This Lich Needs More Money

Chapter 49: The alchemy city flying in the air

Chapter 49 The Alchemy City Flying in the Sky

If Amberxiu was still a human and saw the scene of his head being taken off, he should prepare a suicide note. But for the undead, losing his head does not necessarily mean death, not to mention that he is still a lich, so if his phylactery is not broken and his head is not broken, it is nothing.

 The question is, who is this blank page beauty in the picture?

 Is it the murderer who beheaded him, or a friend he may meet in the future?

If possible, Amberxiu would like to let Harvey predict the future again, and it doesn't matter if he spends more gold coins. However, the goddess of fate is like a high-end green tea who only flirts but never marries. She can occasionally lift her skirt to show you some benefits. If you take the initiative to see more, she will instantly become pure and pure, and then slap her hard.

  No prophet can withstand the slap of fate.

 So people with the ability to predict must abide by the same rules, and they must not predict the same thing twice in the same time period. Don't even think about bugs. Changing the angle or changing the details for divination are all challenges to fate, and fate's slap will come as expected.

This is also a rule for predicting the future. If I show it to you, you will believe it.

No one can violate this rule except the Supreme God.

 Therefore, whether Amberxiu wanted to or not, he could only continue to look at the remaining six fragments.

 After going through the two extremes of getting rich suddenly and losing his head, the third fragment was finally understandable to Amber Xiu.

This is the Iron Slag Ember Bar on South Cross Street in the Alchemy City, but in this future it has become a ruin, as if it had been crushed by something huge. It was not only completely broken but also left a deep pit.

“Tsk, tsk, this is the price for entering the house of a bone-bearing dragon and then having an affair, right? But, what does this have to do with the secret of the sewer?”

Amberxiu was very confused. The headless brother's family conflict should not involve the secret of the sewer, unless the bar was not smashed by the bone dragon lady.

Another confusing part, Amberxiu could only continue to skip it.

The fourth prophecy fragment is still simple and straightforward. Amber Xiu appeared in the sewer of the Alchemy City, seemingly performing some magic ritual, but the picture was fragmented and it was unclear what he was doing. Although the scene is very clear, the most we can say is that Amber Xiu has returned to the sewers. This can be guessed by any prediction.

  “Sorry, this fragment cost me tens of thousands of gold coins.”

Holding back the heartache, Amberxiu looked at the next fragments of the prophecy again.

 Compared with the previous ones, the fifth fragment looked very unclear, but Amberxiu recognized the person inside.

  It was the druid girl who hired Amber Xiu to save people before. What was her name? Amber Xiu recalled it for a while, and finally remembered the name of this druid girl—Naomi Watts.

 The main reason is that this surname is a bit special and seems to be related to an ancient mage family. However, since she is a druid, it is most likely just a simple name.

The future of this little girl Naomi seems not to be very good. She is lying covered in blood in an unknown place, and the murderer is standing beside her with a long knife. What makes people feel inappropriate is the murderer's dress. From the back, he seems to be a druid.

 Druids infighting? Or did this little girl break some rules and was honor-murdered by her tribe?

And the location of the murder is very strange, it looks very familiar.

“Something’s wrong, this girl died in the Hall of Wisdom in the Alchemy City?”

The City of Alchemy is managed by the Council of Alchemists. The place where these high-ranking council members meet is the Hall of Wisdom. How did this Druid girl come to a place like this? Even if there is internal strife among the Druid, it is impossible to survive in this kind of place. place for murder. "The druids who were deceived into the sewers, the murders in the Hall of Wisdom...why are they becoming more and more complicated? What are these madmen planning?"

The last two prophecy fragments seemed to be coherent, and the content shown above shocked Ambrose.

 Because, the city of alchemy is flying.

It was a city on the verge of being broken. It was lifted up by some unknown force and flew into the air.

Most of the city has been turned into ruins, and various debris, broken buildings and living people are still falling to the ground.

If there is any difference between these two fragments, it is that a person from the Lane Empire appears on the last fragment. He should be a paladin. He is standing at the highest point of the Alchemy City, with the Alchemist Council standing next to him. The person's face is just blurry, and I don't know who they are.

 These two fragments are undoubtedly the most informative.

It is not impossible for cities to fly into the sky. A long time ago, the goddess of magic allowed mortals to use many high-level spells. At that time, mages liked to build their own floating cities. But there was an accident later, and these floating cities fell one after another, causing a disaster more terrifying than a meteor shower.

 The specific reason is not very clear to Amber Xiu. It happened before he traveled through time. All we know is that after this historical event, mortals were greatly restricted in their ability to cast spells. The goddess of magic would no longer generously share her power with mortals, and things like the floating city disappeared.

Those lunatics want to turn the Alchemy City into a floating city?

“It’s wrong and unreasonable. The city is in such ruins. What’s the point of flying?”

Amberxiu felt that this speculation was unreasonable. Those crazy alchemists should have no idea about flying cities. This is a path taken by predecessors, and it is not an innovative move. Things without creativity cannot demonstrate the greatness of their alchemy, and they should not put their minds into these things.

 Besides, this is a city that focuses on academics and alchemy production. What’s the point of flying besides increasing transportation costs?

It is impossible for such a small city to stably provide various alchemy materials. The surrounding small lords still need to pay taxes to support this group of alchemists. These invisible ropes firmly bind the alchemy city. Flying is pure. Pure nonsense.

“Unless the Alchemy City is forced to fly... Wait, is it because of the secret of the sewer? Is this thing so dangerous that the entire city needs to fly to avoid it?”

Amberxiu felt that his idea was probably the truth.

No matter what these madmen created in the sewers, they screwed up in the end and had to lift the entire city into the air to avoid complete destruction.

 “That is, they will screw up in the end.”

 Amberson felt that he had grasped the key to the matter.

Amberxiu asked Harvey to clean up the laboratory, and he ran to the library to dig out a few dusty ancient books and read them carefully.

 When news comes from the Alchemy City, a member of the Alchemist Council will come to Amberxiu's castle in person to discuss with him how to deal with the paladin Alan Watson.

After hearing the news, Amberxiu remembered that the headless brother was in a bad mood and came to "discuss" with Allen. After so many hours, is Allen still alive? Not disabled, right?

 (End of this chapter)

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