This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 87 The failed experiment to replicate the Philosopher's Stone


In the library, Andrew, who was looking for information according to the reference book provided by Professor McGonagall, retracted his hand as if bitten by a snake.

It's not that he is timid, but the book he just opened actually showed a being more terrifying than Peeves - the current headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore.

'Damn it, I'm just looking up information on Transfiguration, how come Dumbledore appeared? '

He prefers mint and lemon candies, but there is a crazy collector of Chocolate Frog cards among his roommates, and he remembers Dumbledore's card very clearly - that thing is much more reliable than the damn speed pass.

In the card, Dumbledore's greatest achievement is - discovering the twelve uses of dragon blood, and working effectively with Nicolas Flamel in alchemy...



He suddenly thought of the report he had shelved. Is alchemy so powerful? But the speed pass didn't mention it at all.

But no matter how strong he was, he was determined to fight Transfiguration to the death, and his talent was indeed enough for Transfiguration - this was already extremely lucky, and pursuing alchemy would be too much.

Retracting some of his thoughts, he began to study why Dumbledore appeared in the information related to Transfiguration.

‘Huh? ’

Andrew stared at the information in amazement, suspecting that his eyes were deceiving himself.

In the last century - yes, last century, Dumbledore, who was still studying at Hogwarts, began to show his amazing talent for Transfiguration, and published an article in the famous Transfiguration magazine "Transfiguration Today" while in school.

“This is a bit outrageous... How can it be matched?”

Andrew had to admit that the biography he relied on did not seriously investigate Dumbledore's deeds - but it was not his fault. When he started the book, he wrote about Gryffindor, and the editor was not afraid of sticking to it.

As for the follow-up, it is even more impossible to collect information - there is no general Dumbledore's deeds at present, and there is no Internet in the wizarding world. You can get all kinds of black and white history by clicking on the forum and posting a fishing post.

Once he starts collecting on a large scale, Madam Pince will definitely notice him - it sounds outrageous, but it is true. In this era of paper media, to find useful things from so many materials, you can only rely on reading them one by one, and even add a lot of descriptions from the parties involved to simply piece together what you want.

This extremely time-consuming thing is not cost-effective - he wrote a legendary story, and it is not very readable if it is too appropriate.

'That part can be changed. In order to practice writing, Dumbledore wrote a short but creative text with his genius thinking and published it in the magazine "Transfiguration Today", which quickly attracted people's attention. '

'This made the young Dumbledore suddenly understand what kind of situation he would encounter if he wrote the whole story. '

'This made him use magic to hide the book in the vast sea of ​​books in Hogwarts when he finished it - it is said that in the days to come, there will always be a lucky person who can find it and read a part of it, but when he is ready to take it away to borrow, the book will magically disappear from their hands...'

Andrew's ideas flowed like a spring, and he added a lot of settings to Dumbledore in one breath, and arranged for him to hide the treasure in the Hogwarts library.

'Well, the story is connected, very good. '

He looked for the book again and found that Professor McGonagall was also on it - she won the Most Promising Newcomer Award of "Today's Transfiguration" when she was a student.

'No, it's too dangerous...'

He shook his head and shook off the dangerous thoughts in his mind - Dumbledore was lucky to write it without any major problems, and he couldn't expect luck to tolerate all those who didn't know good from bad.

He even took a look at Dumbledore's thesis - according to the book, it involved cross-species transformation.

Of course, it was not about changing a creature into another creature, that kind of thing was not worthy of being in a magazine, but about trying to change a magical creature into another magical creature...

'I don't quite understand... I don't have any knowledge in this area...'

He shook his head, not even intending to subscribe to the magazine, and began to read what he really needed.


"You know, Professor McGonagall, no one can guarantee this kind of thing."

The next day, when Andrew came to Professor McGonagall's office after class, he heard such a voice from the half-closed door before he could knock on the door.


He hesitated, but still knocked on the door.

"Come in, Mr. Taylor."

Professor McGonagall's voice came, and Andrew walked in.

Another professor he didn't know-because his face didn't look like a student anyway.

When he looked at the professor out of the corner of his eye, Professor McGonagall said, "This is Professor Singed, teaching alchemy."

"Hello, Professor Singed."

Andrew greeted-now he knew the professor's intention without thinking.

The application that was most likely rejected by Professor McGonagall was almost certainly written by the professor in front of him.


Professor Singed nodded to Andrew, turned around and continued to talk to Professor McGonagall, "But we all know the finished product, and we have even taken it - if I succeed, I can leave all the results to the school!"


Andrew now knew what the professor was referring to - the Philosopher's Stone.

The magic stone that he completely ignored was the ultimate dream of alchemy - he had learned this information from other Ravenclaws more than once before.

That huge amount of Galleons, which made Andrew even think he might have written the wrong unit, was nothing in front of the Philosopher's Stone - after all, the Philosopher's Stone can really produce nearly infinite gold...

Andrew even speculated that the current owner of the Philosopher's Stone might even cooperate with the local Ministry of Magic to forge Muggle currency such as gold mines - but this is just speculation. After all, he didn't know how that thing worked, or even what it looked like.

But what Andrew can know is that the professor has completely failed-leaving the school to say this means that the project will not be established.

Unless Dumbledore plans to become Minister of Magic next year, it is possible to make the school financially independent. In the case of Hogwarts, what is the difference between becoming financially independent and building its own Ministry of Magic?

But with Dumbledore’s reputation as Minister of Magic, he still wants to become independent? So, that pile of gold may be good for individuals, it may be good for scientific research or magical research, but it may be good for the Ministry of Magic and schools...

Gold and Galleons may have been equivalent before the advent of the Philosopher's Stone, but can they still be equivalent after the advent of this thing? There is so much gold and silver in Spain that there is even a price revolution. That thing is naturally currency, but currency does not always have the same price...

"No, it's too risky, Professor Singed."

Professor McGonagall looked serious.

"Okay, if you insist..." Singed shook his head with severe hair loss, "But I will keep the plan in the near future. I can start research and imitation within three years, but after that it will depend on the talent of the students behind me. ”

"By the way, this is for you, classmate Andrew - a gadget I made myself. I hope you will be interested in alchemy."

He sighed, put a small silver thing that looked like a lighter on the table, and left. ,

Andrew glanced at the thing and was about to pick it up and send it back, but Professor McGonagall shook his head to stop him, "It's okay, just take it. Alchemy is all about making these little things. He just wants you to be interested in the course - —Whenever he sees an outstanding student, he will give one as a gift.”

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