There is no problem for a Holy Lord to live for millions of years.

If you change to the Holy King, fight less and be more prudent, it would not be unusual to increase this number three to five times.

The universe has existed for more than tens of billions of years, and there are countless races that have been born, prospered, and declined.

The ethnic group that Wendy belongs to is called "Atlanti" when translated into common language. When converted back to the Atlanti language, it has the meaning of light, supreme, and immortality.

The Atlantis used to be one of the overlords of the universe. Maybe they were too powerful. When they reached adulthood, they were bound to advance to the realm of kings. Some even advanced to the holy king level by eating and sleeping, and eventually suffered backlash from the origin of the universe. , gradually disappeared into the vast starry sky.

After so many years, it is impossible to completely count the survivors of Atlanti, but there are 100% pure-blooded Atlantis who can truly achieve immortality and are almost zero.

In front of Matthew.

Wendy's little body was naked, with a bright begonia-like flower on her back.

The little blue-haired beauty said: "Because the bloodline of our clan is too special, anyone who is discovered will be hunted and hunted to death."

"My father and mother were eaten to death. I have seen a brother of the same race who grew up in a petri dish and made a living by cutting off his flesh and selling his blood."

"Atlantean women who have not yet lost their fertility are pregnant and giving birth to children until they die, so we are where we are today thanks to Sister Sophia."

Wendy knelt on the ground and begged: "Your Majesty, I know that what happened yesterday was my eldest sister's fault from beginning to end. Please forgive me, eldest sister. I am willing...I am willing!..."

My sister Winnie ran in with a bang and said with tears in her eyes: "I am willing too, I am willing too. If my sister dies, I don't want to live anymore!"

The sleeping girl with glasses was woken up. She took off her glasses and rubbed them, then put them on again to take a look. Gosh, these two twins are too much!

She was obviously the one who came here first, but they actually took off her clothes while she was sleeping!

Isn't it just taking it off? It's like no one knows how to do it.


Milly received a slap on the top of her head.

Matthew: "What are you doing?"

The girl with little glasses put down her hand that was in her arms and said: "I"

"Go and close the door."

"As you command, my lord."

The bespectacled girl closed the door and returned to Master Xiu, still having a bad look on her sister Wendy.

There were four people in the room, and only Wendy was naked. Her sister looked at her, Milly looked at her, and the man above was also looking at her. After a long time, Wendy was inevitably embarrassed.

Matthew asked: "Aren't you cold?"

Hearing this, Wendy's little round face turned red, and she hurriedly put on her clothes, not daring to see anyone.

Matthew asked his sister Winnie, who has a relatively lively personality, "Do I have to eat you to increase my lifespan?"

Winnie shook her head, "Sister said that if we sleep with a man, it will have a similar effect, but the effect is not as good as eating us."

Matthew put up a finger!

Winnie: "The back is not as good as the front. If we are not given time to recover, it will get worse."

Well, it's a bit like a natural furnace.

Matthew opened his hand, and the rope that bound Sophia passed through the void and returned to his hand.

Immediately afterwards——


Sophia, the leader of the Red Pink Group, came fiercely with a big knife, aiming at Matthew's head with a knife.

Matthew smiled and said, "You think I can't beat you?"


A whip.

It hit Sophia's wrist.

The machete lands, and Sophia goes up again.


Another whip.

Sophia was taken five or six steps back.

He has a shadow towards certain weapons, his anger is still there, but he is already afraid of them.

But in front of her two sisters, Sophia couldn't give in, especially since Wendy and Winnie had been humiliated repeatedly because of him, so he had to stand up for them!

"piapiapiapia"! …

The twin sisters couldn't stand it any longer and protected Sister Sophia, "Your Majesty, don't hit Your Majesty. Sister, he was just impulsive."

Then he grabbed Sophia hard and dragged her out.

outside the door.

Captain Sophia is not afraid! ! !

The twin sisters hugged His arm tightly and persuaded: "Sister, His Majesty Xiu has promised to let everyone go."

"Sister, our faults are also part of it. Your Majesty has not harmed anyone. Forget it, sis, don't be angry anymore!"

The "exception" of sisters Wendy and Winnie originated from Matthew's slap in the face of Saya.

Sophia understood the mistake and thought it was Matthew who was targeting them. She gritted her teeth and said, "No, he knows your identities. Even if he doesn't know, he can still guess. He is about to die. Do you think he will let you go?"

Now that he had slept with her and tasted the sweetness, it would have been impossible for Sophia to let Wendy go, so his logic was correct.

The twin sisters thought that their eldest sister had guessed what they had done to gain the freedom of the Pink Star Bandits, and they bowed their heads one after another to express their acquiescence.

The man's attitude was already obvious. Everyone else could leave, but not the two of them!

He planned to keep them until necessary, sleep them off and eat them, Wendy and Winnie didn't know.

But they saw that the eldest sister Sophia was indeed no match for him. Even the eldest sister couldn't resist, so the two little ones had no choice but to endure.

"Wendy, Winnie, don't be afraid, my eldest sister will definitely help you get revenge!"

At this time, Sophia calmed down a little. Perhaps in terms of level, she was not a match for the veteran Holy Lord, but He still had secret treasures and other trump cards.

The twin brothers and sister were certainly important to a dying Holy Lord, but was his life important?

Wendy and Winnie's body has not yet grown up. Will he really put in all his efforts to live for ten or eight years?

At this moment, "Eldest sister?"

The anxious-looking goddess Wang Shaya ran up from downstairs, "You're out, what about him?"

Sophia couldn't defeat the guy inside for the time being, so she took the initiative to reveal it, "What happened?"

Sha Ya remembered why she went upstairs, "Black Flag Star Thief Group, eldest sister, Black Flag is also at the airport!"


They are enemies in the same industry, not to mention that they are in the business of robbing families and homes.

The so-called fat sheep will not increase because there are fewer star thieves, and vice versa.

Those behemoths cannot be offended by the Red Pink Star Bandits, nor can they be offended by the Black Flag Star Bandits.

The strength of the two star thief groups is not much different, and there must be overlap in "business". Over time, they will become mortal enemies.

Sophia said: "Why are the bastards from the Black Flag Regiment at the airport?"

Sha Ya said: "I don't know, eldest sister, Shabak has collided with them. Three-thirds and half of the brigade have already rushed over. The Black Flag Group has a large number of people. Go and have a look. I'm afraid the brothers won't be able to come back later." Coming!"


Captain Sophia has always been resolute, but the Black Flag Regiment is a powerful enemy and cannot allow these two little girls to be put in danger.

"Tell those who haven't passed yet to gather quickly and wait for me."

"Wendy and Winnie, you two are looking after the house!"

Twin sisters: "Sister, us!."

"He won't let you out."

After saying that, Captain Sophia, with flying golden scorpion braids, waved her hand, "Let's go!"


PS: Thank you to the boss of 1314 for your reward and monthly ticket (ˊˋ)

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