"Brother, walk slowly!"

"Have a nice trip bro!"

"Love you for ten thousand years, okay~"

The cottage river god waved a small handkerchief and shed tears of excitement as he watched the Deluxe leave with the other fleets.




Well, leave.


Really gone...

Confirmed not to come back for the time being.

The copycat river god threw his handkerchief and said, "MMP!"

"I've been hiding here, and yet I can still find you!"

"Insatiable, insatiable, even I said no more, but he actually threw it on the spot, and then made me change... wuwuwuwu..."

"The cows that produce milk are given to grass to eat. What about my grass? What about my grass? It's so shameless!"

After he finished complaining, the fake river god said with a serious expression, "No, it's no longer safe here. I have to retreat quickly. If the devil catches me again, I will definitely be sucked to death."

"Yes, yes, leave quickly, leave quickly, the three major star regions are no longer safe. I want to leave, far away!"

"Plop" sound.

The copycat river god goes to the sea to go home, pack his packages, and move!

Three thousand world masters from the sky and the sea broke into the boundary between the sea and the sky.

There were swarms of large ships as far as the eye could see.

This kind of scene has never happened in hundreds of thousands of years.

And among these three thousand realm masters, more than half do not want to leave this sea, especially the middle-aged and elderly realm masters in the three major pirate groups. They have tried and worked hard, and their edges have been smoothed by time.

These people are all old youtiao among you, so it is really helpless to follow them on board.

"Oh, I have been safe for so many years, but I didn't expect to go to Sky City."

"Remember the vow we made? We would rather starve to death on the island than go to the city to enjoy happiness."

"What exactly is that Xiu going to do?"

"What's that, I've already found out clearly. The King of the Void Realm, Xiu Jiutema, is a lunatic. He doesn't care about the good life of others. He also said that he wants to take us out. Only then can Ghost Code believe that he can go out."

"Hush, keep your voice down. The three realm kings have all been surrendered by that lunatic. How can we realm masters have any room to resist?"

"Let's think about how to live in Sky City in the future."



The three pirate kings sighed together.

Mainly, they really couldn't imagine the tragic fate behind Sky City.

The big fish man Qili said: "I heard that Sky City is not friendly to the new King of Human Realm."

Old Smoot said: "Not only is it unfriendly, the competition between Sky City Kaikings is already fierce. If there are three more Kaios suddenly, they will definitely become the target of public criticism."

"Aren't you afraid of that lunatic?"

"He's so scared. With his strength and that mysterious treasure, there's no problem in reaching the top 20 on the Heavenly Ranking."

"Have you ever seen any place that is unfriendly to strong people?"

Yes, no matter where you are, strength is always the last word.

It doesn't matter if they are unfriendly, just destroy them. Anyone who is unfriendly will be destroyed. This is what the madmen on the Deluxe have always done.

In general, with the size of Sky City, it will have the least impact on the strong and the weak, and it will have the greatest impact on those who are strong but not too strong.


"What is the Heavenly List?"

The big fish man Qili said: "You don't even know the Heavenly List?"

The three of them were having a small meeting, and the other two were sitting opposite Qili, and Gang's voice came from behind him.

Such a familiar voice.

Otherwise, the fishman king would have started scolding him long ago.

Then, Qili looked at Old Smoot with questioning eyes, and the other side responded with affirmative expressions.

"Lord Xiu Xiu Xiu," the fishman Wang Qili said hesitantly.

Matthew stood behind with his hands behind his back, "Let me ask you what the Heaven List is?"

"The Heavenly Ranking is a list in Sky City. Legend has it that as long as you get the first place, you can gain control of Sky City and expel or even obliterate everything in Sky City. Moreover, my lord, [Sky City] itself is a suspected god. A king-level secret treasure with astonishing power."

god! king! secret! precious!

Matthew said seriously: "Why didn't I know this before?"

The fishman Wang Qili quickly said: "It's our fault."

The Libra Realm King Old Smoot and the other Yellow Robe Realm King agreed, "Qili is right, it is our problem. Such a big thing was not reported to you in advance!"

What a fart mistake.

Although Sky Sea and Sky City cannot communicate with each other, the Tianbang existed not long after the formation of the extraterritorial battlefield.

Anyone who pays some attention to the battlefield outside the territory at least knows about this matter on the Tianbang. Xiu's ignorance can only mean that he has not done his homework.

Matthew nodded, "Well, it turns out there are also secret treasures of the God King on the first two floors."


"That's right."

"Your Excellency is wise."

Look, look, the madman's focus is so different.

Sky City is different from the other areas on the lower two floors. It has the best cultivation environment and has existed for the longest time. It can be said that there are many masters gathered there.

Qili dared to say that 99% of the people who came to Sky City, regardless of the realm kings, realm masters and star masters, had tried to hit the first place.

Anyway, if you try not to get pregnant, you have nothing to lose.

The establishment of the Heavenly Ranking has already exceeded a million years, and the strongest Kaio Duo is the God King, but so far his highest ranking is no more than third.

Under such circumstances, breaking through the limits can only rely on personal particularity.

If someone is very special and is directly recognized by Sky City, then this person will immediately become the king of Sky City, command all the powerful, and even become the king of the second level of the outer battlefield.

It is also a legend. The reason why Sky City can only come and not go back has a lot to do with Sky City itself. If this city becomes an owner, maybe the door to return to Sky Sea will be opened.

After passing through all the obstacles and reaching the city in the sky, no one can take a chance.

Everyone has the desire to take the Sky City as their own.

Who is Xiu, King of the Void Realm?


After leaving the small "meeting room", Matthew was in a good mood.

He remembered that although the three major star regions have a long history, there are only three of the most powerful secret treasures of the God King level, and the restrictions are extremely high.

"Speed ​​up!"

Master Xiu issued the second order since restarting sailing.

"If you clear Sky Sea one day earlier, we will arrive at Sky City one day earlier. I have secured this treasure of Sky City, and then I will take you to the third level of the extraterrestrial battlefield!"

Broadcast completed.

It's leisure time again.

Matthew saw Nelubelle who looked unhappy.

This awkward woman must have not found her father again.

Matthew was planning to coax her, but suddenly he remembered that he was a cultivator now and not Matthew, so he gave up halfway.

It was Nerubel who stopped him and asked, "Are you really planning to take all the Forgotten People out?"

Matthew said: "Yes, what's wrong?"

"What are you planning?"

"It's interesting. As strong as I am, it's getting harder and harder to find something difficult. Completing something makes people feel happy, you know?"

Matthew said: "Besides, the further we go up, the less we know about the battlefields outside the territory. I will take you with me, maybe you will be able to use it sometime."

Matthew pointed to the kitchen, "Go, make me a cup of coffee, and don't forget to add more sugar."

After saying this, he went to the bow of the ship and lay down his body.

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Thanks to Mr. Mianrushuangxuexue and Mr. Xiaoqiang for your monthly votes!

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