what made the students happy and disappointed was that Professor Binns recalled several interesting stories about Peeves at the beginning. Later, according to the professor's description, Peeves was already in the castle when the professor started teaching...

This certainly proved the horror of Peeves, but also made some students feel desperate - the records showed that Peeves seemed to be more difficult to dismantle than the castle...


Just when Andrew was thinking whether this farce would end with the students giving up, a golden Peeves appeared.

A group of little ghosts from all colleges except Slytherin were desperately hiding.


Andrew heard the people in front shouting loudly.

"I don't know where Peeves got the fast-acting hair loss potion from, which can even ignore some shields!"

"Many people have become bald and go to the hospital!"

Amid the chaotic shouting, Andrew heard these shouts.

There was no time to distinguish, and the experience gained from many days of long-distance running made him start running - and he rushed to the front of the crowd in an instant.

Damn, what did you do to it? How could it actually use such a disgusting skill?

He rushed underground without even turning his head, leaving the people behind him with an unclear back view...

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