This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 259 0258. A transaction that almost succeeded

After boarding the Sabah, Matthew's life returned to peace.

This is in line with his low-key principle.

Before the countdown on his head reaches double digits, Matthew will not casually start the tide mode.

The Hongfen Tuan's fear of the evil god clan provided a lot of convenience for Matthew to get information.

"Ah, the evil god clan? Oh, you guessed it, hahaha."

Thinking of the identities of the three major star field guardians, Matthew once again confirmed one thing.

The races in the three major star domains are not like those in the universe, where the star domain or even the holy domain is the boundary.

The team that besieged Da Ruos came from all over the world, and these "logistics personnel" came from all over the world.

There is the Golden Horned Holy Lord in the three star regions, there is the Golden Horned Holy King in the universe, and there is the evil god clan in the three star regions, and they have been weakened to the point where there is no Kaiwang to support the facade. In the universe, the strength of the Kru Holy Domain is quite strong. , the evil holy king ranks in the top ten among the major holy kings!

There are many, many more...

Matthew came to ask, and a group of Kaioshins answered honestly.

"Let me ask you, how will those old Holy Lords continue their lives?"

This question is very critical, very critical to Matthew.

A Kaio Shin said: "Your Majesty, the best way to extend your life is always to level up."

Matthew said, "Yeah."

With a "boom" sound, the Kaioshin flew away.

The second person said: "The elders of our clan will choose to sleep."

He looks a bit like a vampire.

Fly, keep flying.

A bunch of stupid Kaioshins.

Matthew helped them figure out the topic, "I want to know if there is any treasure that can help the Holy Lord extend his life."

The question was indeed answered, and not only was it answered, Matthew basically told them face to face: I am old and want to extend my life, so hand over the good things quickly!

Hearing this, the pink realm kings and gods looked at each other.

The reason why the Holy Master went to the Phoenix Sanctuary at this time basically makes sense.

The Holy Master looks young, but is actually tens of millions of years old.

He left his own territory and looked for a way to extend his life. The Sanctuary of Phoenix was chaotic enough, so it was a good place to go.

Because he was looking for it all the time, he also chose public transportation.

"Your Majesty, I have something here that should be useful to you."

The speaker was the goddess Wang Shaya who had just walked in.

He was so strong at one go that he failed again and again. He didn't even dare to sacrifice himself in the restaurant, and he didn't even dare to do it now.

But he didn't expect that Lord Xiu was not only interested in money, but also in things that could extend his life.

Sha Ya took out an unlit red oil candle with only the last section left.

"Your Majesty, this [Eternal Candle] is a Holy Lord-level consumable secret treasure. It can heal injuries no matter how serious they are. In addition, it can extend life span. If you ignite it, it will illuminate whoever it is." Whose life will be extended."

Matthew asked, "How long does it have left?"

Seeing that the other party was very interested and serious, Sha Ya did not dare to say anything nonsense: "If used alone, it should be able to add half a year."

Half a year...that is, about a hundred days, equivalent to ten or one-ninth of Matthew's remaining time, which is quite a lot.

Matthew raised his hand and swiped, and [Eternal Candle] came in front of him. It looked very ordinary, but it felt really special.

"Okay, I'll take this thing. What do you want?"

After being out for ten days, I found something useful, which was a good start. Master Matthew did not play the trick of taking advantage of others.

"Your Majesty, I want revenge!" Sha Ya said decisively.

The other Kaioshins did not expect that a routine question could turn into this.

The Holy Master needs his life, and Sha Ya will give him his life. Maybe this deal can really come true.

Playing with the last candle in his hand, Matthew said: "Tell me, who among them has bullied you!"

All Realm Kings and Gods: ()?

No, no, the building is crooked, completely crooked.

Sha Ya quickly said: "It's not them, Your Majesty, my enemies are in the Tiandu Star Territory."

do not know.

Matthew said: "Kaiou is free, no limit to the quantity, Kaiohs and gods below 10 are free, Holy Lord... I will give you a half discount, 500 million universe coins each."

Hey, I am indeed a veteran Holy Master. Can I count on killing the Holy Master?

However... Goddess Wang Shaya said sadly: "I don't have 500 million, and I don't have any valuable treasures anymore. All I have is myself. I am still young, I can make money, and I am willing to work for you all my life." !”

The three-eyed king Sabak on the side almost said, "Me too."

It's a pity that He couldn't say it.

He is the captain of the third team. He cannot let his brothers down or let his eldest sister trust him.

Sitting on the seat, Matthew smiled and said: "When you make enough money, the grass on my grave will have grown into a forest. If you change it, if you haven't thought about it, tell me when you think about it."

The Sabah will directly enter the Phoenix Sanctuary, and Matthew will have to take the boat for at least four or five days.

Goddess Wang Saya: "I have no other wishes...wait."

Sha Ya suddenly cheered up, "Your Majesty, I brought the ever-lasting candle from home. Now my house is occupied by that bastard, and he is far from using the ever-lasting candle. He must still have some stock in his hand. !”

Matthew's eyes also lit up, what he said made sense.

"Shabak, turn around immediately, go to the Tiandu Star Territory, kill the Heavenly Capital Holy Lord, and then we will go to the Phoenix Sanctuary."

"Well... tell your captain that I have temporarily mobilized this ship. When the time comes, I only want the personal belongings of the Holy Lord Tiandu and the Everlasting Candle, and the rest will belong to the Pink Star Thieves Group!"

Three-eyed King Sabak: "..."

He has indeed reported the situation on the ship to the eldest sister Sophia.

The eldest sister of their family said that the Holy Lord of the Evil God Clan was really not easy to mess with, so she asked them to stabilize Matthew first and talk to him as much as possible, and then let him figure out a solution.

It is impossible for the Hongfen Tuan to attack the Tiandu Star Territory for Sha Ya's revenge.'s different if a veteran evil lord takes the lead.

It only needs to be confirmed that the Evil Saint Master indeed has the strength to kill the Heavenly Capital Saint Lord, and then the third team of Kaioshin will follow him and sneak into the Heavenly Capital Star Territory.

One vote is enough to feed the three teams for many years.

Thinking of this, Shabak glanced at the excited Shaya and came back and said: "Your Majesty, please wait a moment, I will do it right away. My eldest sister will not refuse such a good thing, and maybe she will come and act with us."

After saying this, Sabak ordered the Kaioshin around him, "Everyone is on standby, turn on the stealth mode, and prepare for space travel. The Tiandu Star Territory is relatively far away from here, us!..."

"Wait a moment."

Matthew interrupted: "How far is farther?"

Sabak replied: "With normal sailing, it would take us many years to get there."

"What about using what you call space travel?"

"The speed of sailing into the dark space is countless times faster. I can't give you an accurate number for the time being, but within five years, we will definitely be able to reach Tiandu!"

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