This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 170 0169. Full level water creation technique

The extraterritorial battlefield, the Desert of Despair, is getting closer and closer to the opening of the exit.

After dealing with the Two-Headed Ghost Realm Lord, Matthew collected a few more items from the desert.

Some of these items were systematically understood, and some were unknown and had question marks. Out of curiosity, Matthew decided to take time to study them.

The intensity of the sandstorm is getting higher and higher, and the visibility is getting worse.

The three of them walked closer together, and the three small shields merged into one, forming a micro-medium shield with a radius of about two meters.

"Click, click, click", three more brown crystal cores shattered, and the shield level increased.

They were heading towards the core of the sandstorm, so it was normal for the difficulty to increase. Their stockpile could withstand the hardships, but they had to be careful about sneak attacks.

"Brother Xiu, according to what the two-headed ghost said, almost all the powerful people in the Desert of Despair are heading for the exit. Our brother and sister's goals are too obvious. Do you think you can let us hide first and wait until the second half of the level? Join you?" said the young unicorn dragon Du En.

Two unicorns.

A pair of twins.

After spending time together with Matthew for a long time, the arrogance between the two of them has disappeared as the water vapor evaporated.

Duan was cautious and a bit timid.

His sister, the little female dragon Lisa, is a cruel master, but it is inevitable that they will be soft-hearted when they are venturing out for the first time, especially Lisa.

"Brother Xiu, if you have too many powerful enemies, we will hold you back."

Matthew waved his hand, "No need to bother."

Lord Matthew is most afraid of trouble.

One hour countdown, clear!

The three members of the water team had a lot of business to do, so their schedule was delayed.

To their north, loud noises continued, as if something was turning on.

It was at this time that the little female dragon Lisa screamed "Yeah".

Someone grabbed her ankles and pulled her down.

"Has it started yet?"

Matthew kicked the soft sand——


One kick.


One kick.


Not only did the claws grabbing Lisa's ankles loosen up, but there were four more patches of blood seeping out from under the three people's feet.

Just now, Du En planned to hide underground, but now it seems that he can also think of all the opponents he can think of.

The environment in the Desert of Despair is already harsh, and the underground restrictions are even greater. The brother and sister played underground battles with four world masters, and the chances of losing were far greater than the chances of winning.

It’s not over yet, it’s not over yet, the underground ambush is over, and there’s also the sky!

"Xiu, hand over all the sand crystal cores!"

"Xiu, don't think that you can do whatever you want after learning two spatial skills. Go to hell!"

As long as the three of them are dead, the secret of the underground water will be covered up, and a lot of crystal nuclei will become ownerless things.

In the desert, sand cores are always hard currency.

However, faced with the second wave of attacks.

Matthew didn't even raise his head. He hooked his fingers, and a black vortex appeared on the medium-sized shield.

The radius of a normal space strangulation vortex is only twenty or thirty centimeters, but this one is one meter at birth and becomes five meters in the blink of an eye.

Several guys jumped from the sky and jumped into the space vortex.

In the second half, it's not that they didn't want to stop, but the suction power of [Space Strangulation] didn't allow them to run away.

Screaming again and again.

Several star lords and realm lords turned into minced meat, and when the wind and sand blew, they degenerated into dried meat.

The battle still not over.

The little female dragon Lisa was about to clap her hands and cheer when she saw a tornado standing tall in front of her.

The more violent wind and the sand of the Desert of Despair are a perfect match.

This also proves that there are more than one person in the demon-forbidden desert who can use abilities other than physical abilities, Matthew is the only one.

After a few seconds.

More violent tornadoes began to attack the protective shields of the three Matthews.

Du En and Lisa, brothers and sisters, had to continuously crush the crystal core of sand to replenish energy for the shield.

Lisa said: "Brother Xiu, what should we do?"

Her brother Du En said: "Brother Xiu, no matter what type of ability this tornado has, if you want to accurately control it, there must be a distance limit. If we retreat, it won't dare to catch up."

Matthew said: "What you said makes sense, but... what happens after it doesn't dare to catch up? The exit is in front. As long as we plan to go out, we have to move forward."

Du En: "..."

Little Dragon Lisa: Brother Xiu is getting more and more handsome!

At this time, about two kilometers away from the core of the tornado, a room made of crystal core shields was hidden under the sand.

The four realm masters were guarding and guarding from the four directions of east, west, north and south. The earth-colored tentacled creature sitting alone in the center was snickering while sensing something.

"Are you a Xiu from the Masked Void clan? He's good at space strangulation. How can you kill me when you can't even see me? Haha."

"How many crystal cores do you have? Haha, but crystal cores are not omnipotent. Don't let me find loopholes and fix them."

"Just give me one chance, just a little chance, and I will bury you alive."

"The Desert of Despair is a desert of despair for you, but not for me; here, I can not only control the sand, but also issue tasks to the Desert Walkers. Unfortunately, with that big guy here, I dare not move too much. , otherwise you will all die!"

His tentacles sensed the situation of Tornado and Matthew.


"Hey, why is Xiu missing?"

Behind the tentacled creature.

"I'm here."


With a "swish", the tornado disappeared, leaving only two horns and a pack of crystal cores for the world lord-level tentacled creature.

The battle is over.

Matthew in the underground "air raid shelter" shook off the blood on his hands and said: "It's too troublesome to kill them one by one, and it's troublesome to touch the corpses, so let's do it all in one pot."

Magic output.

Matthew cast the skill [Water Creation] again.

Level 1 water making technique can only be used for drinking.

As the skill level increases, the quality of the magic water produced increases, along with the quality of the kettle.

Due to the casual use of skill points and boredom, Matthew maxed out the [Water Making Technique].

Life skills, to be precise, no matter it is life or any skill, it will become very scary when it is at full level or close to MAX/500.

"The magic water has disappeared, Lisa." Du En said as he obeyed the instructions and waited.

"Not just the water, my skin has become dry." Girls are always the most sensitive in this regard.

From the moment Matthew casts the full-level [Water Making Technique], the water created by his hands is automatically recycled.

At the same time, water-related items obtained by other people from other channels are also disappearing, and the scope of disappearance affects the entire desert.

"My water!"

"This is my last inventory. It's a special code. Who stole my water?!"

"Why do I suddenly become so thirsty? I just replenished my water an hour ago. Who is hurting me?!"

"Boom, boom, boom"!

In the middle of the Desert of Despair, a water dragon rises from the ground.

The water dragon in the desert must not be a simple water form.

When water meets gravel, there may be nothing else in the desert, but there will always be enough sand.

Not long after, the blue water dragon transformed into an armored blue water dragon!

Thank you for your monthly vote, Mr. Love Transforms the Demon (*≧▽≦)))

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