This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 262 0261. Handsome boy, my sister will not hurt you.

The airport in the Heihua Star Territory.

Because it is located on the edge and is close to several major surrounding star areas, the gray business has always been developed.

If we catch up with the war, then we have to add another word. In the past, the airport was still very strict about arms control, but now a batch will arrive at the port every three to five.

The Black Dragon Sanctuary was affected by the Holy King's War in the Phoenix Territory. Large-scale battles did not occur, but regional small-scale battles continued.

Such huge profits from arms have once again made many people take desperate risks, regardless of their lives.

No one is simple enough to dare to play such dangerous things.

Just like the pink ball Sophia, she just made a small profit.

Captain Suo was happy, and with the influence of a little bit of alcohol, he suddenly became a little carried away when he saw the handsome guy.


A crazy Holy Lord from the Evil Saint Realm will come tomorrow, and Sophia doesn't have time to be coy.

A hotel in the airport.

Sophia took out the dusty little leather whip, her brown eyes filled with excitement.

The twin sisters Wendy and Winnie, who had their left and right ponytails combed, were slightly worried. The main reason was that this place was not within the Red Pink Tuan’s sphere of influence. It could even be said that there were all kinds of monsters and monsters.

They have no objection to the eldest sister finding a man.

Well, they can't control it.

However, after the eldest sister finished drinking, she immediately bumped into a handsome male human being. It was too much of a coincidence.

That man was only a Kaiwang level, so he couldn't make much trouble.

I'm just afraid that there is a dangerous person behind the man.

After all, if you were interested in asking, the interests and hobbies of their eldest sister were no secret.

"Sister, that man can't run away. Why don't we wait until we meet up with Shaya and the others tomorrow to teach him a lesson? The main group has already returned." said Wendy with ponytail on the left.

Tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, Sophia changed into a black leather armor and tied the golden braid behind her head. After drinking half a barrel of wine, she couldn't wait to take one step at a time.

"Sister, please slow down. Let's sleep with you tonight."

Sophia said drunkenly: "What's the point of a woman sleeping with a woman? I want a man to accompany me. We can talk about tomorrow's affairs tomorrow!"

The door opens.

"Bang", the door closes.

The twins mourned the man inside.

In fact, their eldest sister had a very bad background. She was often whipped as a child until she escaped from her hometown.

Even though the eldest sister Sophia is now the feared leader of the Pink Star Thieves, the shadow in her heart has never been erased.

The eldest sister likes to drink, which means she numbs herself.

The eldest sister likes good-looking men because the man was old and ugly.

Sophia has become so powerful that she can conquer even good-looking men, which proves something in disguise.

However, the more He behaves like this, the more it proves that He has not moved on from the past.

As for those handsome guys, their final fate was not too miserable. They were beaten, humiliated, and if they were lucky, they could even get some money.

in the room.

"Hey, little handsome guy, don't be afraid, my sister won't hurt you."


"Oh, I told you not to be afraid. Why are you shaking?"

"Why is your face so pale?"

"Hey hey hey, ouch!"

Sisters Wendy and Winnie listened carefully and heard the sound of a scuffle.

They had never heard this kind of sound before. They looked at each other and wondered, has the eldest sister figured out some new way to play?

Twisted for a while.


Then the two girls heard the elder sister say, "Don't come over, don't come over!"

No, something happened!

Although Wendy and Winnie are only Kaiōshin, they can briefly exert the power of a mid-level Kaiōshin when they attack together.

They were so eager to save their sister that they forgot that their sister was the Holy Master. Even if they were drunk and drunk, they were still not comparable to the average Kaioshin.

If Sophia falls into a trap, they will completely fall into a trap if they go in!

"Bang", the door closed again.

Sophia, who was tied tightly, shouted desperately: "Wendy, Winnie, you go quickly, go quickly!"

Opposite Sophia, the handsome guy in white, who was previously weak and weak, was holding a small leather whip and smiled without saying a word.

"Holy Lord?"

"Are you actually the Holy Master?!"

The twin sisters holding hands can clearly see that Bai Yi is not the King of the Realm at all, but the Holy Lord, and the aura exuding from him is stronger than that of the eldest sister!


Wendy and Winnie put down their hands. With the eldest sister in his hands, they had no other choice but to surrender.

Matthew in white smiled coldly at Sophia and said, "I thought you wanted to do something. It turns out you really like this style. Do you know that I am better at this than you?"

Sophia closed her eyes subconsciously.

Matthew looked down and saw two little girls hugging his thighs, begging: "Your Majesty, please let the eldest sister go. As long as you let the eldest sister go, we are willing to do anything!"

Sophia: "Wendy, Winnie, you are not allowed to kneel down to this despicable and shameless man!"

Matthew: Damn it, you’ve been tied up by me and you’re still so arrogant!

So Matthew threw away the small leather whip, touched Wendy's head with his left hand, and touched Winnie's head with his right hand, turned around and went out, "Follow me."

Hearing this, the twin sisters glanced at their eldest sister and followed her out.


"Winnie Winnie, come back!"

"Beast, if you dare, come at me and come back to me!"

The empty room left for Him gradually turned into darkness.

Next door was where the twin sisters lived. Matthew crossed his legs and pointed at two little girls, one pink and one blue.

"Wendy and Winnie."

The twin sisters looked down at their toes and said timidly: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Matthew picked up the pastries on the table and asked while eating: "What are you and your perverted leader doing at the airport?"

Winnie, who wore a single pink ponytail, said: "That's not the eldest sister!"

He was stopped by the sister with a blue ponytail, "Return to your majesty, we are here to sell a batch of goods."


Matthew hadn't taken possession of the Sabah for a long time. The universe was so vast that it didn't come just for him.

Matthew stretched out his hand, "Where's the money?"

Sister Wendy, "at the eldest sister's place."

No, it’s already in Matthew’s hands.

Matthew broke free from the restraints. The first step was to subdue the perverted actress, and the second step was to take away all the valuable things on her body.

Open Sophia's space ring, throw away the clothes, pants and skirts first, and throw away anything with a bit of fun.

There are a pile of equipment, a pile of medicine, and a small interstellar airship inside.

Worth the money.

The miscellaneous things were separated, and all that was left was money.

[Congratulations to Master Matthew for winning +2 million Universe Coins]!

Only two million?

The currencies are too complex.

There is also the fact that a star thief goes out and is determined not to take all his wealth with him, and the same cannot be said for Matthew.

After reading it, Matthew stretched out his hand again, "Your money."

Twin sister Winnie fucked her hard.

My sister Wendy was a little shy.

Come on!

Wendy, who had a blue ponytail, quickly handed over the space ring to the unknown His Majesty the Holy Lord.

Same way.

[Congratulations to Mr. Matthew for +500,000 universe coins]!


PS: Thanks for the tip from the big guy who doesn’t love the world (ˊˋ)

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