This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 219 0218. Falling out (please subscribe and vote monthly!)

Matthew hates others deceiving him the most.

It's harmless to make jokes about trivial things.

He will kill anyone who dares to deceive him when it comes to business!

Just hearing a "bang", the black-faced old woman in the underground shelter was slapped far away by Matthew.

The old woman got up and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood. Many people came to check.

"Mother-in-law, what's wrong with you?"

"Mother-in-law, are you okay?"

"Mother-in-law, who did this?"

Matthew stepped forward and said, "It's me!"

A group of pretenders lured him from the ground to the ground, pretending to be mute, slowly outputting problems, and then used the third floor → fourth floor method as a bait to get Matthew to help solve the problem.

May I ask where the road is? Is the road under your feet?

Now Matthew finally understood that he had already walked the road from the third floor to the fourth floor.

Although it was the opposite at first.

That old witch was so deliberately trying to trick him!

The black-faced old woman waved her hands and said she was fine.

"It has nothing to do with you here, just leave!"

The red-haired female realm king Wennington returned from storing her soul beads, and was also frightened by the scene in front of her.

He knew that the conditions for his mother-in-law to agree to His Majesty Xiu were by no means as simple as Wennington's. However, her mother-in-law was not a person who talked nonsense. No matter how contradictory she was, she would not take action.

Also, the mother-in-law's body is already very weak, how can she withstand the Holy Lord's attack?

"Mother-in-law!" Wennington shouted anxiously.

"You leave too!"

After saying this, the black-faced old woman bowed to Matthew and gasped: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for showing mercy and not taking the old woman's life."

Matthew said coldly: "I haven't heard your explanation yet, so you don't have to die for the time being."

I understand, deceiving the Holy Lord is a capital crime.

After the truth came to light, the black-faced mother-in-law still couldn't escape the word "death".

However, he seemed to have expected this, and there was not much expression on his dark face.

New story.

Matthew didn't believe it.

The extraterrestrial battlefields became less and less believable as they went up, including Tina who was lying on his shoulder pretending to be asleep.

A long time ago, the progression pattern of the battlefield was indeed the normal one, two, three, four, five.

Going from the second level to the third level is already very difficult, and the third level has nothing but darkness and only ferocious and cruel soul beasts. The daily life of the Forgotten is like a nightmare.

What’s even more despairing is that no one knows when new people will enter the third level of darkness.

In this way, there were fewer and fewer Kaios in the first-generation shelter, and in the end there were only a few left.

It was the husband of the black-faced old woman Jasmine who led everyone to hold the position. Before dying, Black Jasmine's husband finally found the door to the fourth floor.

The old realm king said that if there is a chance, it is better to take him and the ashes of those who died out, after all, the outside is their hometown.

Unfortunately, although the "clearance" door was found, it could not be opened with the power of the Kaio.

Black Granny Jasmine said that she was a prophet before entering the battlefield outside the territory. It won't take long, and she will definitely be able to find a way to open the door.

Then, the door really opened.

"Crazy, crazy, crazy, they are all crazy!"

"The path of the Holy King that I understand is the correct one, they are wrong, they are crazy!"

A crazy old man accidentally broke into the underground shelter and was crazy for at least 20 hours a day.

Black Granny Jasmine used the remaining hours to learn that the crazy old man came from the surface.

The surface world is more dangerous than the underground world. There are as many Kaiōshin as dogs, and there are even Holy Lords and Holy Kings.

In order to rush out, they brought back a statue of the Holy King and found the way to advance to Kaiōshin.

But I don't know when they started to stop paying attention to leaving the battlefield outside the territory, and instead "concentrated" on finding their own path to the Holy King.

The crazy old man was also attacked, but because he had only spent a short time looking at the statue of the Holy King, he still had some sense left.

Matthew waved his hand, "Okay, you don't need to say anything. I'm not interested in your tragic experience at all; I am the Holy Lord, and I can't understand your struggles."

Black Granny Jasmine, shut up.

Matthew asked Him, “What is the way from the fourth to the fifth level?”

Black Granny Jasmine replied: "Become a Holy King."

"Nonsense!" Matthew said: "If I were the Holy King, why would I come to the battlefield outside the territory?"

Black Granny Jasmine thought for a moment and said, "Perhaps you can try asking the Kaioshin who live on the fourth level. They have a deeper understanding of the fourth level of the outer battlefield than I do."

Matthew curled his lips, "Stop talking nonsense, they are not crazy, will I come to your place to hang out?"

At this moment, Granny Black Jasmine, who had already gray hair, turned into a white-haired old woman. "Inspiration from... the river of fate, their original purpose of bringing the statue of the Holy King back to the village was to find a way to break it." it."

After saying this, the old woman fainted.

The third level of the extraterritorial battlefield is underground.

The fourth layer is on top of the head of the third layer.

Compared to the fourth level, which can kill Matthew's clone, the difficulty of the third level is indeed not that high.

And the old woman was right when she said that you can reach the fifth level by advancing to the Holy King level.

Because in the information about ancient battlefields outside the territory, those who participated in the evil sealing war were all Saint Kings.

Now it seems that the Holy King needs to reach at least level 700. Anyway, it is impossible for Matthew to reach level 100 in a short time, and it is impossible to eat the King Beast Soul Pearl as a jelly bean.

So, this path is negative.

The thread is broken again.

But breaking the statue of the Holy King is not impossible.

It's just that the danger is ten to twenty to thirty times more dangerous than eating the King Beast Soul Bead.

Little Tina woke up on her shoulder and asked anxiously: "Master, good master, you don't really plan to attack the statue of the Holy King, do you?"

Matthew said, "What if I go? What if I don't go?"

"Of course not!"

Little Tina said: "Master, I think you are almost younger than the Holy King. I believe you will be promoted in a few years."

"At that time, let alone the statue of the Holy King, even if the ultimate evil thing on the top layer builds itself into a statue, it won't be as powerful as one of your fingers."

Matthew: "What then?"

Little Tina laughed and said: "Then we might as well not go, um... I think it's reliable if you send your clone to explore the way first. Your clone is almost as powerful as me."

Matthew laughed and said, "Okay, then I'll listen to you. You follow my clone and go up there to take a look."

Little Tina in Flame Hagoromo: (°ー°〃), stunned.


"The inner one..."


"I thought about it again just now. I have never seen a Holy Lord as powerful as the Master. Maybe that statue was specially arranged for the Master as an opportunity to advance to the Holy King!"

"But everyone who saw it went crazy," Matthew said.

Tina expressed disdain, "Those are a group of king-level minions, how can they be compared with you, the master?"

"Besides, our purpose is to destroy the statue. I will accompany the master. If anything goes wrong, I will report it to you immediately."

"Master, you have to believe in me, and more importantly, you have to believe in yourself!"

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