This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 155 0154. Water vapor is rising, water vapor is rising

The water is steaming, the water is steaming.

The Shenmu Alliance is fighting well in the mist plane, and more and more goddesses are joining the battle. It is precisely because of the large number of people that some goddesses have holidays.

Ares didn't forget her promise to wait for the teacher to come back at home, but Teacher Matthew didn't say when she would be back.

It happened that the spring water goddess Vivian returned from the victory and visited Lord Matthew. She was a little disappointed not to see Vivian designated.

She originally plucked up the courage to ask Lord Matthew to take a bath in the hot springs, but she had already taken out the two hot spring coupons in her hand and could not take them back, so she invited Lord Ares to take a bath in the spring goddess hot spring bath instead.

The water is steaming, the water is steaming.

The hot spring bath is Vivian's property, so the two girls easily got a small independent bath.

Five elves are floating on the water. They have no eyes or mouths, but it can be seen that they are very comfortable in the water.

Vivian and Ares sat on the edge of the hot spring, with only their shoulders and arms exposed. They relaxed wholeheartedly and took a very comfortable bath.

Vivian took a look and praised: "Lord Ares, your skin is really white."

Ares next to her smiled slightly, glanced at Vivian and said, "You are also very white, not only white but also very tender."

In terms of age, Vivian is indeed younger than Ares, and tenderness is normal.

Vivian is thin-skinned and takes the initiative to hide her shame.

In fact, she envied Lady Ares. She had heard people say that grapes are a sign of maturity, while rice grains prove that one is still young.

"No wonder Master Matthew is closer to Master Ares."

She didn't know that Ares also envied her, because Ares heard that grapes represented impurity, while rice grains represented innocence and purity.

"Is it because Teacher Matthew refuses to teach me again and again? Does the teacher dislike me?..."

There are some things that Vivian doesn't understand, but Ares understands. After all, she knows more goddesses than Vivian, especially when it comes to retired goddesses.

The two women chatted about the war, and Vivian said that the Evil God's side has become more conservative in their tactics recently, and she didn't know why.

Ares said that the evil god is very cunning and should not be taken lightly.

There was a moment of silence.

After talking about the evil god, the mirror sound button was suddenly pressed in the bathhouse.

Vivian was the first to lose her temper and walked out of the bath. Five elves, red, yellow, blue, green and purple, flew and flew, fetching bath towels and fetching bathrobes. They were very well-behaved and considerate.

"Lord Ares, I've finished washing, do you want to wash for a while longer?"

While asking, Vivian wiped her hair and walked out.

Ares turned around and said, "Me!...I want to soak for a few more minutes."

Vivian nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll wait for you outside."

Vivian's flaxen hair is thick and long, and it takes a while to dry naturally.

After walking out of the private bath area, she sat on a bench to drink tea and rest.

Her hair was dry, but Lady Ares didn't come out.

Vivian went to the bathroom, but Lady Ares still didn't come out.

Wearing bathing slippers, Vivian returned to the door and called out, "Lord Ares, are you still there?"

After a few seconds, Ares's slightly suppressed voice came from the direction of the bath.

"It's... almost ready, please... just wait a moment."


Vivian did not doubt his presence, sat down again, and took a walk.

Another half hour passed.

With Vivian's temperament, she wouldn't be anxious, but she wanted to see what Lord Ares was doing.

Maybe it has something to do with the secret of maturity.

So, Vivian quietly entered the independent bathhouse and quietly approached the small hot spring bath.

"Ah, why is it you, Lord Matthew?!"

In the hot spring, Matthew, with his upper body naked, was sitting in the hot spring with a comfortable expression.

"I went to the wrong place, I'm sorry, Master Matthew!"

It was clearly Lady Ares in the pool, but suddenly it was Lord Matthew. Vivian's first thought was that she was in the wrong place.

Matthew, with his eyes closed, said, "You are right. I just met Ares at the door. When she saw that you were not there, she went home by herself."


Vivian understood that she accidentally missed it when she left before.

"Then Sir Matthew, can I help you rub your back?"

After saying this, without waiting for Matthew to answer, Vivian found a small bath towel, knelt down and started "working".


This is how people live.

Matthew didn't understand that even though there was a simple model, that awkward woman Nile Bell insisted on choosing the hell model.

He is also a leader. Don't you understand that unless your abilities are extraordinary, no matter how hard you try, you can't compare to operating in a secretive manner?

Matthew had watched Nelubelle's game and knew that he still had hidden strength.

However, there are many Star Lords in the Star Sea, and there are also many Star Lords who hide their strength.

Niru Bell tries to break into the top 600, top 500, and top 400, but this cannot solve the most fundamental problem.

"This woman, being weak is like taking His life."

There is no way.

Who makes Matthew a kind-hearted god?

Seeing that Nilu was quite obedient last time, Matthew decided to help him.

As for whether he can find his father and mother in the battlefield outside the territory, it is not something that Matthew can decide.

Not long after, the soft touch on the back disappeared, and Vivian said: "Master Matthew, I'm sorry, it's too hot here, and my technique is not skilled enough. I'll go back and practice a little before I can rub your back."

Matthew asked, "How are you doing with the yoga book I gave you?"

The blushing Vivian nodded variously, "I practice every day."

Matthew said okay, "I will check it when I have time, and then you go change clothes quickly."

"Okay, Master Matthew!"

A bathrobe is not something that should be worn in the bathhouse, and given Vivian's extremely special physique, she was already soaked through.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5...

Vivian walked quickly.

Immediately afterwards——

"Cough cough cough!"

Ares stood up from the hot spring.

Ares had indeed become more mature than before taking a bath, but she really didn't expect to be here.

Her personality was "more generous" than Vivian's, but looking at the fiery eyes from the other side, her face was still extremely red.

"Teacher Matthew, Vivian is still waiting for you outside."

Matthew chuckled and said, "It doesn't matter, I can let her go back first."

"What should I do if she comes to find me at home?"

"The world of gods is so big, who said that you have to go home after going to the bathhouse?"

At this time, Ares returned to the water, holding Matthew's arm with both hands because she had no strength.

"Teacher, can you go home first?"



"Then I reluctantly agree to it."

Before Matthew left the bathing beach, Ares lay on the shore and said, "Teacher, can I stay at your place tonight?"

Matthew said: "This must be there."

It's "have" not "can".

In this way, Ares was the only one left in the steaming hot spring.

She was a little happy, but also a little scared, and thought to herself: "What if I come back again, what if I get pregnant with Teacher Matthew's baby?"

Sometimes the chapter names are written incorrectly. Once this thing is sent out, it does not support modification. Sorry, I will pay attention to it in the future...

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