This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 225 0224. Destruction! (Please subscribe and vote monthly!)

It is extremely difficult to communicate with the outside world in the extraterritorial battlefield, and Fellands spent a lot of effort to collect all the information about [Sky City].

The secret treasure [Sky City] is suspected to be the secret treasure of the Holy Lord. Even if it is not, it is more powerful than the three secret treasures of the God King in the three major star regions.

The special among the special, controlling [Sky City] is equivalent to seizing the lifeblood of three hundred realm kings and one hundred thousand realm masters.

What is the concept of the sudden appearance of three hundred realm kings in the Golden Horn Star Region?

Integrating the foundation of the Golden Horn Star Territory itself is enough to annex the two star territories of Xinghai and Tianlan!

The Holy Lord of the two major star regions is a troublesome thing, but after obtaining the [Sky City], Fellands did not dare to say that he would become the Holy King as the Holy Lord, nor did he dare to say that he would wipe out all the Holy Lords and destroy the stars, sea and sky. Holy Lord Lan doesn’t have a big problem.

Matthew, the new Holy Lord of the Star Sea, is not part of Fairlands’ plans.

God King William George still controls the [Poseidon's Trident] and has the strength of a Holy King, which is also not part of the plan.

But there is no turning back when you shoot your bow. Now that you have done it, you will do it to the end.

The worst case scenario is to just endure it for a few more years and study for a few more years after getting [Sky City].

Unexpectedly—Matthew actually took out a sky city.

"This is impossible!"

Fairlands shouted: "Sky City is in the outer battlefield. It should be in Blanc's hands by now. It is impossible for Matthew to take it out."

"Yes, this is just a clone projection of [Sky City]."

"No! If he doesn't have Sky City, he can't summon the projection of [Sky City]!"

Matthew smiled and said: "Blank? He is dead. The cause of death is similar to yours."

At the same time, the projection volume of Sky City was enlarged three to five times again. Matthew pointed at Fairlands and shouted: "Give it to me, suppress it!"


Explosions resounded throughout the Golden Horn Star Territory. The God King's secret treasure [Golden Horn] had not yet been officially activated, but the terrifying sound wave spread like a rampage, crushing the golden starry sky into a broken space.

Under the projection of Sky City.

The suppressed Golden Horn Holy Lord Ferlanders said angrily: "Matthew, you have gone too far. You have ruined all my years of hard work! ... I will kill you, kill you!"

[Gilted Horn] The golden light flourished, and the tangible beam split the sky city's clone projection into two, then two into four, until it was cut into pieces.

Matthew didn't care, but Fairlands was already red-eyed.

Because this sky city is just a projection, Matthew will not feel bad even if it is broken.

The golden beam even broke through the boundaries of the Golden Horn Star Domain, and more than a hundred planes were accidentally damaged. These are all Fairlands' own assets.

Matthew said: "After the test, it turns out that the clone projection alone is still a bit inferior."

As soon as he finished speaking, the fragments of Sky City "healed" on their own and quickly returned to their previous appearance.

"Oh, I take back my previous conclusion."

On the opposite side, Holy Lord Golden Horn paid no attention to Sky City and rushed straight towards Matthew in white.

Perhaps at the beginning, He appeared just to solve a problem; now Fellanders really wanted to kill someone, and even if he couldn't kill him, he couldn't let Matthew go easily.

Golden Horn Holy Lord VS Xinghai Holy Lord.

Be right, be right, be right.

The Kaioshins of the Golden Horn Star Region were watching the battle. One Kaioshin was left in the Star Sea Star Region to take over the two main planes, and the rest rushed to the battlefield at full speed under the leadership of the First God King William George.

Compared to the full body of Fairlands, Matthew is like a little ant.

Matthew smiled.

"It's just the right time. I don't want to play anymore. I haven't gone to Tianlan Starfield yet."

Spreading his legs and clenching his right hand, Matthew aimed at Fellanders' big belly and punched him!

An ordinary punch, a decent punch, without causing the slightest sound.

This isn't right.

Something is very wrong.

Because for just a moment, the whole world seemed to have entered a silent mode, and it gradually recovered after a while.

"Gudu", Golden Horn Saint Lord Fellands looked down at the big hole in his chest and said in disbelief: "How can you be so strong?"

The Kaiōshin of the Golden Horn Star Region.

"Is this how he beat the Holy Lord of the Star Sea, William George?"

"So, the new Holy Lord of the Star Sea is not serious at all."

"Seriously, did you see the ball? I didn't see it anyway. Am I incoherent? No, I just want to say is this the special code of the Holy Lord?!"

Under the golden sky.

Fairlands woke up and recognized the true face of the man in white opposite him.

"He is not a human being, even if he is not a Holy King, he is almost there."

"That's not fair!"

"The majestic quasi-holy king bullies a holy master. This is bullying a small one with a big one!"

"Plop", the little planet-like Golden Horned Holy Lord knelt down, "Your Majesty Matthew, I"

Matthew waved to Him.

Seeing this, Fairlands was shocked again. He lowered his head again and found that his lower body was disappearing in the wind.



The Holy Lord of the Golden Horn died, leaving only the [Golden Horn] shining with golden light.

The First God King William arrived on time with the Kaioshin and Kaiowens from the Star Sea Star Region.

William already knew that their boss was stronger than before, but he didn't expect Matthew to be able to kill Fellanders in this star field with the [Golden Horn] above his head in such a short period of time.

The other God-Kings and Realm-Kings in the Star Sea were even more unexpected.

To be honest, most of them were forced to come here today.

Everyone knows His Majesty Matthew's character of killing people if they don't agree with you. If he wants to start a war, if you dare to come or not, he will turn around and kill you first.

As a result, they rushed to the scene bravely, and what they saw was not a confrontation between the two armies, nor a battle between the Holy Lords, but a group of God King Realm Kings from the Golden Horn Star Region kneeling in front of His Majesty Matthew, crying and begging for mercy.

"Your Majesty, we have endured that perverted golden-horned beast for many years."

"Really, Your Majesty Matthew, you have no idea how perverted that beast in Fairlands is."

"A good star field, it must be made into gold."

"Yes, yes, we like the sea, the sea, preferably the starry sky and the sea."

"There is also something wrong with the aesthetics of the Golden Horned Beast."

"Yes, yes, humans are the most powerful, handsome, and intelligent race in the universe. Fairlanders specializes in persecuting humans."

"We have already discussed it and are preparing to contact God King William to work together to kill this golden horned beast and restore light to the golden horned star field."

"Yes, Your Majesty Matthew, you came just in time, no, no, Your Majesty Matthew, we were hoping for you from the stars and the moon and finally you are here!"

Matthew: ""

William and other powerful people from the star sea: ""

Matthew asked God King William, who had shrunk to human size, "Are all the people in the Golden Horn Star Territory so shameless?"

The strong man with a hundred golden horns on the opposite side was making crazy hints, and he was just about to knock him out.

Therefore, God King William said: "Your Majesty, let's attack the Tianlan Star Region next. Why don't we let them be the vanguard and test their loyalty?"

The strong men of the Golden Horn Star Territory: "I do!"

"I, the Two-Horned God King, am born as His Majesty Matthew's, and die as His Majesty Matthew's ghost!"

"It's just a matter of Tianlan Star Territory, please Your Majesty, please help us hold the battle, we will definitely kill those chickens to pieces!"

"Your Majesty, I can play Lolita."

Matthew: I really can’t have this kind of thing, and I won’t discuss it if I shoot it to death.

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