This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 192 0191. Finished the game, said too much and revealed the secret

Hanks has not forgotten who helped him realize his wish.

He is not a greedy person, and he understands the principle of repaying kindness, so he took the initiative to join the team of followers of Salsa Mei.

The team's first priority is to protect Miss Sasame, but in addition, they also have a hidden mission.

Soon after the follower team was established, Miss Sasame met her good friend and sister Nilu.

The hidden mission is issued.

[If one day, Miss Sasame and Miss Nilu are in danger at the same time, the first priority will be cancelled, and everyone must rescue Miss Nilu at all costs, even if it means sacrificing their own lives. 】

"Get your dog paws off!"

Hanks used his last trump card to break free from the imprisonment and rushed towards Nerubelle regardless of his own safety.

Unfortunately, the sound waves emitted by the golden horn instantly kill all the world masters.

Hanks is dead.

Many of the world leaders around him also died.

Sound waves like landslides and tsunamis did not attack the three girls.

Because they were hostages, they threatened Xiu to hand over Sky City's chips.

Although it is difficult for the three of them to exchange for the God King's secret treasure, no one will put aside the ready-made chips and not be aggressive.

Golden Horn Kaiowen Blanc shouted: "Catch them!"


Almost at the same time, at the end of the Sky Tower, above the zenith, a figure broke out of the tower.

There was a "boom" sound.

Matthew, whose mask was slightly damaged, killed the two shadow-killing clan leaders with golden horns with two fingers. He grabbed Lisa with his left hand and Sasame with his right hand, and came to Nerubelle.

"Buzz"! ! !

Golden Horn Secret Treasure self-defense suicide attack.

Three hundred and sixty degrees, regardless of friend or foe, instantly kill the realm lord and seriously injure the realm king.

Matthew lifted the [Space Confinement] ahead of schedule, but due to too many people, many Realm Masters died unexpectedly.

"Buzz"! ! !

The main target of the Golden Horn's attack is naturally Matthew.

The terrifying sound waves visible to the naked eye crashed into his body, like the main plane crushing a strong ant.

Matthew said, "Don't move."

This sentence was spoken to Nelubelle behind him, as well as Lisa and Sasami who were thrown away by him.

The situation was urgent and he had no time to change his voice.

Nerubel immediately recognized it, "It's you, it's you, Matthew, you bastard!"

Matthew said: "I don't trust you, so I'll follow up and have a look."

"Buzz"! ! !

Accent trifecta.

The resulting hurricane flattened half of Sky City.

The Kaio Kailords at the scene were dead, maimed, and fled. The only ones left in place were Matthew, who had resisted the fatal blow for Nelabel, and Nelabel herself.

"Plop", Matthew fell down, and the whirlpool mask in front of his face was completely shattered.

He was not from the Mask of the Void clan, nor did he imitate it, showing his original face, dying.

Nerubelle hugged him with tears streaming down her face, seeing the deep wound on his chest and trying her best to smooth it out.

Matthew said: "I was just teasing you last time, but I didn't expect it to actually come true."

Nerubel said: "You are not allowed to talk nonsense!"

Matthew: "Ahem, don't waste time, let me hug you again."

His arms were twisted, but Nerubelle put them on his shoulders.

Matthew said: "Sorry, I couldn't send your father out. I guess he is probably one of the 100,000 Realm Lords in Sky City."

"No need, he is already dead!" Nerubel wailed, "It's all my fault. Blame me for being selfish and willful. He is obviously a dead man, but I have to give up and come and take a look."

"It's all because of me that you have to suppress your strength below that of the God King. If it weren't for this, how could anything in the three major star regions hurt you!"

Matthew smiled and said, "I forgive you... I'm a little tired and want to sleep for a while... I'm a little cold."

Nerubel hugged him tightly, "You are not allowed to sleep, please don't sleep. As long as you don't sleep, I am willing to promise you anything!"

Matthew's voice became increasingly hazy, "Are you telling the truth?"

"puff"! ... After saying this, he vomited out another mouthful of blood.

Nerubel said hurriedly: "Really, really, I promise you."

Matthew: "Then you won't be angry with you because I pretended to be someone else, right?"

Nerubel: "Yes, yes."

Matthew: "If I ask you to work, will you still listen to me like the dragon on the boat?"

Nerubel: "Listen to you, listen to you."

Matthew: "I asked you to bring me foot-washing water..."

Nerubel: "Here you go, here you go."

Matthew: "Meili said that if there is a chance, she must return to you exactly the way you punished her. Nilu, I think the clone will be forgotten, and the other... uh... poof... oops , I feel much better after vomiting this blood, ah, see Nilu, this is the power of love!"

Nerubelle slapped her, but Matthew blocked her.

It’s over, I’ve talked too much and exposed the truth.

But it doesn't matter, some things will always be decided by Lord Matthew.

Nilu, don't run!

It is actually a single version of [Space Confinement].

Matthew wiped away the mask residue, blood stains, etc. on his face, and resurrected with full BUFF in place.

He also changed his white clothes and trousers into those of a kind-hearted man, and flew into the sky of the empty city where flying was prohibited.


He pretended to have a bad voice just now, so Matthew moistened his throat first.

"Hello, all Kaio Kailords from Sky City and Sky Sea, please reintroduce yourself."

"I am Matthew from the Star Sea Star Territory. You may not know me after hanging out in Sea City for too long, but... I am the current Holy Lord of Star Sea."

Matthew grabbed into the void with one hand and captured the Golden Horn Realm Lord Blanc who had escaped from Sky City.

Blanc struggled to no avail and heard Matthew re-introducing himself, with a ferocious look on his face.

"Impossible, how could the Holy Lord enter the battlefield outside the territory? If it were possible, Sky City would have been taken away long ago!"

Matthew punched half of Blanc's face, and sneered: "It is said outside that my mind is smaller than the tip of a needle. Whoever touches my woman will die."

"Boom, boom, boom", a super-top Kaiou who could compete with Kaioshin was beaten into mud.

Matthew grabbed him again, and another Kaioh appeared, dead!

Once again, the third Kaio appears and dies!

King of the realm, king of the realm, master of the realm, master of the realm, master of the realm! …

Matthew was live broadcasting in the sky killing everyone related to the dead Golden Horn Kaioh.

The killing lasted five minutes.

Matthew's divine robe was always spotless, but there were already mountains of broken flesh beneath his feet.

"Who else?"

"Who else has doubts about this Holy Master?"

The huge Sky City, which had just experienced a disaster, was silent.

Matthew found the shivering fish-man King Qili and the other three, and greeted them: "You guys make arrangements to clean up the battlefield. I'll have a chat with the remaining spirits on the tower, and I'll be back soon."

After saying these words, Matthew first released the [Space Confinement] on Nerubelle, took off again, and flew back into the tower from the window on the 17th floor of the Sky Tower.

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