"Wait a moment, Miss Saori!" Ares said.

This is a story about sunk costs.

If there was no beginning, only she would know the secrets of Ares and Matthew. Although she still did not understand the method of "outsiders" to detect the secrets, she would not have lost anything.

Now that she's halfway through speaking, the problem has not been resolved.

Ares is not a girl who cares about gains and losses. Subconsciously, she still hopes to get some answers.

Immediately, Ares told Saori the secret of "internal and external application".

Contrary to what she imagined, Miss Saori did not show any negative expressions such as disgust or disgust. Instead, her eyes lit up.

"It turns out that's how it is...it turns out that it's so generous..."

In Saori's eyes, the goddesses around Master Matthew are nothing more than Ares, Vivian and little Angela.

Little Angela is too young and too homely, so I'm afraid nothing has happened yet.

Ares and Vivian circle around Master Matthew every day. With the surge in divine power, Shazhi didn't know the specific reason in the past, but now she finally figured it out.

Under excitement.

Shazhi almost called out the words "Master Matthew", but temporarily changed her words and said: "Master Matthew and you, that is to say?..."

Ares waved her hand, "No. I did it secretly...it was only discovered by Teacher Matthew later."

Miss Saori nodded again to express her understanding.

A small figure is drawn in the air, pointing upward, downward and behind.

With a "boom", Ares exploded.

The bombing is a shameful bombing, not an explosive bombing.

Miss Saori said: "I understand."

I don’t know what she knows or how she knows it.

By the way, Shaozhi also has a good habit of quitting when things get better.

After all, this is a private matter in the room. No matter how good their relationship is, they should not discuss it too deeply.

"Tell me about your problem." Saori changed the subject.

"Three days ago, someone pretended to be Teacher Matthew and tried to get close to me."

Ares explained everything that happened that day clearly.

She recognized at a glance that the person was a fake, not for interrogation, and designated him to be beaten to death as soon as possible.

Shazhi asked: "Did you find out anything?"

Ares shook her head, "The person is already dead. He didn't wake up at the time, and he died somehow."

"You can ask the Spirit Demon King Bruder to take a look at the body."

"Have seen it, Bruder also brought an S-class demon king who is good at souls, but there was no result."

"The evil god clan?"


"Extraterritorial race?"


The liar pretending to be Matthew comes from the Thousand Faces Clan and is best at deceiving through change.

There is absolutely no Thousand-Faced Man clan in the Shenmu Plane or even the Mist Plane. In other words, the enemies who have intentions towards Ares come from outside the territory.

When it came to talking about business, Shaozhi had to work hard and quickly figured out the details.

First of all, Ares is just an S-level girl from a secondary plane with a very ordinary background. She has never been out of the sacred tree or mist plane, so the enemies outside have no reason to deal with her alone.

Looking at Ares' past and present life, the only valuable thing is that she is Lord Matthew's woman.

From this point of view, the ultimate target of enemies outside the territory is Matthew, and Matthew’s enemies...

Saori asked: "Have you told Lord Matthew about this?"

Ares replied: "Tried, but no response."

Saori said: "Maybe he is too busy, sir. It doesn't matter. You wait for me to change clothes, and then follow me back to the God Realm and let Hera make the decision."

After saying that, Shazhi left immediately without giving Ares a chance to refute.

"Teacher Matthew's enemies..."

Ares knows a little bit.

"Then I'll go clean it up too. It takes time to go back and forth. Don't let me end up fine in the end, but something goes wrong on the front line."

She didn't notice that there were some shiny things on the sofa where Miss Saori was sitting just now.

And... After Saori returned to her room, she immediately fell to the ground softly.

"Too much time was wasted up front, just a little bit."

"Don't tease Ares next time."

Shazhi took off her purple divine robe, and there was nothing inside except tube socks.

Well, that's not right either.

After taking off the tape, Yazhi took a shiny object the size of a quail egg in her hand and let out a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, the battery is out."

"I put the remote control into the mailbox of Master Matthew's house and forgot to bring a spare remote control."

"Master will definitely punish me."

Shaori: "..."

"Take more time to change clothes, Ares shouldn't notice."

Divine tree plane, sacred tree space.

Saori and Ares, who returned from the misty planet, met the great mother goddess Hera.

The problem was narrated once.

Old Hera immediately thought of the last incident where the Demon Lord's housekeeper Meili was hunted down.

Then, the old lady Hera said kindly: "Don't leave the God Realm recently."

Ares, the goddess of war, said: "How can that be done, Your Majesty Hera!"

Old Hera waved her hand, "The remaining evil gods in the mist plane are just lingering."

"They need believers, but they never value them. Temporary changes can indeed cause you some trouble, but they are temporary."

"When they feel that the crisis is over, they will not only return to their true nature, but they will also intensify."

"Furthermore, the territory we left behind cannot satisfy all the evil gods. On the other hand, they do not have the strength to expand their territory... One month, two months, three months, within three months, they will themselves become chaos. A pot of porridge.”

Ares: "..."

The returning list of old Hera also includes Vivian, the goddess of springs, Brittany, the goddess of destruction, Vina, the goddess of the moon, and more.

They are all Matthew's women...even if they are not now, they will be in the future.

While Matthew was away, Hera was responsible for taking care of the Shenmu plane. If he couldn't take care of a few women, something terrible might happen when the man came back.

Old Mrs. Hera saw Matthew very clearly.

Perhaps he is indifferent to other things, but these "others" do not include his woman.

He had heard from outside: Whoever touches His Majesty Matthew’s woman will die!


The Great Mother Goddess Hera has made her decision, and the goddesses just need to wait obediently.

The three of them chatted for a while.

Ares and Saori said goodbye and left.

The old lady Hera left them alone.

Let’s talk to Shaozhidan first.

"You are very good, much better than Ares, but you can actually be more proactive. Opportunities don't just fall from the sky. You can only create opportunities with more contact time."

Shazhi was thoughtful.

"You have already established contact with Meili, right? Talk to her. She has more experience than you."

Saori:! ! !

"Thank you, Your Majesty Hera."

Let's chat alone with Ares.

Old Hera said kindly: "I am very satisfied with your growth rate."

"But men are stolen, and so is happiness. If a man is too strong, you will definitely not be able to steal everything, but you must firmly hold on to the part that belongs to you. Do you understand?"

Ares: "..."

“There are people who have already practiced the full version of yoga.”

Ares: "..."

"I see that your progress is much worse than before."

Ares: "..."

"If you can be pregnant with Matthew's child, I can allow you to be the goddess of war and raise your child at the same time."

Just make it clear!

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