The Pink Star Thieves Group is one of the oldest star thief groups. After many times of division, reorganization, and even being deceived, at its worst, the star thief group only had less than ten members.

About five thousand years ago, the new Holy Lord Pink took over the position of leader of the Star Thieves Group, faced difficulties all the way, and gradually reached the size of a medium-to-large Star Thieves Group.

And just recently, the Phoenix Sanctuary and the Black Dragon Sanctuary have started wars one after another, and His Majesty the Holy King has personally ended the battle. Naturally, the Pink Star Thief Group cannot be absent.

It is said that the large-scale star thief groups that are outside the major sacred areas are all born out of war.

War means death, the death of many, many people.

But war also means opportunities. If they can seize the opportunity of war, the Pink Star Thieves Group may not be able to become another large-scale Star Thieves Group in the universe.


There were sighs from the third detachment of the Pink Star Thieves.


Shabak, the captain of the third team, sighed: "Why am I so unlucky? I just robbed an interstellar train, but I actually provoked a holy master with abnormal brains. Alas..."

After sighing, Shabak, who had a big head and three eyes, changed his smile and added flattery, and came to the squad leader's restaurant that was dedicated to him.

"Your Majesty, the chef on the Sabah is quite skilled, isn't he?"

There were two people sitting at the dining table. His Majesty the Holy Lord Matthew devoured his food, drank a glass of red wine and said, "Well, that's more than enough."

"Hey, Milly, put that piece of meat down for me."

Milly, who was also devouring the food, put it down and put the meat into her Master Xiu's dinner plate.

Due to poverty... Matthew and the bespectacled girl Milly had not had two good meals on the Starship in the past few days. They suddenly saw the delicacies of the mountains and seas and had to open their cheeks to eat.

The main reason why they moved from the Interstellar to the Star Thieves' Sabah was: the interstellar train was broken.

[Congratulations to His Majesty Matthew for reaching 23 million cosmic coins in total assets]!

After the battle, everyone went back to their homes to find their mothers.

Then the King of the Golden Armor tells Matthew that the car broke down.

The system prompted that this guy was not lying. If they planned to continue driving forward, they would need to wait for repairs.

Matthew's time was precious, and he had just wasted a little bit for 20 million, so... he stopped the escaping star thieves again and asked them if they were going to the Phoenix Sanctuary.

Hearing this, the squad leader Sabak blinked and replied with three little eyes: "No, that's impossible. Since His Majesty Xiu has something important to go to the Phoenix Sanctuary, we will give him a ride!"

Then they invited this gentleman to the main ship of the third squadron of the Pink Star Thieves.

Seeing that the master and the servant were eating happily, Shabak secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The guy in the master's seat was moody and could kill more casually than the star thieves like them.

In fact, Shabak regretted it when Matthew Millie came in.

From his point of view, the Star's broken car is pure nonsense.

If the car breaks down, Matthew may switch to other means of transportation. The fleet of the Star Thieves is ready, isn't the purpose obvious? I simply don’t want Bilian!

"Hey, there are good mechanics in the fleet. Why didn't I think of sending someone to help repair the car? They are doing tricks. Time is tight and they can't do much. They can deceive ordinary people, but they can't deceive machines. Then the mechanic repairs the car and these two guys won't get on the ship."

The three-eyed Sabak sighed again.

Outside the restaurant.

Several Kaioshins gathered around and asked, "How's it going? How's it going?"

Shabak was feeling remorseful when he heard this: ()?

Kaiohs and Gods: "The one we're asking is, is His Majesty okay?"

Shabak said: "Okay, it looks like I just escaped from the refugee camp..."

Halfway through, the three-eyed king quickly covered his mouth.

The Holy Lord is no better than the Holy King. The King of the Holy Domain can clearly understand every detail of a Holy Domain.

But since the Holy Lord is called His Majesty, the intensity of perception is not small.

Not to mention being in this star field, it must be quite vast.

Being alone, including the third detachment of the Pink Star Thieves was not a big problem at all.

Furthermore, Shabak has seen the methods practiced by the Holy Master, and he is definitely not the weakest among the Holy Masters.

"MMP, I was almost killed by you!"

The three-eyed king Sabak said with lingering fear: "Let's go and have a meeting. Before we came out, the boss told us that we are not allowed to step into the Holy Land of Phoenix without his order, but we can't defeat that god... Yong. Your majesty, your mighty, domineering and handsome majesty, let’s go discuss what to do next.”

A look of disdain.

Shabak coughed twice and said, "Let's go, let's go now while we have nothing to do."

All the realm kings and gods opened the way, but the goddess Wang Saya did not move.

What's wrong?

The short-haired goddess Wang Shaya said solemnly: "I want to try to see if I can convince that man."


"Yeah, hard work."

"Well, come on."

"Then we wait for you?"

Sha Ya twisted her orchid finger and said, "No need, after all he is a Holy Lord level expert. If it happens, I won't be able to get out in a short time."

After saying these words, the goddess Wang Shaya twisted the water snake's waist and walked away.

A few minutes passed.

One of the Kaioshins: "!"

The Kaioshin next to him said: "Bitch!"

"Hey, it means that the eldest sister is not a man, otherwise you will see that little bitch Sha Ya crawling onto the eldest sister's bed eight hundred times."

"Yes, He is really unscrupulous, even crazy people... ahem, He won't let go."


Shabak, the captain of the third team, coughed twice and said, "Let's wait for Shaya. The one inside... we can't explain it if something happens."

"He deserves it."

"You deserve it."

Complaints are complaints, the kings and gods of the realms did not go outside.

Who in their right mind would want to be a star thief?

Everyone on the list has a little story, which is normal.

For example, Sha Ya was once the daughter of the Holy Lord and the princess of the Star Territory. Unfortunately, her family fell into decline and she was occupied by a dove.

The new Holy Master who occupied their house seemed harmless to humans and animals. He stood firmly on the front foot and immediately killed Shaya's family with the back foot.

Saya, who had not yet been promoted to Kaiōshin at that time, was the only clan member to survive. After escaping from danger, he was deceived by a married man and entered a slave farm.

Therefore, Sha Ya became what she is today not because of nature, but because of fate.

The three-eyed king Shabak sighed silently: "Oh, why am I not the Holy Lord? If I were the Holy Lord, I could help Shaya avenge him. Shaya said that as long as he could avenge him, even if it was a pig, he would Willing to marry!"

Shabak touched the third eye between his eyebrows and blocked it. In fact, it was not too ugly.

Although he is a bit far from the crazy Holy Lord in the restaurant, his strength is also a bit far behind.



What Shabak doesn't know is that being a pig is actually not terrible.

There is also a kind of dog in the universe called a licking dog.

At this moment, this is probably how the kings and gods of the realm looked at him.

Shabak didn't think there was anything wrong with this.



The scream of the goddess Wang Saya came from the direction of the restaurant.


PS: Thank you to the rotating boss for your monthly ticket (ˊˋ)

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