This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 127 0126. I can’t do too many tricks.

Divine tree plane, demon world.

On the big bed in the Demon Palace.

Matthew's left hand held the tired and sleeping Nelubelle, and his right hand held the tired and sleeping Merry, and smiled.

[Congratulations to Mr. Matthew for completing a Bo kill]!

It does feel a little bit interesting.

Matthew patted Meili on his right, whose face was as white as paper. The latter was still sleeping soundly.

"I know you're awake." Matthew said, "I don't think I told you that I can read minds."

Meili's face suddenly turned red.

Then she quietly turned the dark purple eye shadow into lines, hazy.

She hugged Matthew tightly, begging to be spoiled or something.

Don’t you know that Saori, the goddess of wisdom who is better at doing this than her, has tried many times, but Matthew has not relented, and if her character does this kind of thing, it will only make men do it to her again.

"Master Matthew, I really can't do it anymore. Please, please spare me..."

Butler Meili said weakly.

Matthew squeezed two handfuls and said, "I know you are dying, so...don't you want to take revenge on Nelubelle?"

Meili with messy hair quickly said: "I don't dare!"

"It's not that I didn't dare to think about it, right?"

Lying is useless in front of a boss with mind-reading skills.

So Mei Li nodded silently.

"very good."

Matthew turned to look at Nelubelle, "You can wake up."

Hearing this, Meili almost didn't roll off the bed, thanks to Matthew who caught her in time.


"Just kidding."


Matthew smiled again, "Based on what I know about your master, he will definitely not wake up before nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

This is experience.

And under the ups and downs, Meili really wanted to make some drastic moves.

Unfortunately, she really didn't have any strength now and could only continue to shrink into Matthew's arms.

"Nelu said that she would never allow a goddess in her bed. This bothers me."

Matthew said solemnly: "The fact that He can accept you shows that He still trusts you very much."

Meili: "Lord Matthew, I don't want to betray Your Majesty Nilu..."

Matthew: "How can you say betrayal? As for Him, I know better than you. He likes to pretend and is very naughty. There are some things that you definitely can't do if you talk to Him properly. You are just helping Him."

"Can it not be me?"

Matthew nodded and said, "Kuai. When I make the arrangements, if you don't help me, I will do what you want. You will take the blame anyway."

Mellie's eyes widened.

Meili looked sad.

She wanted to struggle a little, but thinking about Master Matthew's previous methods, the result of the struggle was 100% worse.

"Then... after this is over... can I hide in the God Realm for a while?"

Matthew said, "Okay."

the next day.

Nine in the morning.

The Lord of Demons, Nerubel, woke up on time as Matthew said.

Matthew is gone.

He has always been like this, and Nilu is used to it.

In front of the dressing table, Nerubelle looked at Meili in the mirror. Meili was helping the hostess comb her hair.

"I heard that the demon king Bruder has returned?" Nilu asked.

Meili replied respectfully: "I came back and left in a hurry."

"He and Miss Ares, the goddess of war, purified a foggy town, and the team teleported there finally had the coordinates."

"One more thing. Ares took advantage of this victory to promote the teachings of the God of Goodness on that stage. Bruder was appointed as the branch bishop. It is because of this that he is temporarily unable to leave and cannot come back to serve your Majesty."

"The God of Kindness? Matthew?...that bastard."

Nerubell, who looked like a black swan, cursed.

Meili from behind didn't dare to respond or even move.

Because the mistress of their house just scolded someone when they were away, just to have fun with it, but she didn't see him say even a word of "no" last night.

No, the truth should be that Her Majesty Nilu said not to do so, but her body has been very cooperative.

This is probably the reason why Matthew-sama said he "needs a helping hand".

End of previous topic.

On to the next topic.

Nerubel asked: "How are you going to throw me on the goddess's bed?"

Meili: (°ー°〃), stunned.

Her Majesty Nilu hummed, "It's been so long. How can I not understand his little thoughts?"

"I said the goddess can't go to my bed. If I go to the goddess's bed, won't the problem be solved perfectly?"

"His Majesty!……"

Mei Li wants to kneel down.

Nerubel froze her and said seriously: "I didn't say it was your fault. You have no good way to deal with a scoundrel like him except compromise."

"Let me ask you, when are you going to tell me his plan?"

Meili: "..."

Nerubel sighed: "Has he scared you to this extent?"

Mei Li nodded variously.

Master Matthew's special skill: the clone technique.

After one time, Mei Li was determined not to try it a second time.

Last time it was four.

It is said that the limit number is nine hundred and ninety-nine plus one.

In that case, let her die.

Nerubel touched Meili's head and said, "It's my fault. If it weren't for me, he wouldn't have been exposed prematurely."

Matthew likes to hide.

While hiding, he will never use the clone's ability again except under extremely special circumstances.

However, now that he has been exposed, the clone technique has become his most powerful weapon.

In just one instance, the tough-minded Meili completely fell.

Therefore, Nelubelle resolutely did not allow similar things to happen to her.

Come to think of it, someone's mind can't play many tricks.

Nerubel said to Meili: "Remember, you do whatever he wants you to do, and don't worry about other things."

The iron-clad Mei Li: (.)

But His Majesty has said that when it comes time to administer the medicine, she will complete the task perfectly according to the quality and quantity.

Return to the divine realm.

Matthew is very satisfied with his new life.

Although he has not yet pushed the strategy of any goddess to 100%, the process is quite interesting.

Unlike Nerubelle, they knew a long time ago that Matthew was only interested in the body and avoided talking about the rest.

Here, Matthew must thank the old lady Hera.

Unless it was Old Hera's "restriction on marriage order", Matthew would have had to spend a lot of time to complete the conception and layout of the entire plan to promote the goddess.


Not his problem.

But the laws of the gods do not allow them to get married.

After hundreds of years, the fruit will be ripe and the stem will fall.

Matthew felt that the simply obedient Vivian would not say anything.

Neither can Saori, who has a villain in her heart.

Ares was deceived by old Hera and felt extremely guilty towards Teacher Matthew.

Angela, who is good at sewing and loves to blush, doesn't know. I hope she's not the kind of girl I have to destroy if I don't get it.

Brittany, I’m not familiar with her, I’ll keep it for now and we’ll talk about it later when we have time.

The moon goddess Veena, Matthew is quite familiar with the elf she transformed into, but is not familiar with her.

It doesn't matter, as long as it's done before Matthew's baby is born.

It is said that the elves do not have babies before they have children.

Matthew nodded: "It's such a happy decision."

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