Chapter 212 0211. Level: MAX560

"Oh, I see."

Matthew hit the soul beast with his fist, and the fist exploded, which was quite satisfying.

Unfortunately, after the explosion, the soul orb will disappear like smoke along with the body of the soul beast.

This is equivalent to a useless effort, which is fine for fun, but not so fun when used in combat.

"Here comes the knife!"

The short knife of unknown quality, but never too low quality, appeared in Matthew's hand again.

Suddenly he looked back and killed him with one strike!

The head of a spirit beast that looked like a lion took off, but at the moment of death, the lion spirit beast subconsciously protected the thigh that was retreating to the right, making a move that would rather be beheaded than curl up.

"Yes, that's it!"

Matthew held the knife in his main hand, and suddenly activated his second hand, stabbing the lion soul beast's thigh with one hand before its body disappeared.

At that moment, the "corpse" was obviously deadlocked, and then struggled desperately.

Matthew took out his hand, and a small dark red bead flickered slightly in his palm.

Dark place.

Under pure light.

Doppelgänger Matthew VS the beasts.

Matthew: "Hey."

Not far from the entrance.

The red-haired Wennington finally found the mark left more than ten years ago.

Comparing the corresponding map, Wennington recalled that on map No. 00751, the hunting level was: nightmare level.

In the early and middle stages of the establishment of the shelter, survival depended entirely on Mang. It was only after Po Po advanced to Kaiōshin that she gradually stabilized.

Because of this, there are thousands of regional maps that have been preserved to this day, of which only 15 have been rated as nightmare-level.

Number 00751 is one of them.

The sweat on Wennington's forehead had nothing to do with the heat of the torch, but white-haired cold sweat.

He turned back to Matthew and said, "I have almost determined the terrain. Please be careful when you explore the distribution of monsters later."

Matthew asked: "What's wrong?"

Wennington wiped his sweat and said, "Can you stop asking questions all the time?"

Matthew: "And?"

Wennington tilted his lips and said with some helplessness: "The nightmare map corresponds to the presence of king beasts, and there are more than one."

Matthew said: "The king beast corresponds to Kaioshin?"

Wennington said: "Yes, and it's not the crazy and incompetent low-level Kaioshin of St. Ann Village. Twenty years ago, a total of forty Kaioshins died in the shelter before they could barely survive that winter. .”

"Normally we encounter nightmares once every three to four hundred years, but this time it only lasts twenty years..."

As he said that, Wennington couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Just then——


The roar of the king beast.

Wennington's reaction was not slow, "Run quickly, it may have found us!"

Matthew ran after her, and the question arose, "Didn't you say that spirit beasts will not attack creatures that are not stained with their blood?"

Wennington: "That's an ordinary spirit beast! The number of times we have fought against the king beast is extremely limited. Judging from past experience, unless we kill too many people or the mother-in-law takes action, the king beast will not show up on its own initiative. "

"But like I said, we know too little about it. Let's go back and report this to my mother-in-law first!"

Matthew asked again: "Are the weaknesses of king beasts and ordinary soul beasts the same?"

Wennington almost roared in reply: "Same!"


Kaio-level speed is almost less than teleportation when fully deployed.

The afterimage that Matthew brought out quickly turned into a physical entity, which was a new clone.


"No. 1 just provoked the king beast."

"Then I'm number 2."

"I'm number 3."

"No 4."

"Number 5!"

"number 6!"

The Matthews geared up and headed straight towards the direction where the king beast appeared.

"Hehehe, the feeling of group fight is so good!"

The door opens, the door closes.

After Wennington returned, he immediately ran to the triangular house.

Matthew didn't go. He went home and looked at little Tina who was sleeping with the Sky Tower "doll" in her arms, and muttered, "Is this girl a clone of the Holy King or a pig..."

The little pig woke up, with his eyes closed.

Smelling the smell of big stick bones, I turned over and even opened my eyes once halfway through. I found that the person opposite was Matthew, so I closed my eyes again.

Half a month.

Tina's little white legs have grown longer again.

She is the kind of person who only grows taller but not strong. Although she is becoming more and more like the girlhood of Saint King Chris Tina, apart from being able to settle in the Sky Tower and increase the power of the secret treasure [Sky City], there is basically nothing else she can do. .

Matthew had feelings, though.

Suppose that when she first met Tina, her own energy was 0, but now she is stronger than ordinary star owners.

Besides, Matthew didn't lose too much. Little Tina was gifted with food and practice makes perfect, cough, cough, cough.

Dark place.




The roar of the tall and ferocious king beast gradually turned into a wail.

Ordinary soul beasts are naturally led by king beasts, but the territories between king beasts are not compatible.

Previously, Matthew's new No. 1 clone killed in a row, angering the king beast.

The Kaio of the Sanctuary is experienced in killing Soulmon, and conversely, the Kingmon is equally experienced in killing Kaio.

When a small number of "citizens" disappear in the territory, there are not enough leeks for the old man to take action.

Only when the Kaio team appears in a large area will the king beast lord of the territory kill them.

Unexpectedly, this time the other side did not follow the routine and used high-end combat power as soon as they came up.

Everyone is cutting leeks from each other, is the king beast shameless?

Immediately, the alien king beast sleeping in the depths of darkness let out an angry roar, its attack was uncertain, and it was 100% shocking.

Never thought that Matthew would not listen to the advice and continued to attract the soul beasts with light and continue killing.

Alien King Beast: Okay, since you are looking for death, we will help you!

In a one-on-one battle between Kaioshins, no one dares to say that they can easily injure the other.

The soul beasts are united, and the king beasts are the same. After the tiger-wing king beast is dispatched, the king beasts in other directions wake up immediately.

Tiger Wing King Beast VS Clone Matthew.

The former planned to fight in a group.

Matthew said: "Very good, just what I want."

"Swish, swish, swish, swish"! More than a hundred Matthews appeared, each with an aura similar to that of the clone that first appeared.


The tiger-winged king beast with bright white body and blue cloud pattern: ()?

Huyi remembered that among those shady guys, there were not so many Kaioshins.

If they had, the soul beast side would never let it go until now.

As for now...the tiger-winged king beast ran away.

What a joke are you kidding me about the special code? Even though it has royal blood, if you hit a hundred of them with one blow, I'm afraid one person can beat them to a pulp with just one punch.

"Boom boom boom boom"! …

The tiger-winged king beast died.

Other king beasts came from all directions.

(°ー°〃), stunned.

Turn around.

Return to the nest.

The death of the king beast caused all the soul beasts to tremble.

The point is that other king beasts are also shaking.

MMP, MMP, a group of humans who kill beasts without batting an eye got mixed into their house.

Holy shit, holy shit, he's eating soul beads!

Are soul beads meant for people to eat? Isn't he afraid of being strangled to death?

"Click", the new No. 1 clone Matthew bit off a quarter of the soul bead of the king beast, and his blood energy burst out, pressing the soul beasts within a hundred kilometers to the ground.

Currently, the clone Matthew: Level MAX/560.

Matthew's true form: Level MAX/560.

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