This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 125 0124. The truth (please subscribe!)

The Spirit Demon King can be regarded as one of the most outstanding descendants of the Great Evil Demon King. Although he cannot control the greed and rage of his target with every movement of his hands... he can see through the weakness at a glance, summon evil spirits, and gradually eat away at it.

The most critical point is that this ability is not a single one. As long as he is willing, he can summon an evil spirit in minutes.

There is also the contagiousness of evil spirits. If he summons the spirit of Locke, Locke Town will also become an evil ghost town in at least a week.

The two left the mayor's house.

Spirit Demon King Bruder looked at his hands with a look of disbelief on his face.

"My ability actually failed on a human being..."

Bruder was completely useless last night. His strength and magic power were abolished. If his best ability was abolished again, he would really be close to being a waste.

Switch quickly.

The anxiety on Bruder's face disappeared and was replaced by calmness, "Master Ari, I think there is something wrong with the village chief."

It was obvious that Ares already had some ideas in mind.

She said, "You go on."

Calm Bruder: "Others are fine, but Mayor Van Locke's expression was wrong when you told him that you already had ideas to solve the case."

"Even if he is scared of being deceived by counterfeiters, you have proven with facts that we are not counterfeiters. If you say you have clues, there may be a real chance to save his granddaughter from the monster. He should be happy. , instead of pretending to be happy and vaguely worried.”

"Besides, my ability cannot fail on humans. If it does, there must be something wrong with Van Locke!"

"You must know that even if I face the goddess...if the target's level is lower and the loopholes are more obvious, I can still create evil spirits."

Ares, a man in male attire, looked at him.

The calm Bruder was a little nervous, "I'm just making an analogy, Master. The Gods and Demons have already formed an alliance, Master. My ability will only be used against the evil gods, not the Gods, haha."

Ares: "Keep talking."

Bruder laughed dryly: "Okay, Master."

"My magic power has failed recently. Just last night, the fog at night in Locke Town was able to block my magic power, so that Van Locke must be inseparable from that monster."

This time, Ares nodded slightly: "It's about the same as I thought... Bruder, have you noticed that there is no toy for an eight-year-old girl in Van Locke's granddaughter Luo Luo's room?"

"That's right, Master."

Bruder is a male demon king. He is a little slow in this regard, but he still has the most basic common sense.

Ares said: "In that room, I saw a lot of dust."

"Van Locke is the richest and most powerful person in Locke Town. He has many servants at home. His favorite granddaughter's room is not even clean at the most basic level. Don't you find it strange?"

Bruder echoed: "It is indeed strange, Master."


Ares snapped her fingers and said, "After a while, secretly go back and ask the servants about their master and young lady. By the way, ask about Luoluo's mother. Don't ask about Van Locke's son. I feel like that person also has a problem."

"Okay, Master."

"I promise to be back before dark, Master."

Return to the hotel.

Ares got good news.

The mayor, Van Locke, learned of their residence and paid for their room for a week, regardless of whether they could live there for a week or not.

Ares took a shower and put on long-sleeved trousers for home, then sat on the bed and took out the sapphire necklace that Teacher Matthew gave her before leaving.

In more than a year, Ares not only reached S-level strength, but also made great progress in other aspects of her abilities.

She discovered Van Locke's problem before the spirit demon King Bruder, who advanced to S level many years before her, showed that her efforts were indeed in vain.

Furthermore, the sapphire ring heated up immediately as a warning, making Ares pay attention to the details in advance.

It was in the details that Ares discovered more doubts.

"There are locks on the doors and windows of that room, or three locks. Why was Luoluo's room locked, and how did Luoluo, an eight-year-old child, unlock it?"

"I didn't even see a photo of the child, nor of the child's mother. If it's a poor family, it's normal. Van Locke is a powerful person in Locke Town, so there's no way he wouldn't be willing to take a photo!"

Just then——

"Caught, caught, the monster is caught!"

"The problem that has plagued Rock Town for five years has finally been solved. Thank you Sun God, thank you for your protection!"

The noise outside the window gradually unified into cheers.

The man-eating monster was caught by the witcher at night. It was really a monster. Its tail was thicker than a human arm and its head was bigger than a window.

Ares went downstairs and followed the crowd to see the monster.

Not long after, she saw the long-tailed anteater on the high platform that had just been erected in the center of the village.

This beast is indeed not small.

But it eats grass and ants, not humans.


The voice of the demon "Butler" Bruder came from behind.

The two squeezed out of the crowd and found a deserted corner to continue chatting.

Bruder said: "After asking, Van Locke's granddaughter's mother died of illness five years ago."

"Then Miss Luoluo was not as cute and cute as Van Locke said. The servants said that the little girl was probably suffering from severe mental illness. She was locked in the room not only at night but also during the day. Some servants heard beast-like low noises. Roar.”

"And young master, although the Van Locke family has many servants, they are replaced very diligently."

"Their salary is twice that of ordinary servants, but no matter how well they do, a new group of people will be replaced within a year."

"Four years ago, three servants of the Van Locke family went missing. Three years ago, one disappeared. Three died of illness. Two years ago, two died of illness..."

The mortality rate of servants in this family is a bit high.

Missing at night equals death.

Bruder said: "Actually, there were two servants serving Miss Sun who disappeared a week ago. They said they disappeared because they were looking for someone. The details..."

Ares sighed and said, "We can't go back to the hotel."

Twenty guards rushed into the second floor of the town hotel. They entered without doing anything else but had a sudden meal.

The man-eating monster has been caught, but it has accomplices.

The strangers living in these two rooms are two of the accomplices, and they are also the masterminds behind controlling the monsters to eat people. Mayor Van Locke hopes that if anyone has seen them or has relevant clues, they must report it immediately.

Bruder's eyes turned red, "Damn it, he wants to kill me first before I go to chop him. He's just a human, he's really looking for death!"

Ares stopped the somewhat frantic Spirit Demon King and said, "Tonight, I will go take a look at the monster, and all the truth will be revealed."

[Ring of True Sight] Restrains fog and monsters, it doesn’t matter, Ares takes it away.

Just in case, she asked Bruder to wait in a safe place with the ring and be responsible for the rescue if something went wrong.

Spirit Demon King Bruder said: "Master, how about I go? I was not prepared last night, so I will go directly with my body today!"

Ares waved her hand, "If you say I'll go, I'll go."


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